_The Story of the Bird of Good Luck_
In the Azores there is a little bird which is loved and protected by every one. Its name is the Alveloa. It has a gray back, white breast, head and throat, and black and white wings. The tail of this little bird is always in motion. This is the reason:
Long ago when the wicked king Herod ordered all the babies to be killed, the Holy Virgin fled into Egypt with the Christ child safe in her arms. They rode upon an a.s.s.
The Virgin glanced fearfully behind her as they went along the way. At any moment Herod's messengers might come in pursuit. The tracks of the a.s.s showed plainly in the dusty road.
"Oh!" cried the Holy Mother, "Our enemies will see our tracks! They will know in what direction we have fled!"
The Alveloa was nearby and heard. She spread out her tail like a fan and shook it about in the dusty road. The tracks of the a.s.s were completely brushed away.
The Holy Mother smiled upon her.
"For this kind deed, little bird, your tail shall be always in motion.
By this sign you shall be known and your life shall be spared."
To this very day the tail of the Alveloa is in motion. St. Michael, himself, the patron of the island of S. Miguel, has asked a special protection for the little bird in his island.
The Alveloa flew all the way before the Virgin, showing her the road into Egypt.
"My blessing upon you, little bird," said the Virgin. "May you always have the strength to slay your enemy."
To this very day the Alveloa is able to slay birds much larger than herself.
"The Alveloa kills the hawk," is a saying in the Azores.
If one wakes in the morning and sees this little gray and white bird before his window he will have a lucky day.
On the way into Egypt the Virgin pointed to the lupine which grew by the wayside.
"Eat, little bird," she said. "Eat until your hunger is satisfied.
Blessings be upon you for your kind deeds to me and to the Holy Child.
May good fortune and plenty always attend you."
To this very day this bird blessed by the Virgin is an emblem of good luck.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Headpiece]
_A Story of the Bird Who Walks Humbly_
When the Holy Virgin was fleeing into Egypt to escape the persecutions of Herod, the Codorniz bird flew about making a great racket, calling out, "Come this way."
"Keep quiet!" cried the Virgin. "Our enemies will hear you! They will come in pursuit!"
In spite of her words the Codorniz kept up its noise.
"My curse be upon you," said the Virgin. "You shall always walk humbly. You shall never fly high and smile at the sun."
To this very day the Codorniz bird walks humbly. It has many enemies who love to slay it to devour.
_A Story of Why She Stays Outside_
If there is no response when you ring the bell or knock at a door in the Azores, you have to stay "outside the door like the mother of St.
Peter," they say. This is the story which tells why the mother of St.
Peter had to stay outside:
The very stingiest woman in the whole city was St. Peter's mother. She was so stingy that she never gave away a single thing to a beggar. No matter if the beggar were old or sick or blind or crippled or even a mother with a babe in her arms, she always made the same reply, "I have nothing to give away."
Not even when there was famine in the land, but plenty in her own home, would the mother of St. Peter share with the unfortunate.
When St. Peter was made the guardian of the keys of Heaven, of course he tried to bring his mother inside the celestial gate.
"When your mother lived upon the earth did she ever share her plenty with any of my poor unfortunate children?" was the question.
St. Peter thought hard. His mother had been a worthy, virtuous woman in many respects, but he could recall nothing which she had ever given to the poor and the unfortunate.
At last he remembered a day when she had gone into the garden to get vegetables for the soup.
A poor beggar woman had stood outside the garden gate, crying: "Alms!
Alms, for the love of G.o.d!"
[Ill.u.s.tration: "Alms! Alms!"]
"Get away from my garden," said St. Peter's mother. "I have no alms to give you. If I give away the vegetables from my garden, I'd soon have nothing left to feed my own family. I'd be begging myself."