The Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee - The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 2

The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee Part 2

Feb. 2nd, Rolandus Dee baptizatus. Feb. 3rd, Mr. Savile, Mr. Powil the yonger, travaylors, Mr. Ottomeen his sonne, cam to be acquaynted with me. Feb. 4th, Mr. Edmunds of the Privie Chamber, Mr. Lee who had byn in Moschovia, cam to be acquaynted with me. Feb. 11th, the Quene lying at Richemond went to Mr. Secretary Walsingham to dynner; she coming by my dore gratiously called me to her, and so I went by her horse side as far as where Mr. Hudson dwelt. ?? a?est? a?ed e ??s???e?? ?f ???s?e???? state: d??? ???a?at?? e??t. Roland went with his nurse to her howse to Estshene. Feb. 18th, the Lady Walsingham cam suddenly into my howse very freely, and shortly after that she was gone cam Syr Francys himself and Mr. Dyer. Feb. 24th, Jane churched. Feb. 26th, I delivered my boke to the Lord Threasorer for the correction of the Calender.[x]

[Footnote x: This work, although never entirely printed, created much sensation at the time, and was the cause of considerable controversy among the politicians as well as literati. The Memorial on this subject which Dee presented to the Privy Council has been printed by Hearne and others, but it is not generally known that the original manuscript of the actual treatise on the correction of the Calendar is still preserved in Ashmole's library, No. 1789, and is the very book which Dee alludes to above. It is inscribed "to the Right Honorable and my singular good Lorde, the Lorde Burghley, Lorde Threasorer of Englande," with the following verses:--

"?? ?t? and t? d??t?, I shew the thing and reason why; At large, in breif, in middle wise, I humbly give a playne advise; For want of tyme, the tyme untrew Yf I have myst, commaund anew Your honor may. So shall you see That love of truth doth govern me."

The work itself is entitled, "A playne Discourse and humble Advise for our Gratious Queene Elizabeth, her most Excellent Majestie to peruse and consider, as concerning the needful Reformation of the Vulgar Kalender for the civile yeres and daies accompting, or verifyeng, according to the tyme truely spent."]

March 6th, I, and Mr. Adrian Gilbert and John Davis, did mete with Mr. Alderman Barnes, Mr. Townson and Mr. Yong and Mr. Hudson, abowt the N.W. voyage. March 17th, Mr. John Davys went to Chelsey with Mr.

Adrian Gilbert to Mr. Radforths, and so the 18th day from thence toward Devonshyre. March 18th, Mr. North from Poland, after he had byn with the Quene he cam to me. I receyved salutation from Alaski, Palatine in Poland; salutation by Mr. North who cam before to the Quene, and next to me was his message, hor. 12. Nurse Lydgatt at Estshene was payd for 5 pound candell, 6 pound sope, and the wagis due from Rowland his birth. April 18th, the Quene went from Richemond toward Grenwich, and at her going on horsbak, being new up, she called for me by Mr. Rawly his putting her in mynde, and she sayd "quod defertur non aufertur," and gave me her right hand to kisse. April 24th, nurse was payd for Rowland all her wagis tyll Monday the 22 of this month, 16 pence a weke: she had all her candell and sope before.

May 1st, Albertus Laski, Polonus, Palatinus Scradensis, venit Londinum.[y] May 4th, Mr. Adrian Gilbert and Mr. Pepler went by water to Braynford, and so to ride into Devonshire. May 7th, E. K.

went toward London, and so to go homeward for 10 or 12 dayes. Dies Quadragesimus a die Veneris ante Pascham. May 13th, I becam acquaynted with Albertus Laski at 7 at night, in the Erle of Lecester his chamber in the court at Greenwich. This day was my lease of Devonshyre mynes sealed at Sir Leonell Ducket's hows. May 18th, the Prince Albertus Laski cam to me at Mortlake, with onely two men. He cam at afternone and tarryed supper, and after sone set.

Nurse Rowland was payd all tyll the 20th of this month. June 15th, abowt 5 of the clok cam the Polonian Prince Lord Albert Lasky down from Bissham, where he had lodged the night before, being returned from Oxford whither he had gon of purpose to see the universityes, wher he was very honorably used and enterteyned. He had in his company Lord Russell, Sir Philip Sydney, and other gentlemen: he was rowed by the Quene's men, he had the barge covered with the Quene's cloth, the Quene's trumpeters, &c. He cam of purpose to do me honor, for which God be praysed! June 19th, the Lord Albert Laski cam to me and lay at my hows all nyght. Nurse Rowland payd her wagis ending the 17th day of this month.

[Footnote y: "The year of our Lorde God 1583, the laste daye of Aprill, the Duke or Prince of Vascos in Polonia, came to London and was lodged at Winchester Howse." --MS. Douce, 363, fol. 125.

This account differs from Dee's by a single day.]

July 1st, Master Mills his answer of no hopes in my sute at Grenewich. July 7th, George was dismissed my servys and payd all reconings in the presens of goodman Hilton and Mistres Kelly in my study. July 10th, Thomas Hoke of Cranford cam to my service, but he went away agayn the 23 day of this month. July 30th, the Quene removed on Tuesday from Greenwich to Sion by water; coming by my dore.......... July 31st, the Quene's gift of 40 angells[z] sent by the Erle of Lecester his secretarie Mr. Lloyd, throwgh the Erle his speche to the Quene. Mr. Rawlegh his letter unto me of hir Majesties good disposition unto me. Aug. 1st, John Halton minister dwelling in London with .......... bowed in and looked, and the .........

a Wurcetershire man, a wicked spy cam to my howse, whom I used as an honest man, and found nothing wrong as I thought. I was sent to E. K. Aug. 7th, Mr. William Burrow passed by me. Aug. 14th, payd nurse Lydgatt for Rowland for two monthes ending the 12th day. Aug.

18th, a great tempest of wynde at mydnyght. Maxima era E. K. cum uxore ejus. Sept. 21st, we went from Mortlake, and so the Lord Albert Lasky, I, Mr. E. Kelly, our wives, my children and familie, we went toward our two ships attending for us, seven or eight myle below Gravessende.

[Footnote z: "Her Majestie being informed by the Right Honourable Earle of Leicester, that whereas the same day in the morning he had told me that his Honour and Lord Laskey would dine with me within two dayes after, I confessed sincerely unto him that I was not able to prepare them a convenient dinner, unless I should presently sell some of my plate or some of my pewter for it. Whereupon her Majestie sent unto me very royally within one hour after forty angels of gold from Sion, whether her Majestie was now come by water from Greenwich." --Dr. Dee's Compendious Memoriall, p. 511.]

1586. July 10th, Mr. William Maynard natus hora 12 noctis, vel paulo post, Londini. Sept. 14th, Trebonam venimus. Oct. 18th, E. K.

recessit a Trebona versus Pragam curru delatus; mansit hic per tres hebdomadas. Nov. 8th, illustrissimus princeps versus Pragam; iter institit hora tertia a meridie. Nov. 14th, rescripsi ad Victorem Reinholdum. Nov. 19th, to the glas hows. Nov. 21st, Michael was begone to be weaned. Nov. 22nd, recepi literas Jacobi Memschiti.

Dec. 8th, Monday abowt none Mr. Edward Garland cam to Trebona to mee from the Emperor of Moschovia, according to the articles before sent unto me by Thomas Hankinson. Dec. 11th, St. Poloniensis obiit: natus anno 1530 die 13 Januarii, hora quarta mane min. 26, in Transylvania. Obiit, hora secunda post mediam noctem, ut intellexi ex literis D{ni} Lasky, receptis die 29 per Alexandrum. Dec. 19th, 19die (novi kalendarii) ad gratificandum Domino Edouardo Garlando, et Francisco suo fratri, qui Edouardus nuncius mihi missus erat ab Imperatore Moschoviae ut ad illum venirem, E. K. fecit proleolem lapidis in proportione unius ...... gravi arenae super quod vulgaris oz. et et producta est optimi auri oz. fere: quod aurum post distribuimus a crucibolo una dedimus Edouardo. Dec. 30th, E. K.

versus Pragam.

1587. Jan. 8th, cam Nicolas du Haut, Frenchman of Lorrayn, who had byn lackay to my frende Otho Henrick Duke of Brunswik and Lienburgh, to seke a servyse, being dismissed by passport from his Lord after his long sikenes. Jan. 14th, Doctor Reinholdt of Salfeldt cam to Trebona with Abraham. His sute of the salt. Doctor Reinholdt revisit versus Pragam 20 die. Jan. 18th, rediit E. K. a Praga. E. K. browght with him from the Lord Rosenberg to my wyfe a chayne and juell estemed at 300 duckettes; 200 the juell stones, and 100 the gold.

Jan. 21st, E. K. again to Prage and so to Poland ward. Feb. 5th, I tok a jornay of myself from Trebon to Newhowse, two myles of, to mete my Lord to comen with him. I toke two horsemen of the cyty with me. Feb. 9th, Illustriss.[aa] venit a Vienna ad Trebonam. Feb. 12th, ivit Illustriss. versus Crocoviam. Feb. 19th, E. K.[bb] cam from Poland abowt none to Trebone: I sent word to my Lord straight. Feb.

21st, my Lord sending no word yet, I sent another message. March 3rd, a Cremona ad Trebonam. March 7th, E. K. dedit nobis 300 ducata.

Recepimus a Domino Illustrissimo 3300. March 9th, iter regium.

March 14th, venimus Reichstein. March 17th, reditus a Reichstein.

March 21st, E. K. gave me 170 more, and of the 200 for changing 60 remayne. Contumelie et contemptus a Cholek et a Schonberg. March 23rd, venimus Trebonam. March 26th, the Lord Biberstein, comming from Cranbaw from the Lord Rosenberg, passing by Trebona, sent for me to his ynn to make acquayntance with me. E. K. equitavit Crotoviam. April 4th, actio tertia incepit. April 18th, actionis tertiae finis. May 1st, vidi (doctore meo premonstrante) Michaelium Nuncium non Mersaelem. Laus sit Deo et doctori meo E. K.! June 14th, nuptiae Domini Thomae Kelei. June 17th, afte? ??? f?? ??e ?a?e ?d ?e ??t. June 22nd, Mr. Francis Garland went toward England from Trebona.

[Footnote aa: He frequently speaks of Prince Albert Leski under the title of Illustrissimus.]

[Footnote bb: It is almost unnecessary to observe that these initials refer to Edward Kelly.]

July 5th, Sonday, I set the two erthes with theyr water agayn uppon them. July 9th, Mr. Francis Pucci cam and browght Chrisan Franken with him, who, he sayd, had now recanted his wycked boke against Christ, wherof I was glad. Illustrissimus cum Domina venerat Trebona. July 11th, colloquium inter Illustrissimum Dominum, Dominum E. K. et me, a meridie, inter nos tres. July 13th, Francys Pacci recessit. July 19th, a certayn kinde of recommendation between our wives. Next day saw relenting of E. K. also by my Lord's entrety.

July 20th, Illustrissimus abiit cum principissa sua versus Cremoniam. Aug. 13th, amice cum Domino Edouardo Keleo de tribus illis votis. Aug. 17th, E. K. cum fratre et Ludovico.............

Aug. 18th, we understode how E. K. went to Badwise to bed, and went but this day at none from thence. Aug. 20th, John Basset cam to Trebona. Aug. 23rd, Mr. E. K. cam from Lyntz fayre. Sept. 1st, Tuesday morning, covenanted with John Basset to teach the children the Latyn tong, and I do give him seven duckats by the quarter, and the term to begyne this day; and so I gave him presently seven duckatts Hungary, in gold, before my wife. God spede his work! Sept.

3rd, 4th, continua quasi pluvia per biduum istud. Sept. 4th, Basset his hurlyburly with Mr. T. Kelly. Sept. 16th, the Lord Biberstein cam to Trebon, and Cracht with him. Sept. 22nd, my Lord cum from Crummow to Trebon with my Lady. Sept. 26th, my Lord went toward Prage. Sept. 28th, I delivered to Mr. Ed. Kelley (ernestly requiring it as his part) the half of all the animall which was made. It is to weigh 20 ownces; he wayed it himself in my chamber: he bowght his waights purposely for it. My Lord had spoken to me before for some, but Mr. Kelly had not spoken. Sept. 30th, T. K. and J. C.[cc] went toward Prage.

[Footnote cc: That is, Thomas Kelley and John Carp.]

Oct. 12th, Mr. E. K. toward Prage on horsbak. Oct. 13th, mane paulo ante ortum solis observavi radio astronomico inter ..... et .....

gradus 2 minuta prima 22, et erat ..... sub Tauro in eadem linea perpendiculari ante oculum demissa super horizonta altitudo erat vix quatuor graduum. Oct. 15th, hyred Nicolas. Oct. 20th, I toke up the furniture for the action. Oct. 26th, Mr. Edward Kelly cam to Trebona from Prage. Oct. 28th and 29th, John Carp did begyn to make furnaces over the gate, and he used of my rownd bricks, and for the yern pot was contented now to use the lesser bricks, 60 to make a furnace.

Oct. 31st, Ed. Hilton cam to Trebona in the morning. Nov. 8th, E. K. terribilis expostulatio, accusatio, &c. hora tertia a meridie.

Nov. 17th, John Basset had seven ducketts beforehand for his second quarter's wages, begynning the 1st. Nov. 21st, Saterday at night Mr.

Francis Garland cam from England to Trebona and browght me a letter from Mr. Dyer and my brother Mr. Richard. Nov. 24th, at the marriag super Critzin the Grand Captayn disdayned to com thither to supper in the Rad howse of Trebona becawse E. K. and I were there; and sayd farder that we wer ............ Dec. 1st to 11th, my Lord lay at Trebon and my Lady all this tyme. Dec. 10th, Mr. John Carpio went toward Prage to marry the mayden he had trubbled; for the Emperor's Majestie, by my Lord Rosenberg's means, had so ordred the matter.

Dec. 12th, afternone somwhat; Mr. Ed. Keley his lamp overthrow, the spirit of wyne long spent to nere, and the glas being not stayed with buks abowt it, as it was wont to be; and the same glas so flitting on one side, the spirit was spilled out, and burnt all that was on the table where it stode, lynnen and written bokes,-- as the bok of Zacharius with the Alkanor that I translated out of French for som by spirituall could not; Rowlaschy his thrid boke of waters philosophicall; the boke called Angelicum Opus, all in pictures of the work from the beginning to the end; the copy of the man of Badwise Conclusions for the Transmution of metalls; and 40 leaves in 4, intitled, Extractiones Dunstani, which he himself extracted and noted out of Dunstan his boke, and the very boke of Dunstan was but cast on the bed hard by from the table.

1588. Jan. 1st, abowt nine of the clok afternone, Michel, going chilyshly with a sharp stik of eight ynches long and a little wax candell light on the top of it, did fall uppon the playn bords in Marie's chamber, and the sharp point of the stik entred throwgh the lid of his left ey toward the corner next the nose, and so persed throwgh, insomuch that great abundance of blud cam out under the lid, in the very corner of the sayd eye; the hole on the owtside is not bygger then a pyn's hed; it was anoynted with St. John's oyle.

The boy slept well. God spede the rest of the cure! The next day after it apperid that the first towch of the stikes point was at the very myddle of the apple of the ey, and so (by God's mercy and favor) glanced to the place where it entred; with the strength of his hed and the fire of his fulness, I may make some shew of it to the prayse of God for his mercies and protection. Jan. 11th, Nicolas was sore hart circa 8 hora nocte. Jan. 13th, at dynner tyme Mr.

Edward Kelly sent his brother, Mr. Th. K. to me with these words, "My brother sayth that you study so much, and therfor, seeing it is to late to go to day to Cromlaw, he wisheth you to come to pass the tyme with him at play." I went after dynner and playd, he and I against Mr. F. Gore and Mr. Rob tyll supper tyme, in his dynyng rome: and after supper he cam and the others, and we playd there two or three howres, and frendely departed. This was then after the great and wonderful unkindnes used toward me in taking my man. Jan.

14th, Mr. Edward Kelly rid to Crumlow, being sent for by my Lord.

I receyved a letter from the Lord Chamberlain. Jan. 18th, Mistres Lidda K. had an abortion of a girle of 5 or 6 monthes; she was mery and well till the night before; I helped to finde the dead birthe within one howr after I had caused her to have myrh given unto her in wyne warmed, the quarter of a ounce; better after she was discharged of the secondyne, and all at ones. The woman was sufficiently strong after. Jan. 19th, Mr. E. K. cam from Crumlow.

Feb. 4th, Mr. Francys Garland and his brother Robert went from Trebona to go toward England: I wrote to Mr. Dyer and Mr. Yonge.

Feb. 8th, Mr. E. K. at nine of the clok afternone sent for me to his laboratory over the gate to se how he distilled sericon, according as in tyme past and of late he hard of me out of Riplay. God lend his hart to all charity and virtue! Feb. 16th, John Carpe cam to Trebon after his marriage. Feb. 19th, Mr. E. K. did d?s???se s?, a?????ted ? f?e?de?, ??? ??t?? ?e? ??e?. Feb. 28th, mane paulo ante ortum solis natus est Theodoras Trebonianus Dee, ascendente Sirio in horoscopo, die dominica. March 1st, baptisatus erat Theodoras Dee Trebonae ante meridiem. March 6th, I went to Newhous and dyned at the castell. March 12th, my Lord cam to Trebona and my Lady. March 24th, Mr. K. put the glas in dung. March 26th, my Lord sent one of his secretaries with answer to my letter, and with offer and promys of all where he can pleasure me, circa 5 post meridiem. March 29th, my Lord and Lady from Trebon toward Crumlow. The midwife's husbond's name of Newhowse is David Peregrinus, perhaps of the familie of Petrus Peregrinus, otherwise called Peter of Maharncourt, of Picardy.

April 3rd, Mr. Pucci disquietted Mr. E. K. abowt requesting an action, to which he had one of our six monthes actions, being now the term begynning the fourth day of this month. The ende of our talke was a strange spech of Mr. Kelly to Fr. Puccy. After 15 wekes write to me, and I will answer you. April 6th, Edmond Hilton went from Trebona toward Prage with Mr. John Carpe, and so toward England. April 10th, I writ to Mr. Edward Kelly and to Mistres Kelly ij. charitable letters, requiring at theyr hands mutual charity.

I went to Mr. Captain Chritzin, to know if he were offended to me, who in outward shew used me reasonably curteously. April 12th, my wife churched, and we receyved the communion. John Carpe browght his wife from Prage to Trebona. April 17th, Doctor Reinholt cam to Trebona.

April 22nd, nocte hora 9 terribilis et falsa accusatio vel suspicio, quod Puccia annunciavit contra D. K. et ipsum principia (?). May 1st, Mr. Carpio rid to my Lord to the holy well at the glass hows, four myles from Trebona, with my letters of purgation for Puccies his attempts or intents in his letters to my bond and Mr. Kelly, unknown to me. May 4th, Mr. Carpio browght me word of my Lord's displeasure, conveyed and confirmed by cozen Pully his letters. Deus ille sit propitius! May 7th, post afflictionem magnam meam, mei misertus est Deus! Puccia, die eodem venerunt literae Principis ad Dominum E. K., quae dies declarabat amici sui infamum meum ne dignitatem: sed non reddebatur nisi, valde praefex, valde erat ingratae ille literae ipsi Domino E. K. Misericordia Dei magna! Omne quod vivit laudet Deum! Haec est dies quam fecit Dominus! May 10th, E. K. did open the great secret to me, God be thanked! May 19th, hora 10 cum circumstantiis necessariis. May 22nd, Mistris Kelly received the sacrament, and to me and my wife gave her hand in charity; and we rushed not from her. May 30th, Michael was sik of an ague, and Mr. Kelly likewise. June 4th, the howses burnt at Trebon in the morning early on Whitsonday. June 8th, Illustrissimus venit Trebonam. June 11th, Illustrissimus recessit in Dominica a Trebona versus Pragam. My Lord sent Critzin with his compliments unto me, and to offer me help, hora prima a meridie. A letter cam from T. G.

of Mr. Dyer, his being three myle from Trebona, but it was not so.

Mr. Dier sent word by Francis Garland wher. June 13th, cam Francis Garland and Mr. Edmond Cooper, brother to Mistris Kelly, to Trebona.

June 16th, Francis Garland went to fynde and bring Mr. Dier. June 19th, I had a grudging of the ague. June 22nd, I did evydently receive the ague, and layd down.

July 7th, Mr. Thomas Sowthwell cam to Trebona to visit us. July 17th, Mr. Thomas Sowthwell of his own courteous nature did labor with Mr. Edmond Cowper and indirectly with Mistres Kelly for to furder charity and frendship among us. July 20th, Mr. Dier cam to Trebona, July 22nd, a meridie circa 10 Mr. Edward d?e? d?d ??????e e ?????de?e. July 23rd, reconciliatio bona cum Magistro d?e? ????

????d? fa?t? ed?a?te E. K. Aug. 1st, Mr. Harry Maynard natus nocte circa horam 11 Mortlak. Aug. 4th, Illustrissimus cam from Crachovia to Trebon, and there on Friday before dynner cam up Mr. Dyer, who lay in my chamber, and entertayned him honorably. Aug. 5th, after dynner the little boy, sonne to the Captayn of Rhaudnitz, hurt Arthur's nose with a raser, not in anger but by chance wantonly.

Aug. 6th, my Lord and Lady went toward Prage. Aug. 7th, this day I covenanted and hyred John Hammond, jentleman, to serve me in his honest servyces for one yere, and to have 30 dolers for his full and all manner of wages. Aug. 9th, Tuesday, Mr. Dyer went from Trebon, having in company Mr. Edmond Cowper, Francys Garland, and his man Rowley. Aug. 13th, Mr. Thomas Sowthwell ryd to Prag ward from Trebon. He told us of the philosopher (his scholemaster to write) whose name was Mr. Swyft, who gave him a lump of the philosopher's stone so big as his fist: a Jesuit named Mr. Stale had it of him.

Aug. 14th, Mr. Sowthwell cam againe. Aug. 24th, vidi divinam aquam demonstratione magnifici domini et amici mei incomparabilis D. Ed.

Kelei ante meridiem tertia hora. Aug. 27th, John Basset (so namyng himself) otherwise truely named Edward Whitlok, under pretence of going to Budweiss to buy cullors and so to return agayn, did convey himselfe from my servyce of teaching Arthur grammer. Sept. 3rd, my lord and lady cam to Trebon. Sept. 12th, spes confirmata. Sept.

15th, the Lord Chamberlain cam to Trebona, and went away on the 17th. The rancor and dissimulation now evident to me, God deliver me! I was not sent for.

Oct. 17th, Mystres Kelly and the rest rode toward Punchartz in the morning. Oct. 18th, my Lord and my Lady ryd toward Ctumnate. Oct.

25th, Mr. Ed. Kelley and John Carpio rode toward Prage: this night to Wesely, two myles. Nov. 5th, I dreamed that the toth next my top toth skarse cold hang in my hed, the toth on the right side above.

Nov. 6th, Mr. Kelly cam home from Prage and Mr. Francys Garland, and Edward Rolls with him from Eglis. Nov. 15th, in the fornone, snow and close clowdy. Nov. 16th, the Lord and Lady Rosenberg cam from Crummedo to Trebon in the evening. Nov. 20th, this Sonday before dynner the Lord and Lady Rosenberg went from Trebon toward Prage.

Nov. 23rd, Mr. Francis Garland and Edward Rowly, Mr. Dyer his servant, went from Trebon toward England. I writ to the Quene's Majestie, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Yong, and Edward Hilton. Dec. 4th, I gave to Mr. Ed. Kelley my Glass, so highly and long estemed of our Quene, and the Emperor Randolph the second, de quo in praefatione Euclidis fit mentio.[dd] The letter of 500,000 ducats required. Dec. 7th, ??eat f?e?d??p p???s?d f?? a??, a?d t??? ????e? ?f ?e ????. Dec.

13th, Mr. Edward Kelley gave me the water, erth and all. Dec. 14th, Edmond Hilton cam again to Trebon from England. Dec. 18th, I did understand by Mr. Kelley that my glass which he had given to my Lord Rosenberg, the Lord Rosenberg had given it to the Emperor. Dec.

23rd, I went to the new made citie Kaiser Radnef Stadt, by Budneis, to ovirsee what Joachim Reimer had done abowt my coaches making.

Radulphus Sagiensis Gallus Normannus, venit Trebonam, chimiae et naturalis magiae studiosus.

[Footnote dd: This refers to the earliest English translation of Euclid by Billingsley, which was published in 1570, with a long preface by Dr. Dee. Professor De Morgan is of opinion that the translation also was by Dee, or that Billingsley may have been only a pupil who worked immediately under his directions. The passage to which Dee alludes is as follows:-- "a man to be curstly affrayed of his owne shadow; yea, so much to feare, that if you, being alone nere a certaine glasse, and proffer, with dagger or sword, to foyne at the glasse, you shall suddenly be moved to give backe (in maner) by reason of an image appearing in the ayre betwene you and the glasse with like hand, sword, or dagger, and with like quicknes, foyning at your very eye, likewise as you do at the glasse. Straunge this is to heare of, but more mervailous to behold then these my wordes cam signifie; and neverthelesse by demonstration opticall the order and cause therof is certified; even so, as the effect is consequent."

I refer the reader also to Mr. Barlow's History of Optics in the Encyclopedia Metropolitana.]

1589. Jan. 3rd, Rudolphus Sagiensis Normannus recessit versus Pragam. Jan. 17th, the humming in my eares began. Jan. 19th, circa undecimam noctis abortiebatur Domina Lydda uxor D. Thomae Kelly ex duobus masculis vix sex mensium, et anno precedente hoc ejusdem uxor abortiebatur puella. Jan. 20th, Mr. Kelly showed me the Lord Rosenberg his letter; when he wrot that of me he hard no more of my going hens, and if Menschik hath not performed as he willed him, that if I send him word he will so dispatch me that therby I shall not nede to stay here, as he had confidently heretofore warned Mr.

Kelley, so now he did request him to take leve of me at my departure. And then Mr. Kelly did loke and truly confess that my .... Jan. 25th, Mr. Mains cam to visit us; the Erle of Schwiczenbagh thre sones. Jan. 31st, Tuesday, I sent Edmond Hilton to Prage, and Zacharias Mathias of Buelweiss, to buy 10 or 12 coach horses and saddell horses for 300 dollers. Feb. 4th, I delivered to Mr. Kelley the powder, the bokes, the glas and the bone, for the Lord Rosenberg; and he thereuppon gave me dischardg in writing of his own hand subscribed and sealed. Feb. 12th, Edmond Hilton cam from Prage with nine Hungarian horses bowght toward our jornay. Feb. 16th, Mr.

Edward Kelley rode toward Prage after none, John Carpio, Edmond Hilton, Henry Garlande, Thomas Simkinson, Lodovik. March 11th, from Trebon in Bohemia. March 18th, to Nuremberg. March 20th, from Nuremberg. March 26th, to Frankfurt on the Mane.

April 19th, to Breme. May 1st, Katharin by a blow on the eare given by her mother did bled at the nose very much, which did stay for an howre and more; afterward she did walk into the town with nurse; upon her coming home she bled agayn. May 11th, John of Gloles cam to Breme. May 13th, I cam to lie at my hyred hows. May 17th, the three saddle horse put to grass to the town meddowes for nine ducets tyll Mychelmas. May 21st, the Landgrave of Hesse his letters to me and the city of Breme. May 25th, I sent the Lantgrave my twelve Hungarish horses. June 2rd and 13th, Mr. Duerend and Mr. Hart went toward Stade. They had scaped from the Spanish servise in Flanders with Syr William Stanley. June 6th, Dr. Kenrich Khanradt of Hamburgh visitted me. Mr. Thomas Kelly his wife, Francis Garland, Rolls, from Standen toward England. June 16th, Edmund Hilton toward Prage.

June 19th, Hans of Glotz went toward Standen, and so toward England.

June 23rd, Mr. Daniel van der Multon cam to me. Ultima die mensis istius circa meridiem maximi imbres, tonitrua, grandines.

July 6th, Thursday the 26th of June (by the old accownt and the 6th of July by new accownt) Mr. Hart, the minister of the English company, and Mr....... the governor's deputy of the English company at Stade, did visit me at my howse in Breme. July 18th, Mr. Yong and Mr. Secretary his letter. July 30th, Edmond Hilton cam from Prage to Breme by Stade. Aug. 2nd, veteri stilo, the nyght following, my terrible dream that Mr. Kelly wold by force bereave me of my bokes, toward daybreak. Aug. 5th, novo stylo, Edmond Hilton went toward Stade, to go toward England, with my letters to disclose the treason of Perkins. Ther went in this company two English people, Mr. Rolous Tattin and George Losin. Aug. 7th, the first of the seven half fasts. Aug. 14th, Theodor wened. Aug. 21st, John Hammond to Stade.

Aug. 22nd, natus William Hazilwood mane hora sexta fere, forte hora 5 min. 45, by Maydston in Kent. Sept. 9th, Roger his serviceable letters of the Lord Rosenberg. Sept. 12th, the wynde cam East after five wekes most part West. Sept. 16th, ante meridiem hora 9 in delinquiciis A. C. incidi ex ingratitudine concepta ex verbis uxoris, et Anallae Mariae. Sept. 22nd, stilo veteri, I delivered to Mr. Jacob for England by Embden my letters.

Oct. 3rd, D. Witischindi his hard dealings with me: he bad Mr.

Harper the Secretary to give me warning of my howse. Oct. 9th, warned out of my howse hora prima a meridie. Oct. 14th, John Hanward gave me warning that he desyred to go travayle toward Italy; but first to Master Kelly of whome he hoped to have good help. Oct.