He put his hand to his hat with a jerk. "You are not, madam," he said. "I am not so sure of the dog."
His voice was not unpleasant, but no smile accompanied his words. At close quarters she saw that he was older than she had at first believed him to be. He was well on in the fifties.
She drew Columbus nearer to her. "I won't let him hunt," she said.
"He will probably get shot if he does," remarked Mr. Fielding, and was gone without further ceremony.
Juliet put her arms around her favourite and kissed him between his p.r.i.c.ked ears. "What a sweet man, Columbus!" she murmured. "I think we must cultivate him, don't you?"
She wondered why he was going back towards the church lane at that hour, for it was past one o'clock and time for her to be wending her own way back to the village. She gave him ample opportunity to clear the wood, however, before she moved. She was determined that she and Columbus would be more discreet next time.
Mrs. Rickett's midday meal was fixed for half-past-one. She was not looking forward to it with any great relish, for her prophetic soul warned her that it would not be of a very dainty order, but not for worlds would she have had the good woman know it. Besides, she had one cigarette left!
She got up when she judged it safe, and began to walk back. But, nearing the stile, the sound of voices made her pause. Two men were evidently standing there, and she realized with something like dismay that the way was blocked. She waited for a moment or two, then decided to put a bold face on it and pursue her course. Mrs. Rickett's dinner certainly would not improve by keeping.
She pressed on therefore, and as she drew nearer, she recognized the squire's voice, raised on a note of irritation.
"Oh, don't be a fool, my good fellow! I shouldn't ask you if I didn't really want you."
The answer came instantly, and though it sounded curt it had a ring of humour. "Thank you, sir. And I shouldn't refuse if I really wanted to come."
There was a second's silence; then the squire's voice again, loud and explosive: "Confound you then! Do the other thing!"
It was at this point that Juliet rounded a curve in the path and came within sight of the stile.
Green was standing facing her, and she saw his instant glance of recognition. Mr. Fielding had his back to her, and the younger man laid a hand upon his arm and drew him aside.
Fielding turned sharply. He looked her up and down with a resentful stare as she mounted the stile, and Juliet flushed in spite of the most determined composure.
Green came forward instantly and offered a hand to a.s.sist her. "Good morning, Miss Moore! Exploring in another direction to-day?" he said.
She took the proffered hand, feeling absurdly embarra.s.sed by the squire's presence. Green was bareheaded, and his hair shone wet in the strong sunlight. His manner was absolutely easy and a.s.sured. She met his smiling look with an odd feeling of grat.i.tude, as if he had ranged himself on her side against something formidable.
"I am afraid I haven't been very fortunate in my choice to-day either,"
she said somewhat ruefully, as she descended.
He laughed. "We all trespa.s.s in these woods. It's a time-honoured custom, isn't it, Mr. Fielding? The pheasants are quite used to it."
Juliet did not glance in the squire's direction. She felt that she had done all that was necessary in that quarter, and that any further overture would but meet with a churlish response.
But to her astonishment he took the initiative. "I am afraid I wasn't too hospitable just now," he said. "It's this fellow's fault. d.i.c.k, it's up to you to apologize on my behalf."
Juliet looked at him then in amazement, and saw that the dour visage was actually smiling at her--such a smile as transformed it completely.
"If Miss Moore will permit me," said Mr. Green, with a bow, "I will introduce you to her. You will then be _en rapport_ and in a position to apologize for yourself."
"Pedagogue!" said the squire.
And Juliet laughed for the first time. "If anyone apologizes it should be me," she said.
"I!" murmured Green. "With more apologies!"
The squire turned on him. "Green, I'll punch your head for you directly, you unspeakable pedant! What should you take him for, Miss Moore? A very high priest or a very low comedian?"
Juliet felt her breath somewhat taken away by this sudden admission to intimacy. She looked at Green whose dark eyes laughed straight back at her, and found it impossible to stand upon ceremony.
"I really don't know," she said. "I haven't had time to place him yet.
But it's a little difficult to be quite impartial as he saved my life last night."
"What?" said the squire. "That sounds romantic. What made him do that?"
"Allow me!" interposed Green, pulling the bath-towel from his neck, and rapidly winding it into a noose. "It happened yesterday evening. I was having a quiet smoke in a favourite corner of mine on a ledge about twenty feet down High Shale Cliff where it begins to get steep, when Miss Moore, attracted by the scent of my cigarette,--that's right, isn't it?"--he flung her an audacious challenge with uplifted brows--"when Miss Moore attracted as I say, by the alluring scent of my cigarette, fell over the edge and joined me. My gallantry consisted in detaining her there, after this somewhat abrupt introduction, that's all. Oh yes, and in bullying her afterwards to climb up again when she didn't want to. I was an awful brute last night, wasn't I? Really, I think it's uncommonly generous of you to have anything at all to say to me this morning, Miss Moore."
"So do I," said Mr. Fielding. "If it were possible to treat such a buffoon as you seriously, she wouldn't. I hope you are none the worse for the adventure, Miss Moore."
"No, really I am not," said Juliet. "And I am still feeling very grateful." She smiled at the squire. "Good-bye! I must be getting back to Mrs. Rickett's or the dumplings will be cold."
She whistled Columbus to her and departed, still wondering at the transformation which Green had wrought in the squire. It had not occurred to her that there could be anything really pleasant hidden behind that grim exterior. It was evident that the younger man knew how to hold his own. And again she was glad, quite unreasonably glad, that he had stuck to his refusal to lunch at the Court.
"May I come and see you?" said Robin.
Juliet, seated under an apple-tree in the tiny orchard that ran beside the road, looked up from her book and saw his thin face peering at her through the hedge. She smiled at him very kindly from under her flower-decked shelter.
"Of course!" she said. "Come in by all means!"
She expected him to go round to the gate, but he surprised her by going down on all fours and crawling through a gap in the privet. He looked like a monstrous baboon shuffling towards her. When through, he stood up again, a s.h.a.ggy lock of hair falling across his forehead, and looked at her with eyes that seemed to burn in their deep hollows like distant lamps at night.
He stopped, several paces from her. "Sure you don't mind me?" he said.
"Quite sure," said Juliet, with quiet sincerity. "I am very pleased to see you. Wait while I fetch another chair!"
She would have risen with the words, but he stopped her with a gesture almost violent. "No--no--no!" He nearly shouted the words. "Don't get up!
Don't go! I don't want a chair."
Juliet remained seated. "Just as you like," she said, smiling at him.
"But I don't think the gra.s.s is dry enough to sit on."
He looked contemptuous. "It won't hurt me. I hate chairs. I'll do as I like."
But he still stood, glowering at her uncertainly near the hedge.