The Names Of God Bible - The Names of God Bible Part 166

The Names of God Bible Part 166

I've raised no sons.

I've brought up no daughters."

5 When the news reaches Egypt, the Egyptians will shudder over the news about Tyre.

6 Travel to Tarshish!

Cry loudly, you inhabitants of the seacoast!

7 Is this your bustling city founded in the distant past?

Is this the city that sent its people to settle in distant lands?

8 Who planned such a thing against Tyre, the city that produced kings?

Its merchants are princes.

Its traders are among the honored people of the world.

9 Yahweh Tsebaoth planned this in order to dishonor all arrogant people and to humiliate all the honored people of the world.

10 Travel through your country like the Nile, people of Tarshish.

You no longer have a harbor.

11 Yahweh has stretched his hand over the sea to shake kingdoms.

He has commanded that Canaan's fortifications be destroyed.

12 He says, "You will no longer be joyful, my dear abused people Sidon."

Get up, and travel to Cyprus.

Even there you will find no rest.

13 Look at the land of the Babylonians.

These people will be gone.

Assyria gave this land to the desert animals.

Assyria set up battle towers, stripped palaces bare, and turned these places into ruins.

14 Cry loudly, you ships of Tarshish, because your fortress will be destroyed.

15 When that day comes, Tyre will be forgotten for 70 years, the lifetime of one king. At the end of the 70 years, Tyre will be like the prostitute in this song: 16 "Take your lyre.

Go around in the city, you forgotten prostitute.

Make sweet music.

Sing many songs so that you'll be remembered."

17 At the end of 70 years Yahweh will come to help Tyre. Then she will go back to earning money as a prostitute. She will become a prostitute for all the world's kingdoms. 18 Her profits and her earnings will be turned over to Yahweh for his holy purpose. It won't be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will belong to those who live in the presence of Yahweh so that they will have plenty of food and expensive clothing.

The LORD'S Great Triumph 24 1 Yahweh is going to turn the earth into a desolate wasteland.

He will mar the face of the earth and scatter the people living on it.

2 The same will happen to people and priests, male slaves and masters, female slaves and masters, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, debtors and creditors.

3 The earth will be completely laid waste and stripped because Yahweh has spoken.

4 The earth dries up and withers.

The world wastes away and withers.

The great leaders of the earth waste away.

5 The earth is polluted by those who live on it because they've disobeyed the LORD's teachings, violated his laws, and rejected the everlasting promise.a 6 That is why a curse devours the earth, and its people are punished for their guilt.

That is why those who live on the earth are burned up, and only a few people are left.

7 New wine dries up, and grapevines waste away.

All happy people groan.

8 Joyful tambourine music stops.

Noisy celebrations cease.

Joyful harp music stops.

9 People no longer drink wine when they sing.

Liquor tastes bad to its drinkers.

10 The ruined city lies desolate.

The entrance to every house is barred shut.

11 People in the streets call for wine.

All joy passes away, and the earth's happiness is banished.

12 The city is left in ruins.

Its gate is battered to pieces.

13 That is the way it will be on earth among the nations.

They will be like an olive tree which has been shaken or like what's left after the grape harvest.

14 They raise their voices.

They shout for joy.

From the sea they sing joyfully about Yahweh's majesty.

15 Honor Yahweh in the east.

Honor the name of Yahweh Elohim of Israel along the coastlands.

16 From the ends of the earth we hear songs of praise that honor the Righteous One.

But I kept saying, "I'm wasting away! I'm wasting away!

How horrible it is for me!

Traitors continue to betray, and their treachery grows worse and worse."

17 Disasters, pits, and traps are in store for those who live on earth.

18 Whoever flees from news of a disaster will fall into a pit.

Whoever climbs out of that pit will be caught in a trap.

The floodgates in the sky will be opened, and the foundations of the earth will shake.

19 The earth will be completely broken.

The earth will shake back and forth violently.

The earth will stagger.

20 The earth will stumble like a drunk and sway like a shack in the wind.

Its disobedience weighs heavy on it.

It will fall and not get up again.

21 On that day Yahweh will punish heaven's armies in heaven and earth's kings on earth.

22 They'll be gathered like prisoners in a jail and locked in prison.

After a long time they'll be punished.

23 The moon will be embarrassed.

The sun will be ashamed, because Yahweh Tsebaoth will rule on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem.

He will be glorious in the presence of his respected leaders.

The LORD Protects the Weak 25 1 O Yahweh, you are my Elohim.

I will highly honor you; I will praise your name.

You have done miraculous things.

You have been completely reliable in carrying out your plans from long ago.

2 You have turned cities into ruins, fortified cities into piles of rubble, and foreigners' palaces into cities that will never be rebuilt.

3 That is why strong people will honor you, and cities ruled by the world's tyrants will fear you.

4 You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the rain, and shade from the heat.

(A tyrant's breath is like a rainstorm against a wall, 5 like heat in a dry land.) You calm the uproar of foreigners.

The song of tyrants is silenced like heat that is reduced by the shadow of a cloud.

Death Will Be Swallowed Up 6 On this mountain Yahweh Tsebaoth will prepare for all people a feast with the best foods, a banquet with aged wines, with the best foods and the finest wines.

7 On this mountain he will remove the veil of grief covering all people and the mask covering all nations.

8 He will swallow up death forever.

Adonay Yahweh will wipe away tears from every face, and he will remove the disgrace of his people from the whole earth.

Yahweh has spoken.

9 On that day his people will say, "This is our Elohim ; we have waited for him, and now he will save us.

This is Yahweh; we have waited for him.

Let us rejoice and be glad because he will save us."

10 Yahweh's power will be on this mountain.

Moab will be trampled beneath him like straw that is trampled in a pile of manure.

11 The Moabites will stretch out their hands in the manure like swimmers who stretch out their hands to swim.

The LORD will humble those arrogant people despite the movements of their hands.a 12 He will bring down Moab's high fortified walls, level them, and throw them into the dust on the ground.

The LORD'S People Praise Him for Salvation 26 1 On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city.

Its walls and fortifications provide safety.