2 Open the gates, and let the righteous nation come in, the nation that remains faithful.
3 With perfect peace you will protect those whose minds cannot be changed, because they trust you.
4 Trust Yahweh always, because Yah, Yahweh alone, is an everlasting rock.
5 He has brought down those who live high in the towering city.
He levels it.
He levels it to the ground and throws it into the dust.
6 Feet trample it, the feet of the oppressed, the footsteps of the poor.
7 The path of the righteous is level.
O Upright One, you make the road of the righteous smooth.
8 Certainly, we wait with hope for you, O Yahweh, as we follow the path of your guiding principles.
We want to remember you and your name.
9 With my soul I long for you at night.
Yes, with my spirit I eagerly look for you.
When your guiding principles are on earth, those who live in the world learn to do what is right.
10 Although the wicked are shown pity, they do not learn to do what is right.
They do what is wrong in the upright land and do not see the majesty of Yahweh.
11 O Yahweh, your power is visible, but they do not see it.
They will see how devoted your people are, and they will be put to shame.
Your burning anger will destroy your enemies.
12 O Yahweh, you will establish peace for us, since you have done everything for us.
13 O Yahweh, our Elohim , you are not the only master to rule us, but we acknowledge only you.
14 The wicked are dead.
They are no longer alive.
The spirits of the dead won't rise.
You have punished them, destroyed them, and wiped out all memory of them.
15 You have expanded the nation, O Yahweh.
You have expanded the nation.
You are honored.
You have extended all the land's boundaries.
16 O Yahweh, the people have come to you in trouble.
They were humbled by oppression, by your discipline upon them.a 17 O Yahweh, when we are with you, we are like pregnant women ready to give birth.
They writhe and cry out in their labor pains.
18 We were pregnant; we writhed with labor pains only to give birth to the wind.
We weren't able to bring salvation to the land, and no new people were born on earth.
19 Your dead will live.
Their corpses will rise.
Those who lie dead in the dust will wake up and shout for joy, because your dew is a refreshing dew, and the earth will revive the spirits of the dead.
20 My people, go to your rooms, and shut the doors behind you.
Hide for a little while until his fury has ended.
21 Yahweh is going to come out from his dwelling place to punish those who live on earth for their sins.
The earth will uncover the blood shed on it and will no longer cover up its dead bodies.
The LORD'S People Will Worship on His Holy Mountain 27 1 On that day Yahweh will use his fierce and powerful sword to punish Leviathan,b that slippery snake, Leviathan, that twisting snake.
He will kill that monster which lives in the sea.
2 On that day sing about a delightful vineyard.
3 I, Yahweh, watch over it.
I water it continually.
I watch over it day and night so that no one will harm it.
4 I am no longer angry.
If only thorns and briars would confront me!
I would fight them in battle and set all of them on fire.
5 Or else let them come to me for protection.
Let them make peace with me.
Yes, let them make peace with me.
6 In times to come Jacob will take root.
Israel will blossom, bud, and fill the whole world with fruit.
7 Will Yahweh hurt Israel as he hurt others who hurt them?
Will he kill them as he killed others?
8 He punished Israel by sending it away.
He removed it with a fierce blast from the east winds.c 9 In this way the wrongdoings of the descendants of Jacob are covered up.
This is the way they will turn from their sins- when they turn all the altar stones into powdered chalk and no poles dedicated to the goddess Asherah or incense altars are left standing.
10 The fortified city is isolated.
The homestead is left deserted, abandoned like the desert.
Calves will graze there.
They will lie down.
They will feed on the branches.
11 When the branches are dried up, they will be broken off.
Women will come and build a fire with them.
These people don't understand these things.
That is why their maker won't have compassion on them, and their Creator won't have pity on them.
12 On that day Yahweh will begin his threshinga from the flowing stream of the Euphrates River to the brook of Egypt.
People of Israel, you will be gathered one by one.
13 On that day a ram's horn will be blown loudly.
Those who are dying in Assyria and those who are banished to Egypt will come and worship Yahweh on the holy mountain in Jerusalem.
Ephraim Will Fall 28 1 How horrible it will be for the arrogant drunks of Ephraim.
Their glorious beauty is like a withered flower.
They are at the entrance to a fertile valley where they lie drunk from wine.
2 Adonay has one who is strong and powerful.
He is like a hailstorm, a destructive wind.
He is like a thunderstorm, an overwhelming flood.
He will throw them to the ground forcefully.
3 The arrogant drunks of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot.
4 Their glorious beauty is like a withered flower.
They are at the entrance to a fertile valley.
They will be like figs that ripened early.
As soon as someone sees them, they will be taken and eaten.
5 When that day comes, Yahweh Tsebaoth will be like a glorious crown for his few remaining people.
6 He will give a spirit of justice to those who judge.
He will give strength to those who defend the city gates in battle.
7 Priests and prophets stagger from wine and wobble from too much liquor.
They stagger from too much liquor and become confused from too much wine.
They wobble because of their liquor.
They stagger when they see visions.
They swerve as they judge.
8 All the tables are covered with vomit and excrement.
There isn't a clean place left.
9 To whom will they make the message understood?
To whom will they explain this message?
To children just weaned from milk?
To those just taken from their mother's breasts?
10 They speak utter nonsense.a 11 Yahweh will speak to these people.