"Come along then!" said Juliet kindly. "Come and sit down near me! Why not?"
He came slowly, and let himself down with awkward, lumbering movements by her side. His face was darkly sullen. "I don't see any harm in it," he grumbled, "if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind!" she said. "I am pleased. As you see, I have no other visitors."
He lifted his heavy eyes to hers. "You'd pack me off fast enough if you had."
"No, I shouldn't. Don't be silly, Robin!" She smiled down upon him. "You are going to stay and have tea with me, aren't you?"
He smiled rather doubtfully in answer. "I'd like to. I don't know if I can though."
"Why shouldn't you?" she questioned.
He folded his long arms about his knees, and murmured something unintelligible.
Juliet looked at her watch. "Mrs. Rickett has promised to bring it in another quarter-of-an-hour, and we will ask her to bring out Freddy too, shall we? You'll like that."
The boy's face brightened a little. He did not speak for a moment or two; then he reached forth a claw-like hand and tentatively fingered her dress. "I don't want Freddy--when I've got you," he muttered.
"Oh, don't you? How kind!" said Juliet.
Again his dark eyes lifted. "It's you that's kind," he said. "I've never seen anyone like you before." His brow clouded again as he looked at her.
"You're quite as much a lady as Mrs. Fielding," he said. "But you don't call me a 'hideous abortion'."
"I should think not!" Juliet moved impulsively and laid her hand upon his humped shoulder. "Don't listen to such things, Robin! Put them out of your head! They are not true."
He rested his chin upon her hand, looking up at her dumbly. Her heart stirred within her. The pathos of those eyes was more than she could meet unmoved. Their protest made her think of an animal in pain.
"It doesn't do to take things too seriously, Robin," she said gently. "There are people in the world who will say unkind things of anybody. It's just because they are thoughtless generally. It doesn't do to listen."
"No one ever said anything unkind about you," he said.
"Oh, didn't they?" Juliet smiled. "Do you know, Robin, I shouldn't wonder if there are plenty of them saying unkind things about me this very moment--that is, if they are thinking about me at all."
He glanced around him savagely. "Where? I'd like to hear 'em! I'd kill 'em!"
"No--no!" said Juliet, restraining him. "And it's no one here either. But you've got to realize that it doesn't really matter what people say.
They'll always talk, you know. Everyone does. It's the way of the world, and we can't get away from it."
Robin looked unconvinced. "I'd kill anyone who said anything bad about you anyway," he said.
"I don't think you ought to talk like that," said Juliet, in her quiet way.
"Why not?" His eyes suddenly glowered again.
But she answered him with absolute calmness. "Because if you mean it, it's wrong--very wrong. And if you don't mean it, it's just foolish."
"Oh!" said Robin. He edged himself nearer to her. "I like you," he said.
"Talk some more! I like your voice."
"What shall I talk about?" she asked.
"Tell me about London!" he said.
"Oh, London! My dear boy, you'd hate London. It's all noise and crowds and dust. The streets are crammed with cars and people and there is never any peace. It's like a great wheel that is never still."
"What do the people do?" he asked.
"They just tear about from morning till night, and very often from night till morning. Everyone is always trying to be first and to be a little smarter than anyone else. They think they enjoy it." Juliet drew a sudden hard breath. "But they really don't. It's such a whirl, such a strain, like always running at top speed in a race and never getting there. Yes, it's just that--a sort of obstacle race, and the obstacles always getting higher and higher and higher." She stopped and uttered a deep slow sigh.
"Well, I've done with it, Robin. I'm not going to get over any more. I've dropped out. I'm going to grow old in comfort."
Robin was listening with deep interest. "Is that why you came here?"
he said.
"Yes. I was tired out and rather scared. I got away just in time--only just in time."
Something in her voice, low though it was, made him draw nearer still, ma.s.sively, protectively.
"Are you hiding from someone?" he said.
"Oh, not exactly." She patted his shoulder gently. "No one would take the trouble to come and look for me," she said. "They're all much too busy with their own affairs."
His eyes sought hers again. "You're not frightened then any more?"
She smiled at him. "No, not a bit. I've got over that, and I'm beginning to enjoy myself."
"Shall you stay here always?" he questioned.
"I don't know, Robin. I'm not going to look ahead. I'm just going to make the best of the present. Don't you think that's the best way?"
He made a wry face. "I suppose it is--if you don't know what's coming."
"But no one knows that," said Juliet.
He glanced at her. His fingers, clasped about his knees, tugged restlessly at each other. "I know what's going to happen to me," he said, after a moment. "I'm going to get into a row--with d.i.c.ky."
"Oh, is that it?" said Juliet. "I knew there was something the matter."
He nodded, and suddenly she saw his chin quiver. "I hate a row with d.i.c.ky," he said miserably.
Her heart went out to him, he looked so forlorn. "Why don't you go and tell him you're sorry?" she said gently.
"Not--sorry," articulated Robin, with a sniff.
The matter presented difficulties. Juliet tried to hedge. "What have you been doing?"
"Quarrelling," said Robin.
"What! With d.i.c.k?"