The Lucky Wife Reborn In The 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability - Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Although he has the support of Han Chengzhi, Tian Shengnan still doesn't seem to have much confidence.

She hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Let me review for a while first."

It's been a year since she graduated, and it's normal for her to have no confidence in herself.

Therefore, neither Han Chengzhi nor Ji Yuanyuan brought up this topic again.

You have to give her time to build up her self-confidence slowly.

On the way, Han Chengzhi went to the bathroom.

As soon as he left the front foot, Gao Qionghui asked curiously on the back foot, "Tell me, what's going on? Why did you get the certificate after returning home? When are you going to hold the wedding?"

When it came to this topic, the smile on Tian Shengnan's face couldn't hold back.

She barely held on for a few seconds, and then her face broke down, "This time when I go home, I want to ask my mother for money. That's all my money, and she will take it when she takes it, but the one hundred thousand yuan Most of it is Han Chengzhi's money, so she can't take it away. But my mother has already emptied the house to buy a house for my brother."

"Didn't your brother just go to college? Why is your mother rushing to buy him a house?" Lin Nan asked in surprise.

Logically speaking, Tian Shengnan's younger brother is at least three or four years away from getting married, so why would he rather steal money from his daughter than buy a house for his son?

Tian Shengnan shook his head, "I don't know what she was thinking. She said that the money was a dowry gift from Han Chengzhi in advance, and she promised not to intervene in the future when we get married. It won't be paid back."

"So, in a fit of anger, you got the certificate with Han Chengzhi." Gao Qionghui looked at Tian Shengnan in surprise, "This is not something you can do."

This is not Gao Qionghui's acidity, she is telling the truth.

Before Tian Shengnan, he was not tough at all when dealing with his family members.

Even outsiders like them can clearly see the grievances she has suffered at home, but Tian Shengnan is content with it.

This time, she suddenly became tough, and everyone was not used to it.

Not only Gao Qionghui thought so, but also Ji Yuanyuan and Lin Nan.

Tian Shengnan looked around and saw several people staring at her curiously.

She pursed her lips, and stared at the teacup in front of her uncomfortably, "It doesn't matter what I say, but Han Chengzhi shouldn't be wronged like this. He trusts me, so he entrusts me with all the money for safekeeping. But it turned out like this in the end, I don't want him to feel that he believed me for nothing. Without money, at least I'm still there. "

Tian Shengnan spoke his thoughts slowly, his eyes were slightly moist.

Growing up, she didn't get much love.

Parents love her, but she will always be behind her younger brother.

Therefore, she has always had low self-esteem.

Feeling as if I don't deserve good love.

Until they met Han Chengzhi, although the love between them was not the vigorous kind, but the long-lasting love was also reassuring.

As long as she is by Han Chengzhi's side, she can feel that she is loved.

She thought, she couldn't let Han Chengzhi down.

Missing Han Chengzhi, maybe she will never feel this way again.

So, when her mother said that the 100,000 yuan would be used as a future bride price in the yard of her hometown, she blurted out that we have to go to get the certificate now.

At that time, the whole family was stunned.

Including Han Chengzhi.

Of course, her mother's words were nothing more than a delaying tactic.

When she proposed to get the certificate, her mother began to find various reasons to obstruct it.

Fortunately, Dad still felt sorry for her in the end, and quietly gave her the household registration book.

Her home is not far from Han Chengzhi's home.

In the morning, they went to Han Chengzhi's house to get his household registration book, and then went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After getting the marriage certificate, they returned to city b.

The account book is sent back by courier.

Outside the door, Han Chengzhi put his hand on the doorknob, listening to Tian Shengnan's words, his eye circles were slightly red.

He quietly put down his hand, turned his head, and took a few deep breaths.

After the moisture in his eyes was forced down, he put on a smiling face.

The moment he pushed the door open, Tian Shengnan turned his head away and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Han Chengzhi pretended he didn't see anything, looked around and asked, "What do you all eat as a staple food, I'll tell the front desk."

Ji Yuanyuan waved his hand, "No need, we are almost full, and no one eats the staple food."

Han Chengzhi smiled and said, "Then serve two dumplings, you sit down, I'll go and have a look."

Northerners always love dumplings deeply.

When Han Chengzhi came back again, Tian Shengnan had completely returned to normal.

She is discussing with Ji Yuanyuan about the postgraduate entrance examination.

Han Chengzhi sat down on his own. Under the table, he reached out and took Tian Shengnan's hand.

While talking to Ji Yuanyuan, Tian Shengnan held Han Chengzhi's hand tightly with his backhand.

Today is the day for Han Chengzhi and Tian Shengnan to receive their certificates. Ji Yuanyuan and the others are very knowledgeable.

Before 8:30, I took the initiative to end the dinner.

The school is very close to home, and it was only around 8:40 when Ji Yuanyuan returned home.

At this point in time, Tangtang was already half asleep and half awake.

Ji Yuanyuan came home, fed her, and fell asleep not long after.

Ji Yuanyuan came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

She wrapped her wet hair with a towel, and looked at Qin Mucheng who was on the bed, "Tian Shengnan and her boyfriend have received their certificates."

Qin Mucheng raised his head, "So fast"

Qin Mucheng always responded to Ji Yuanyuan's words.

This point is also the key for Ji Yuanyuan to have a conversation with Qin Mucheng forever.

"Yeah, speaking of which, what Tian Shengnan did this time is quite impressive." Ji Yuanyuan climbed onto the bed, whispering to Qin Mucheng.

"Han Chengzhi is a good man~ He encouraged Tian Shengnan to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Even if Tian Shengnan can pass the entrance examination this year, he will have to study for three years later. In the three and a half years, only He raised the family by himself."

Qin Mucheng sighed slightly, "I have always encouraged you to continue studying, just because I don't have the pressure to support a family, so am I not a good man?"

Ji Yuanyuan raised his head and gave him a push, "Come on, you, you are the king of vinegar, you have to taste any vinegar."

Qin Mucheng pursed his lips, noncommittal.

After a pause, he whispered, "Go to the next door and dry your hair"

Ji Yuanyuan nodded, got up and got out of bed.

Qin Mucheng followed closely behind, Ji Yuanyuan stopped in his tracks and glanced at him, "Look at her, I'll do it myself."

Qin Mucheng didn't speak, but just took a few steps forward and put his arms around Ji Yuanyuan's waist, "I'll blow it up for you."

He put his hand on Ji Yuanyuan's waist and rubbed it lightly.

Ji Yuanyuan understood his hint.