The Lucky Wife Reborn In The 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability - Chapter 523

Chapter 523

In front of several children, Li Miao looked a little shy: "I put this on the agenda in the second half of the year, and now my work is stable."

Li Xu nodded: "You're not too young, hurry up. If we drag it on, we Zixuan should all get married."

Ji Zixuan, who was cued, raised his head and looked at Li Xu, with a rather embarrassed expression: "Mom, if you talk about you, don't talk to me."

Just as Li Xu was about to speak, she heard Ji Ziang speak angrily: "Mom, you treat it differently."

Li Xu looked at Ji Ziang, "What's the matter? How did I treat it differently?"

Ji Ziang glanced at Ji Zixuan aggrievedly: "My eldest brother and I are only two years apart. You urged him to get married, but you didn't let me fall in love. Isn't this different treatment?"

Hearing this, Li Xu and the others all laughed.

"No, Ji Ziang, are you in love?" With a smile, Li Xu turned the other way, and she looked at Ji Ziang with a serious face.

When Ji Ziang heard the words, his expression suddenly froze. Immediately, he shook his head and said, "How is it possible, there are only a few girls in our class, and there is no one I want to fall in love with."

What he said was just and dignified, but his eyes were obviously guilty.

"Don't lie to me, who stipulated that you must fall in love with your classmates?" Li Xu looked at Ji Ziang's expression, still suspicious.

"Okay, okay, there will be a chance to talk about his affairs in the future, let's talk about something else today." Zhang Kun hurriedly relieved Ji Ziang.

Li Xu came back to her senses, she glanced at Ji Ziang, and whispered, "Go back and question you again."

After speaking, she came back to her senses and turned to Li Miao and the others to talk about other things.

Li Xu and Zhang Kun stayed in City B until September 3rd. Early in the morning, they took Ji Yuanyuan to the school to report.

On the school day, the campus was very lively.

At the gate of the school, there are senior sisters and seniors who are specially responsible for welcoming new students.

A senior student led Ji Yuanyuan to the reporting place. After going through the formalities and getting the dormitory key, he went to get the quilts, sheets, military training uniforms and other necessary supplies.

Ji Ziang followed behind, holding a lot of things in his arms.

"I knew I had my eldest brother come over, I'm exhausted." Ji Ziang muttered.

Ji Zixuan is a senior, famous, and his photos are on various lists all the year round.

B University students, many people know him.

In order not to let others recognize him, Ji Yuanyuan simply did not let him come today.

Anyway, the things are not too much, they can also move.

Hearing Ji Ziang's words, Ji Yuanyuan turned around and said, "Why don't you give me this bag, I can carry it."

Ji Ziang was really tired and had a lot of things in his hands.

While she was talking, she was about to reach for the big duffel bag in Ji Zi'ang's hand.

Ji Ziang was just talking about it. Hearing that, he quickly refused: "No, no, you can just watch the road ahead, how can I let you take it."

Ji Yuanyuan hesitated for a while, but still stretched out his hand: "Give it to me, it's just a bag, I can handle it."

Ji Ziang dodged a bit, avoiding Ji Yuanyuan's hand: "It's not a matter of being able to hold it."

"What's the problem?" Ji Yuanyuan asked strangely.

Ji Ziang smiled mysteriously, "It's about your image."

Ji Ziang's speech became more and more advanced, and Ji Yuanyuan was a little bit confused.

How is it related to image?

"what does it mean?"

"What do you think, what would your classmates think if our family were all carrying large and small bags in their hands?" Ji Ziang asked panting.

"What else can you think? They are all ordinary people, so I don't think they will leave any impression on the first day they met." Ji Yuanyuan said.

"Yeah, if you have a big bag and a small bag, then in their eyes, you are an ordinary person. But if we have a big bag and a small bag and you don't take anything, then they will know that you are our family when they see it. My dear, our family is so exhausted that they are not willing to let you carry things. After that, if they have a conflict with you and want to bully you, they have to think twice. Who dares to touch our baby, we The family will fight hard."

After Ji Ziang finished speaking eloquently, Ji Yuanyuan only felt that his brain circuit was a bit strange.

How could he think so much of such a small thing?

As she just said, on the day of school, everyone met a lot of people and did a lot of things.

Many people and things will not leave an impression at all.

Even a few roommates, it is estimated that it takes a few days to get along with each other to recognize who is who.

"Okay..." Ji Yuanyuan was about to speak.

Li Xu nodded thoughtfully: "Zi'ang is right, Yuan Yuan, you go ahead, don't worry about your second brother."

Seeing that Li Xu was persuaded by Ji Ziang's crooked reasoning, Ji Yuanyuan was forced to accept it helplessly.

She walked in front empty-handed, while Li Xu, Zhang Kun, and Ji Ziang walked in front with large and small bags in their hands.

Soon they arrived at the dormitory where Ji Yuanyuan's class was located. Their dormitory was on the fifth floor.

The three of them went upstairs with their things panting.

During this period, Ji Yuanyuan repeatedly proposed to help share some, but the three of them just refused.

In this way, the four of them quickly arrived at the door of the dormitory where Ji Yuanyuan was.

Ji Yuanyuan originally thought that she came early enough, but who knew that after entering the dormitory, she found out that two little girls had already come to the dormitory of the four-person room.

They all came with their families, and the small dormitory was crowded with people.

Everyone is not familiar with each other, and after nodding to each other, they are busy with each other.

The layout of the dormitory is the layout of the bed and the table, the corridor is in the middle, and there are two beds on the left and right sides. There is a separate toilet near the door.

There is a window on the other side, but there is no balcony, but the window faces south, and there are clothes drying rods outside the window, and clothes can be hung outside to dry.

The position by the window can see the sunlight and is ventilated, so it is naturally a good position.

The two beds near the door are also close to the bathroom, so the smell may be bigger.

Therefore, the window seat has been occupied.

Ji Yuanyuan chose the bed that was a little farther from the bathroom, and was about to let Ji Ziang and the others put things on it, when she suddenly noticed a black mark on the edge of the bed.

It was as if something had been pasted on it, but it was torn off again, but the glue remained on it.

Ji Yuanyuan frowned and looked at the trash can.

Sure enough, there is a universe in the trash can.

Inside there are several small labels with words.

Several pieces of paper were crumpled, and the words on them were blurred.

But it can still be seen that there is a season word in it.

Ji Yuanyuan didn't speak, she just whispered: "Don't put things away, I'll go next door to see."

After speaking, he bowed his head and left the dormitory.

Although Li Xu and others didn't know what medicine Ji Yuanyuan was selling in the gourd, they still waited obediently in place.

A moment later, Ji Yuanyuan came back, with a mysterious smile on her face, she looked at the others in the dormitory.


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