The Lucky Wife Reborn In The 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

If you are in a place with a lot of people, you may not feel that there is anything.

But now in a confined space, Li Xu is another divorced woman.

She immediately let go of her hand, which made Zhang Kun feel uncomfortable for a while.

At this time, the three children came back from school.

Li Xu quickly returned to normal and took out the scale.

Zhang Kun stood there, his face always a little uncomfortable.

Ji Zixuan and Ji Ziang didn't notice anything, they greeted Zhang Kun and went back to their room to do their homework.

Ji Yuanyuan was in the living room, looking at Zhang Kun's face, but he looked thoughtful.

After calculating the money, Zhang Kun took the money from his pocket, handed it to Li Xu, and left in a hurry.

Looking at Zhang Kun's back, Ji Yuanyuan suddenly asked, "Mom, is this Uncle Zhang married?"

When Li Xu heard the words, she was stunned for a moment: "Children's house, why are you asking about this?"

She didn't take Ji Yuanyuan's words to heart.

Ji Yuanyuan ran to Li Xu's side, hugged her arm and acted like a spoiled child: "Mom, we learned ancient poetry today..."

Ji Yuanyuan was surprised to find that Li Xu's hands seemed to have become much softer.

She stopped and looked at Li Xu's face. Sure enough, the freckles on the face are also less, and the skin is white and tender.

Li Xu was picking vegetables and preparing to cook. Seeing that Ji Yuanyuan was no longer speaking, she looked over and said, "What ancient poems did Yuanyuan learn, please memorize it to my mother."

Ji Yuanyuan pointed at Li Xu's face: "Mom, you seem to be pretty."

It seems that this well water is really useful.

Li Xu was stunned for a moment, then raised her hand and touched her face, as if something had changed.

She seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly called: "Ji Ziang, come out."

While shouting, he went to look for a ruler.

After shouting several times in a row, Ji Ziang walked out of the house slowly, "What's the matter!"

Li Xu pulled Ji Ziang to stand under the wall and took a ruler to measure.

"One hundred and twenty-two centimeters." Li Xu said in surprise: "It is three centimeters taller than before the National Day."

Ji Ziang himself didn't care: "It must be that I have eaten a lot recently, then I will eat more in the future and grow taller than my eldest brother."

Ji Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Be careful to eat pigs."

Ji Ziang made a face at Ji Yuanyuan, "You are the pig."

After speaking, afraid that Li Xu would scold him, he hurried back to the house.

It took a long time for Li Xu to come back to her senses. Judging from the changes in her and Ji Ziang, this well water is really useful.

She hugged Ji Yuanyuan a little excitedly and gave her a kiss: "Yuan Yuan, you are really my mother's little lucky star."

Ji Yuanyuan just smirked.

It's another weekend, just in time for Li Miao's big week. The brothers and sisters may not have seen each other for a long time.

Li Yong borrowed a bicycle, and together with Li Xu, took three children back to their hometown.

It was rare for the children to come back. Grandpa Li Zhiming bought two jins of bones in advance and stewed the soup.

Grandma Liu Guihua cooked a few dishes, but the whole family was happy.

However, this happiness did not last until noon the next day, when the unpleasant person came.

It was Ji Jianguo's second sister-in-law, Feng Yue, with a red object in her hand, sitting on the edge of the Li's kang with a face full of embarrassment, hesitating.

"Mother-in-law asked me to come over and said that the third child is getting married tomorrow, and that you should bring the children to recognize relatives." After a long while, Feng Yue finally spoke out.

After speaking, she was full of vigilance, for fear that the Li family would beat her in a fit of anger.

That old witch at home is really a fool all day.

How long has it been since the third child divorced Li Xu, and is he going to marry that woman?

When you say it's done, just tie it, you quietly settle it, and the family has to make a big splash.

It was only later that I found out that it was the woman who was pregnant.

Pregnancy out of wedlock is obviously a shameful thing. If you have to make it look like a good thing, you just want to show off.

Also showing off on Li Xu's head, what's the difference between pooping on someone's head?

This chore, she didn't want to come. When she was still a sister-in-law, her relationship with Li Xu was not good, but only average.

The Li family is really angry, maybe they can beat her.

But she couldn't stand the brainless one at home and helped the old witch to force her to send her wedding invitations.

Li Yong was in a hurry, he couldn't help it when he heard the words: "I tmd!"

He smashed the cup beside him on the ground and scolded: "You Ji family, do you really think our old Li family is gone? Where is Ji Jianguo, that bastard, I'm going to poke his legs now..."

Having said that, Li Yong is about to leave.

Li Zhiming squatted at the door, smoking the dry cigarettes in his cigarette bag, puff after puff, with a sad face on his face.

Liu Guihua was on the edge of the kang on the other side, her face flushed.

Li Miao was rational and pulled Li Yong and said, "Second brother, don't be impulsive."

If he really beat Ji Jianguo, Li Yong might have to go to jail.

When Ji Zixuan heard that Ji Jianguo was going to remarry, the expression on his face was very shocked, and a small face quickly flushed red, angry.

Ji Ziang didn't have the same reaction as Ji Zixuan. After all, Ji Zixuan was also loved by Ji Jianguo, but Ji Ziang didn't enjoy the slightest paternal love. He heard Li Yong's words and immediately followed.

And Li Xu lowered her head, not knowing what to think.

Ji Yuanyuan sighed in her She probably knew why her second uncle got married in her thirties in her last life.

It must be because his character was too impulsive, and he had a record of fighting with people.

She stepped forward, hugged Li Yong's thigh, and cried, "Second uncle, don't fight, you will be caught by the police..."

Seeing Ji Yuanyuan's appearance, Li Yong couldn't help but soften his heart. He hugged Ji Yuanyuan and wanted to put it on the kang.

But Ji Yuanyuan was afraid that he would be impulsive, so how could he let him go? Hold his neck and don't let go.

Li Yong glared at Feng Yue fiercely.

Feng Yue couldn't help but shrank back, looked down in horror and lowered her head.

In my heart, I meditated: If you want to look for it, look for the third child and the old woman, but don't make it difficult for me.

Just thinking about it, Li Xu suddenly said, "Feng Yue!"

Li Xu had always called her second sister-in-law, but when she called her name suddenly, Feng Yue was surprised and a little uncomfortable.

But soon, she came back to her senses, "Hey, you said."

"I have accepted this wedding invitation. I will take my child there tomorrow."

Feng Yue was stunned, not only Feng Yue was stunned, but everyone else was also stunned.

What exactly does Li Xu want to do?

Only Ji Yuanyuan was more gratified.

Since the Ji family dared to invite them, why would they dare not go? When the trouble arises, it will be the Ji family's shame.

This Xu Xiuhua really doesn't have a long brain at all.

After being stunned for a moment, Feng Yue nodded quickly: "Then I'll go first..."

While talking, she leaned against the wall, tried to stay away from Li Yong, and slowly moved out.

When passing by Li Yong, Li Yong moved a bit, and Feng Yue ran away in fright.