The Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee - The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 3

The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 3

17th, Mr. Sowthwell and Mr. Gawyne Smyth cam to me to Bream. Oct.

23rd, Mr. Sowthwell and Mr. Smyth went from Bream. Oct. 29th, Wenefrida Goose inter 9 et 10 a meridie. Oct 31st, letters sent to Stade for Gerwein Greven for her Majestie, Mr. Yong, and Mr. Dyer.

Nov. 1st, newes of Mr. Dyer sent ambassador to Denmarke. Nov. 3rd, stilo veteri, I resolved to go into England, hoping to mete Mr.

Edward Kelly at Stade, going also into England; and that I suspected uppon Mr. Secretary Walsingham his letters. Nov. 13th, Edmond Hilton and his brother from England, and John a Glotz. Nov. 17th, die lunae, I met Mr. Dyer comming to Stade, even in the myddle of the town.

Nov. 18th, Edmond to Stade ward. Nov. 19th, toke ship by the Vineyard. Dec. 2nd, we cam into the Tems to Gravesende. Dec. 3rd, from the ship to Stratford to Mr. Yong's howse. Dec. 19th, at Richemond with the Queene's Majestie.[ee] Dec. 20th, agreed for my howse with Nicolas Fromonds to occupy as a tenant with better order.

Dec. 25th, I lay this night first at my howse. Dec. 29th, Mr. Adrian Gilbert cam to me to Mortlak, and offred me as much as I could require at his hands, both for my goods carryed away, and for the mynes.

[Footnote ee: Where, according to Aubrey, who received his information from Lilly, he was very favourably received by her Majesty.]

1590. Jan. 15th, a terrible tempest of wind, South by West. Jan.

23rd, Mr. Thomas Kelly cam from Brainford; put me in good hope of Sir Edward Kelly his returning: offered me the loane of ten pownds in gold, and afterward sent it me in Hungary new ducketes by John Croker, the same evening. Jan. 26th, I writt to Mr. Adrian Gilbert two letters. I resolved of the order to be offred for agreement with Nicholas Fromonds for my howse and goodes. The 5th of March (by old accownt) was Madinia Newton, my daughter, christened at Mortlak; godfather, Sir George Cary; godmothers, the Lady Cobham and the Lady Walsingham. March 12th, Mrs. Anne Deny born betweene 8 and 9 afternoone. March 14th, Mr. Dyer cam home from Stade. March 17th, Sir Edward Kelly his letter by Francis Garland. March 21st, Sir George Gary cam to Mortlak. March 27th, Jane apprehended hora quinta a meridie.[ff] My children at this Lady Day in Lent, began to go to schole at Mortlak with the scholemaster Mr. Lee: I gave him his howse-rent and forty shillings yerely for my three sons and my doughter. The howse-rent was allmost 4_s._ yerely of Mr. Fisher his new howse. April 7th, John Spenser cam to me, from Venys new returned, and told me of the Venetian philosopher and the goodnes of his gold. April 16th, good Sir Francis Walsingham died at night hora undecima. April 19th, I delivered my letters to Mr. Thomas Kelley for his brother Sir Edward Kelley, knight, at the Emperor's court at Prage. Francys Garland was by, and Mr. Thomas Kelley his wife. God send them well thither and hither agayn! Mr. Emery had disbursed to me frankly betwene the tyme from Shrovetyde tyll this May 25. May 5th, Mr. Thomas Jack restored unto me part of my magnes stone. May 8th, I received 20 mark from Sir Richard Lagney, of Longlernay. May 16th, I gave Mr. Lee the scholemaster 5_s._ in part of wages. May 18th, the two gentlemen, the unckle Mr. Richard Candish, and his nephew the most famous Mr. Thomas Candish,[gg] who had sayled rownd abowt the world, did viset me at Mortlake. May 20th, after dynner, I with my brother, Mr. Justice Yong, went to the Archebishop of Canterbury to Lambeth, abowt the personagis who used me well. May 21st, I showed my indignation against Bacchus feast at Braynferd intended; gave the Bishop of London warning, who toke it in very good part. Katharyne, my dowghter, was put to Mistres Brayce at Braynferd, hir mother and Arthur went with her after dynner. May 23rd, I lent to goodman Dalton, the carpenter, xx_s._ for a month.

May 29th, 30th, bona nova de industria Domini Richardi Candishii, cum Regina et Archiepiscopo et Domino Georgio Carey, de propositione Etonensis Collegii obtinendi legem. He sent me a hogshed of claret wyne as a gyft. The Lady Cobham sent my wyfe suger and pepper, &c.

June 2nd, I writ to Syr Edward Kelly by Mr. William Fowler, merchant, dwelling by Ledenhall. June 3rd, I was very sik uppon two or thre sage leaves eten in the morning; better suddenly at night; when I cast them up, I was well. The pump taken out and the well skoured. June 5th, Thomas Hankinson and Antony my man cam from beyond the seas to Mortlak. June 5th, terrible yll newes of Edward Kelly against me. June 24th, 20 of Mr. Candish by Edward Hilton.

June 28th, I payd Mr. Hudson for all his corn, and also for the wood tyll May, receyved synce I cam home.

[Footnote ff: There are a great many brief notices in this diary relative to Jane Dee, most of which are expressed in astrological symbols; and as they are exceedingly difficult to decipher satisfactorily, and are certainly of very little, if any importance, I have thought it expedient to omit them. The entry of "?a?e ?d ?e" is also of frequent occurrence, though what "?e" can refer to I have not been able to discover.]

[Transcriber's Note: See diary entries for June 17th, 1587, and February 28th, 1588.]

[Footnote gg: Dee has preserved several interesting notices of his intimacies with the principal navigators of his time.

A general reference to Hackluyt will be sufficient.]

July 6th, Mr. Stockden was all payd for his wood 40_s._ I gave the scholemaster Mr. Lee 5_s._ in part of wagis: he browght me my hammer from Mr. Jak, so he hath a quarter's wagis 10_s._ July 8th, I receyved Sir Edward Kelly his letters, dated at Prage the 24th of May stylo novo. No mention is made of his brother Mr. Thomas Kelly coming over. July 10th, the executor of the Lady Ducket requered the det. July 11th, I payd nurse Barwik 12_s._ for ii. monthis wagis for Madinia: so she is payd for five monthes.

July 13th, I went to the Archbishop of Canterbury: talked with him boldly of my right to the personages, and to the treatise of Sir Edward Kelley his Alchimy. July 14th, Mr. Gawayn Smyth spake frendely for me to the Quene, and she disclosed her favor toward me.

July 16th, my mynde was somewhat bent to deale with my alchimicall exercises. July 25th, I writ a letter of thanks to the Lord Threasorer by Edmond Hilton. I sent the Lord Chancellor his letters from Brunswyk, of Conrad Nettlebronner his ill behaviour. July 31st, I gave Mr. Richard Candish the copy of Paracelsus twelve lettres, written in French with my own hand; and he promised me, before my wife, never to disclose to any that he hath it; and that yf he dye before me he will restore it agayn to me; but if I dy befor him, that he shall deliver it to one of my sonnes, most fit among them to have it. Theoddor had a sore fall on his mowth at mid-day. Aug. 2nd, Mrs. Stoner's sonne born circa horam tertiam a meridie. Nurs her great affliction of mynde. Aug. 5th, Rowland fell into the Tems over hed and eares abowt noone or somewhat after. Aug. 8th, I gave Nurse Barwick six shillings, so she is payd for the half yere due on Weynsday next. Aug. 9th, I payd to Mr. Lee the scholemaster 5_s._ Aug. 22nd, Ann my nurse had long byn tempted by a wycked spirit: but this day it was evident how she was possessed of him. God is, hath byn, and shall be her protector and deliverer! Amen. Aug. 25th, Anne Frank was sorowfol, well comforted and stayed in God's mercyes acknowledging. Aug. 26th, at night I anoynted (in the name of Jesus) Ann Frank her brest with the holy oyle. Aug. 30th, in the morning she required to be anoynted, and I did very devowtly prepare myself, and pray for vertue and powr and Christ his blessing of the oyle to the expulsion of the wycked; and then twyse anoynted, the wycked one did resest a while. Sept. 1st, I receyved letters from Sir Edward Kelley by Francis Garland. Sept. 8th, Nurse Anne Frank wold have drowned hirself in my well, but by divine Providence I cam to take her up befor she was overcome of the water. Sept. 23rd, Sonday, I gave Nurse Barwyk six shillings for a monthis wages to ende on Wensday comme a fortnight; Mrs. Stackden was by. Sept. 29th, Nurse Anne Frank most miserably did cut her owne throte, afternone abowt four of the clok, pretending to be in prayer before her keeper, and suddenly and very quickly rising from prayer, and going toward her chamber, as the mayden her keper thowght, but indede straight way down the stayrs into the hall of the other howse, behinde the doore, did that horrible act; and the mayden who wayted on her at the stayr-fote followed, her, and missed to fynde her in three or fowr places, tyll at length she hard her rattle in her owne blud.

Oct. 11th, Mr. Cumber cam to me. Oct. 14th, payd Nurse Barwik six shillings for one month ending on the seventh, being Wensday. Oct.

15th, this afternoone and all the night following a great storme of wynde at North-West. One Prychard that had marryed Proctor Lewes his widdow, demaunded 24 of me uppon an obligation of 64: whereof by the very note on the bak of the same 48 is payd, so that 16 only remayne and not 24, as he unduely demanded: which 16 I challenged for the costes of his sonne John, three yeres and longer being with me in Mortlak, and having also his lerning free. Notwithstanding my wife afraid payd a pownd or two to Mr. Lewys of that 16, and yet Prichard will go to law. Nov. 12th, the Archbishop of Canterbury gave me 5 in ryalls and angels circa horam decimam matutina. Nov.

20th, Her Majestie cam to Richemond. Nov. 27th, the Quene's Majestie, being at Richemont, graciously sent for me. I cam to her at three quarters of the clok afternone, and she sayd she wold send me something to kepe Christmas with. Nov. 28th, Mr. Candish on Saterday gave my wife forty shillings, and on Tuesday after sent 10 in ryalls and angels, and before he sent me 20, 32 in all. My cousin Mr. Thomas Junes cam in the ende of the terme about St.

Andrew's even. Dec. 1st, Her Majestie commaunded Mr. John Herbert, Master of Requests, to write to the Commissioners in my behalf. Dec.

2nd, order taken by the Commissioners for my howse and goods. Her Majesty told Mr. Candish that she wold send me an hundred angels to kepe my Christmas withall. Dec. 3rd, goodwife Tyndale payd for Antony his lodging for eleven wekes dew at his going away 5_s._ 6_d._, and before she had for seven wekes. Dec. 4th, the Quene's Majestie called for me at my dore circa 3 a meridie as she passed by, and I met her at Estshene gate, where she graciously, putting down her mask, did say with mery chere, "I thank thee, Dee; there was never promisse made but it was broken or kept." I understode her Majesty to mean of the hundred angels she promised to have sent me this day, as she yester-night told Mr. Richard Candish. Dec. 6th, Mr. Thomas Griffith my cosen from Llanbeder cam to see me, and lay all night with me, and allso Mr. Thomas Jones, and in the Monday morning went by water to London, and so the same day homeward.

A meridie circa 3 recepi a Regina Domina 50. Dec. 8th, at Chelsey disputing with Doctor Mather, bishop of Bristow; in danger of water hora 5 I stayed at Chelsey. Dec. 14th, the Quene's Majestie called for me at my dore as she rod by to take ayre, and I met her at Estshene gate. Dec. 16th, Mr. Candish receyved from the Quene's Majestie warrant by word of mowth to assure me to do what I wold in philosophie and alchimie, and none shold chek, controll, or molest me; and she sayd that she wold ere long send me 50 more to make up the hundred pound. I gave Mr. Candish the Bishop of Scotland his conclusion with marchaunts. Mr. Candish went from Mortlak at four of clok at nyght toward London and so into Suffolk. Dec. 18th, Mr.

Robert Maynard natus circa horam decimam antei meridiem Londini.

1591. Jan. 21st, utterly put owt of hope for recovering the two parsonages[hh] by the Lord Archbishop and the Lord Threasorer. Feb.

13th, Bartilmew cam up. March 2th, borrowed 20 uppon plate and payd this day 19 in Mortlak. March 21st, remember that on Passion Sunday, being the 21st of March by our accownt, all things was payd for to Mr. Thomas Hudson for wood and corne, abowt 14, at his howse when he was syk of the strangury. Allso to godman Bedell was payd 4 for billet, baven, and lose fagot the same day. Payd likewise to gudwife Wesder eight shillings for one monthes nursing of Madinia, and 4_s._ more beforehande. March 26th, Mr. Beale sent me home the first my own hand copy of the volume of Famous and Rich Discoveries[ii] which I had given anno 1583 to Andrew Strange.

[Footnote hh: See the "Compendious Rehearsall," published by Hearne from a Manuscript in the Cottonian collection, now partially destroyed by fire, for a more extended account of this.]

[Footnote ii: Now in the Cottonian collection. Ashmole has preserved a copy of it in MS. Ashm. 1790.]

May 12th, I payd goodwife Welder xij_s._ for vij. wekes ending then next from the Wensday before Ester-day last. May 25th, of the old Kalander, Sir Thomas Jones Knight (unaxed) offred me his castell of Emlyn in Wales to dwell in so long as he had any interest in it, whose lease dureth yet twelve yeres, freely, with commodityes adjoining unto it; and allso to have as much mow land for rent, as myght pleasure me sufficiently. The 27th day he confirmed the same his offer agayn before Mr. John Harbert, Master of the Requestes, in his hall in Mortlak; which his offers I did accept of, and he was glad thereof. May 31st, Bartilmew [Hickman] cam up and browght Jane his dowghter with him. Mr. R. Ed. his boke and letter. June 8th, William Aspland of Essex and Th. Collen. June 12th, lent Chronica Hollandiae Magna to Mr. Beale on Saterday manuscript, which Mr. Webb lent me. June 14th, Jane Hikman to goodwife Tyndall's to lern. June 27th, Arthur wownded on his hed by his own wanton throwing of a brik-bat upright, and not well avoyding the fall of it agayn, at Mr.

Harberts abowt sonn-setting. The half-brik weighed 2 lb. June 30, Madinia was taken home from goodwife Welder.

July 28th, Mr. Dyer sent me xx. angels by Mr. Thomas Webbes. July 30th, reconciliation betweene Mr. Dyer and me solemnized the afternone on Friday, and on Saterday (the 31st) all day tyll my going by boat at Mr. Webb's lodging at Rochester Howse. July 31st, by old Kalender, abowt an eleven of the clok Jane was at London very faynt syke, redy to swownd, and in a faynt swete. It was thowght that then she quickened. The last of Julie, Saterday by the old accownt, Barthelmew cam up; he went down on Tuesday, the 3rd day of August, from Mortlak. Aug. 2nd, Monday, Mr. William Diggs his philosophicall curtesy all day. Sept. 22nd, Madinia fell from the bed and hurt her forhed abowt one of the clok afternone. Oct. 15th, after midnight very wyndy northerly. Oct. 23rd, a storm of wynde S.W. afternone. Dec. 3rd, wyndie S.W. Dec. 14th, I had a very jentle answer at the Lord Thresorer's hand hora decima ante meridiem at the court of Whitehall. Dec. 20th, a jentle answer of the Lord Threasorer that the Quene wold have me have something at this promotion of bishops at hand.

1592. Jan. 1st, my dowghter Francys borne on New Yeres day at the sun-rising exactly. Jan. 2nd, Barthilmew and his brother Ambrose cam this Sonday to Mortlak. Jan. 9th, Francys christened afternone.

Francys went with her nurse to Barne Elms. Mr. Edward Maynard borne in the morning betwene 2 and 3 after mydnight. Arthur fell into a quotidian jentle ague at 9 of the clok in the morning as he was at the servyce in the hall. Jan. 24th, Mr. Thomas Oliver becam acquaynted with me at Mortlak. March 6th, the Quene granted my sute to Dr. Awbrey. March 9th, the pryvy seale at night. March 16th, the great seale. March 18th, Arthur and Katharine were let blud at London by Doctor Dodding's cownsayle. March 24th, 25 Mr. Tho.

Mownson. March 25th, I payd 10 to Nicholas Fromonds paulo ante solis occasum, when he most abhominably revyled me. March 30th, on Thursday Mr. Saunders of Ewell sent home my great sea cumpas, but without a nedle; it cam in the night by water.

April 5th, the Lady Russell robbed a little after mydnight of perles, diamands, &c. One John Smyth is suspected, a yong man of thirty yeres old, very ingenious in many handyworkes, melancholek.

April 8th, Richard cam to my servyce, 40_s._ yerely and a livery.

April 9th, 10th, agreed with my brother Nicholas Fromonds with Mr.

Webbs, at 8 of the clok on Wensday night, and 8 on Tuesday night.

April 14th, Winifrede Goose, wife of goodman Goose of Tuddington, dowghter of Harry Wyse, eviley tempted, cam to me with her sister.

April 16th, de ?esa??? a ??. April 27th, filius Mariae Nevell hora 3 a meridie et aliquantus tardus by Chichester. May 3rd, Wensday, at 10 of the clok Arthur was put to Westmynster Schole under Mr.

Grant and Mr. Camden. May 11th, I borowed ten pound of Master Thomas Smith to be paid at Christmas next. May 12th, great wynde at north.

May 15th, Marian cam again a meridie hora septima. May 16th, I rode to Harfelde to the Lord Anderson, Lord Justice of the Common Pleas, 12 myles off. May 25th, hora sexta a meridie mowght have byn a quarell betwene Mr. Web and Mr. Morgan with one eye for 4. left unpayd uppon a bill. June 16th, Sir John Perrot judged to be drawn, hanged, and quartered.

July 23rd, at Grenwich abowt mydnight following this day began the first evydent shew of my grief of kidneys; whereuppon Doctor Giffard caused me to have a glyster, and so the next day I was easid of my grief. July 29th, Robert Theneth of Rushmer by Ypswych made acquaintance with me: he told me of Mr. Carter a man of 80 yeres old in Yorkshyre. Aug. 6th, I went to Nonsuch to the court, wyder the Countess of Warwik sent me word by Mr. Ferdinando of the Quene's gratious speches at St. Crosses, and the Lord Archbishop told me the like. Aug. 8th, after the midnight of Monday, being the 7th day, the second fytt of the stone in my kydnes did molest me for 6 or 7 howres. Aug. 9th, the Lord Threasorer invited me to dynner at Mr.

Maynards at Mortlak, where Sir Robert Cecill and Sir Thomas Cisell and his lady wer allso. The Lord Threasorer allso sent me some venison to supper. He invited me to dynner allso the tenth day, where the Lord Cobham cam also to dynner, and after dynner he requested the Lord Threasorer to help me to St. Crosses, which he promised to do his best in. Aug. 11th, Mr. Kemp of Micheam, my old acquayntance, abowt an eleven of clok (allmost) before none, told me of the rare appearing. Aug. 17th, I went to Micheam to Mr. Kemp.

Aug. 21st, I went to the Lord Cobham and the Lady Cobham to London.

Aug. 23rd, Mr. Cholmely and his mayde ante meridiem hor. 11. The humor so suddenly falling into the calf of my left leg as if a stone had hit me. Aug. 26th, Mr. Heriot 40_s._[kk] Auditor Hill, 4.

Remember all thing is payd to our nurse at Barnes for the girle Francys Dee from hir birth untyll the ende of her eight month, lacking 12_s._, and on Sunday, the 27th of this August, we so concluded, when we gave the nurse ten shillings. The eight month ended (from Newyere's day morning last) the 12th of this month.

Sept. 4th, 5th, 6th, very tempestuous, windy at West, Sowtherly.

Sept. 5th, the Tems very shallow at London. Sept. 6th, goodman Warryn of Marketharborogh. Robert Web cam from Mr. Ponsoys to write, and is to com agayn within thre wekes. Sept. 7th, Robert Charles of Northamptonchyre and goodman Warren of Marketharborow in my howse at Mortlak promised me to help Barthilmew Hikman with 12 to pay on Michelmas Day next to discharge the bond for his brother-in-law.

This they promised uppon condition I wold be bownd to them to see them repayd agayn. I sent a letter to Sir Robert Thaneth to Rushmer by Ypswych by the wagonman who is at ynn at the George in Lombard Streete. He sayd that Robert Thaneth was at home and well. Sept.

19th, I had on the Sunday abowt 7 of the clok afternone the cramp most extremely in the very centre of the calves of both my legs, and in the place where I had the suddeyn grief on Bartilmew-even last I had payn so intollerable as yf the vaynes or artheries wold have broken by extreme stretching, or how els I cannot tell. The payn lasted abowt half a quarter of an howr. I toke my purgation of six grayns. I began in the morning to drink the drink for the stone in the kydney. Sept. 28th, Mr. Laiesley promised me ten shepe and four quarters of wheat. Sept. 30th, Elizabeth Denby went from me to Mistres Herberts' to servyce.

[Footnote kk: This entry is not very clear. It either refers perhaps to Harriot, the celebrated mathematician, or to the London goldsmith whom the Abbotsford novelist has immortalized.]

Oct. 13th, I exhibited to the Archbishop of Canterbury two bokes of blasphemie against Christ and the Holy Ghoste, desyring him to cause them to be confuted: one was Christian Franken, printed anno 1585 in Poland; the other was of one Sombius against one Carolius, printed at Ingolstad anno 1582 in octavo. Oct. 14th, 15th, a mighty wynde at sowth-west. Oct. 30th, 31st, one of these two dayes I hurt my left shyn against the sharp small end of a wooden rammar abowt four of the clok afternone. Nov. 1st, Mr. Ashly, his wife, and their familie, did com to my howse and remayned ther. They had my mother's chamber, the mayde's chamber, and all the other howse. Nov. 9th, Her Majestie's grant of my supplication for commissioners to comme to me. The Lady Warwik obteyned it. Nov. 22nd, the commissioners from Her Majestie, Mr. Secretary Wolly and Sir Thomas George, cam to Mortlak to my howse. Nov. 28th, to Richard Walkdyne of his wagis 20_s._ Dec. 1st, a little after none the very vertuous Cowntess of Warwik sent me word very speedily by hir gentleman Mr. Jones from the cowrt at Hampton Cowrt that this day Her Majestie had granted to send me spedily an hundred marks, and that Sir Thomas George had very honorably dealt for me in the cause. Dec. 2nd, Sir Thomas George browght me a hundred marks from her Majestie. Dec. 24th to 31st, at Mr. Lurensey of Tooting all these days, and Newyere's Day allso, and so cam home by coach (as we went) by Tuesday none, I, my wyfe, Arthur, Kate, &c. Dec. 31st, at Tooting at Mr. R. Luresey his howse; abowt thre of the clok after dynner dyd the Bishop of Laigham serve process uppon me for the nangle, but most unduely.

1593. January, the Lord Threasorer lay dangerously syk in the begynning of this month. Jan. 2nd, I cam home from Tooting. Jan.

7th, I receyved letters from the Lord Lasky from his capitaynate in Livonia, and I wrote answer agayn. Jan. 10th, this day death seased on him. This day at none dyed Edward Maynard just on yere old. Jan.

11th, buried this day at ten of the clok. Jan. 15th, Mr. Ashley, the clerk of the cownsayle, his wife and whole family removed from my howse in Mortlak to theyr howse in London in Holborn, with all his whole family. He and she had used me, my wife and childern, wurshipfully and bowntifully for our frendeship shewed unto them for the lone of our howse and lodgings from Allhallow-tyde last. Master Maynard allso his howsehold removed the 15th and 16th day to London, and my stable free delivered. Jan. 20th, I sent my letters for the Lord Lasky to be carryed in a shyp of Dansk called the John of Dansk. Jan. 21st, Sonday, about none Wenefryde Goose her sone born and died, and she did [there]uppon for old melancholik pangs destroy herself. Memorandum, my nurse at Barnes had xvj_s._ more besides the last 40_s._ in the begynning of this month. Feb. 14th, Francys Dee, she cam from the nurse at Barnes; the woman very unquiet and unthankfull. Feb. 15th, Her Majestie gratiously accepted of my few lynes of thankfulnes delivered unto her by the Cowntess of Warwik hora secunda a meridie at Hampton Court, two or three dayes before the remove to Somerset Howse. Feb. 21st, I borrowed 10 of Mr.

Thomas Digges[ll] for one hole yere. Feb. 22nd, a sharp anger betwene me and the Bishop of Leightyn in the towr, for that he wold not shew his farder interest to Nangle: he sayd that after I had seen his brode seal of commendation, that I had institution and induction to the Nangle. Then I sayd his lordship did fable. He there uppon that so moved that he called me spitefully "coniver."

I told him that he did lye in so saying, and that I wold try on the fleysh of him, or by a bastaned gown of him, if he wer not prisoner in the Towr. Inter 12 et 2 a meridie my sharp anger with the Bishop of Leightyn in the lieftenante's dyning parlor before the Lieutenant Sir Michael Blunt. Mr. Liewtenat Nant and Mr. Blunt are wittnesses. March 12th and 13th, these two nights I dremed much of Mr. Kelly, as if he wer in my howse familiar with his wife and brother. March 17th, Francis Garland cam home and browght me a letter from Mr. Thomas Kelly. I made acquayntance with Syr Thomas Chaloner, Knight, who married sergeant Fletewood's dowghter; Mr.

Thomas Webbes was the meanes. At six after none receyved from Mr.

Francis Nicholls 15, part of one hundred pounds, the rest whereof 85 is to be receyved from Mr. Nicolls within a fortnight after the Annunciation of Our Lady next; and after that in the beginning of June 100, and in Julie the third hundred powndes: and I am to teach him the conclusion of fixing and teyning the moon, &c.

[Footnote ll: This notice is particularly interesting, showing the intimate connexion which existed between the first English mathematician of the day and the philosopher of Mortlake.]

April 3rd, Bartilmew Hikman and Robert Charles cam up. Letice cam with Barthilmew, and went away agayn. April 8th, Letice cam agayn from Barnet to my servyse. I receyved 50 of Mr. Nichols. April 9th, I gave Barthilmew Hikman 12 in new angels to give and pay to Robert Charles, which he had payd for him at Michelmas last. I gave him allso a double pistolet for his courtesy. Little Adolph Webbes cam to me. April 10th, Barthilmew and Robert Charles went homward. May 7th, Thomas Richardson of Bissham cam to Mortlak to me. May 9th, he and Mr. Laward of the Chandry cam. Our court day at Wymbledon. May 11th, mane hora octava William Emery of Danbery in Essex became my retayner at Mortlak, commended by Mr. Thanet of Rushmer by Ypswich, borne 1568, Julii 4. I gave Robert Web 10_s._ Richard 10_s._ and Elizabeth 3_s._ in the begynning of this month. May 21st, be it remembered that on this xxj. day of May I bargayned with and bowght of Mr. Mark Perpoint, of Mortlak, that next mansion howse with the plat, and all the appertenances abowt it for 32, as the sayd Mr.

Perpoint of late had at the last court-day bowght it, and had surrender of it unto him made of Thomas Knaresborowgh for 25 to mydsommer next. Abowt two of the clok after none, before Jane my wife in the strete, I gave him a saffron noble in ernest for a drink peny. Mr. Hawkins, of London, at that instant cam to have bowght it.

May 27th, Mr. Francys Blunt, brother to the late Lord Mountjoy, unkle to the Lord Mowntjoy living, and to Sir Charles of the court, cam to be acquaynted to me, he having byn a travayle at Constantinople. June 4th, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak in the morning. June 22nd, I had my copy of Mr. Roger Dale our stuard, and had 5 the fine released of the Lord his bowntifullnes. I told the stuard that I had bowght the howse of Mr. Mark Perpoynt, and he desyred to see the note of his copy, and so I did. I told Mr.

Perpoint that I had byn at London to prepare his mony, and I told him that I had seen the court-roll for his copy. I went to London to fetch the 32 for Mr. Perpoint, and so I sent him word. This evening I browght the mony, but he was gon to bed. This morning I tendered the mony, and told it at goodman Welder's before Mr. Stokden, and goodman Welder, but Mr. Perpoint refused to perform the bargayn.

Deus bene vertat!

July 13th, I gave to Robert 5_s._ upon his wagis this day. July 14th, I gave 4_s._ to Letise, part of her noble for her quarter wagis, ending the 9th day of this month. July 18th, I bowght goodman Welder his hovel, which is in the yard of the howse next me, which I bowght of Mr. Mark Perpoint. I gave him a new angel and five new shillings, and he is to have more 5_s._, that is 20_s._ in all; and if I cannot compact to enter the howse, then hee is to tak his hovel, and to restore it to me. July 21st, I give to Richard 5_s._ uppon his wagis this day. July 22nd, I payd Mr. Childe 7. 13_s._ 4_d._ for all his wood, xx. lode and vj. July 24th, the offer for the bargayn agayn of Mr. Perpoynt's behalf: this is Mr. Stokden's doing. July 27th, remember that this Friday I payd Mr. Tomson 4 for his master Mr. Herbert, which I borrowed 12th of December 1592: and Mr. Herbert sent it agayn to my furder use by Mistres Lee. Aug. 7th, Mystres Twyne and Mystres Banister cam to viset me. Mr. Bele and Mrs. Bele, Mistres Plan, Mrs. Parpoint, &c. dyned with me. I gave Robert Web 5_s._; he sent it to Mr. Homes. Aug. 9th, I dyned with the Lord Keper at Kew. Aug. 17th, I and my wife and Katharin our dowghter dyned with the Lord Keper at Kew. Aug. 28th, I was all day with the Lord Keper. Mr. Web and the philosopher cam. Aug. 29th, Mr.

Web and the philosopher cam again. Aug. 30th, Mistres Redhed, mother to Mr. John Ponsoys by her first husbond, Mr. Gubbens, bokebynder, and his wife, and the same day Mr. Redhed himself, one of her Majestie's jentlemen hushers, cam to me. Sept. 11th, Jana, post triduunam aegrotationem abortiebatur, mane hora decima. Sept. 13th, the howse surrendered for me by Mr. Mark Perpoint, Mr. William Walker of Wimbledon, Miles Holland, Mr. John Stockden, the thre customarie tenants, with promys to bring in his wife at the next court day to surrender. Sept. 18th, Elizabeth Kyrton had 2_s._ 6_d._ Sept. 20th, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak, and Robert Charles.

I gave Robert Web 5_s._ by Arthur. Sept. 26th, Mr. Herbert went toward the court, and so toward Waty. Sept. 28th, tempestuous, windy, clowdy, hayl and rayn, after three of the clok after none. Remember that the last day of this month Elizabeth Kyrton, who had served me twelve yeres, five yeres uppon prentiship and seven for wagis, five yeres therof for four nobles a yere, and the two last for five nobles the yere, was payd her full payment now remayning due: whereuppon she receyved 4. 4_s._ for her due of wagis remayning; and I gave her moreover an half angel new in gold, and my wife another; Arthur half-a-crown for him and his brother; Katharyn half-a-crown for her and her sister. And so she wente from my servyce uppon no due cause known to me.

Oct. 4th, Sir Edward Keley set at liberty by the Emperor. Oct. 12th, Mr. Cornelio Camaiere cam from the Lord Lasky from Livonia. Oct.

15th, Margerie Thornton cam to my servyce. Oct. 18th, before Mr.

Perpoint, Miles Holland, Robert Wellder, William Beck surrendred my cottage agayn unto me, and I payd him 5, the full 12 as it cost him. To Letice two shillings. Oct. 20th, Mr. Cornelio went toward the flete of Stade to returne. Oct. 24th, Ostende besieged by report. Not true. Oct. 25th, Mr. Gray, the Lady Cumberland's preacher, his wrangling and denying and despising alchimicall philosophers. Nov. 5th. Mr. Francys Nicolls, Mr. Prise, Mr. Nores.

Nov. 18th, Jane most desperately angry in respect of her maydes.

Nov. 20th, Margery went and Dorothe Legg cam for 30_s._ yerely.

Margery Thornton was dismissed from my servyce to Mrs. Child, and Dorothe Leg cam by Mrs Mary Revel's sending the same day and howr, hora tertia after none. Nov. 26th, John, sometymes Mr. Colman's servant, cam to me from the Lady Cowntess of Cumberland. Dec. 3rd, the Lord Willowghby his bowntifull promys to me. The Cowntess of Kent, his syster, and the Cowntess of Cumberland visited me in the afternone. The Lord Willowghby dyned with me. Dec. 4th, 20 Lord Willughby. Dec. 5th, the newes of Sir Edward Kelly his libertie.