The Reconstruction of Georgia - Part 8

Part 8

[34] S. L., 1865-66, p. 234.

[35] Before, the maximum penalty for rape, arson, and burglary in the night had been imprisonment for 20 years, and for horse stealing imprisonment for 5 years.

[36] S. L., 1865-66, p. 232; 1866, p. 151.

[37] _Ibid._, 1866, p. 150.

[38] _Ibid._, 1865-66, p. 233.

[39] S. L., 1866, p. 153.

[40] _Ibid._, 1865-66, p. 239.

[41] _Ibid._

[42] _Ibid._, p. 240.

[43] _Ibid._, 241.

[44] S. L., 1866, p. 59.

[45] J. C., 1865, p. 16.

[46] _Ibid._, p. 17.

[47] _Ibid._, 137.

[48] S. L., 1866, p. 216. For the governor's message and the report of the committee to which the amendment was referred, see A. A. C., 1865, p. 352.

For a further expression of public opinion, see Atlanta _New Era_, October 19, 1866.

[49] S. L., 1865-66, p. 315.

[50] S. L., 1865-66, p. 14, and S. L., 1866, p. 143.

[51] S. L., 1866, p. 219.

[52] Report of Carl Schurz above cited.

[53] C. G., 39th Congress, 1st session. Appendix, p. 1.

[54] One of the Senators elect from Georgia had been Vice-President of the defunct Confederacy.

[55] C. G., 39th Congress, 1st session, p. 2.

[56] R. C., 39th Congress, 1st session, vol. ii, p. iii.

[57] C. G., 39th Congress, 1st session, appendix, p. 82.

[58] C. G., 39th Congress, 1st session, p. 915.

[59] U. S. L., vol. 14, p. 27.

[60] Trumbull's speech, C. G., 39th Congress, 1st session, p. 474.

[61] R. C., 39th Congress, 1st session, vol. ii.

[62] Senate resolution (by Andrew Johnson), C. G., 37th Congress, 1st session, pp. 243, 265; House resolution (by Crittenden), _ibid._, pp. 209, 222.

[63] U. S. L., vol. 14, P. 358.

[64] _Ibid._, p. 173.

[65] U. S. Senate Journal, 39th Congress, 2d session, p. 21.

[66] C. G., 39th Congress, 2d session, p. 814.

[67] _Ibid._

[68] C. G., 39th Congress, 2d session, p. 251.

[69] U. S. L., vol. 14, p. 428.

[70] C. G., 39th Congress, 2d session, p. 1076.

[71] U. S. L., vol. 15, p. 2.

[72] _Ibid._, p. 14.

[73] Mississippi _versus_ Johnson, 4 Wallace, 475; Georgia _versus_ Stanton, 6 Wallace, 51; _Ex parte_ McCardle, 6 Wallace, 324, and 7 Wallace, 512.

[74] 7 Wallace, 700.

[75] The _Federalist_, no. 43.

[76] Story on the Const.i.tution, chap. 41 (4th edition).

[77] Cooley on the Const.i.tution, p. 23 (4th edition).

[78] Prize Cases, 2 Black, 687.

[79] _Ex parte_ Garland, 4 Wallace, 333.

[80] Archives of the Department of State, Washington.

[81] C. G., 39th Congress, 2d session, p. 615. For other expressions of the same doctrine, see Cullom's speech, _ibid._, p. 814; Sumner's resolutions, C. G., 39th Congress, 1st session, p. 2; Sumner's resolutions, C. G., 40th Congress, 2d session, p. 453.

[82] G. O. H., 1867, no. 18 and 104; 1868, no. 55; G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 1; 1868, no. 3 and 108.

[83] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 5.