"Who is bringing me all this?" asked the king when he saw it.
"A little lad," replied the king's servants.
"Lead him in to me," said the king. "I'd like to see him."
Accordingly, the boy was led before the throne.
"What is your name, my lad?" asked the king kindly.
"I am called Jose the Beast Slayer, your majesty," replied the boy as he bowed low before the throne.
"Who are your parents?" asked the king.
"My father is dead," replied Jose, "and my mother is a princess who ran away from a tower in the forest."
Jose had often heard the story of his mother's life in the tower. It was the tale he liked best of all.
At the boy's words the king started and looked at him sharply.
"Tell me about this tower," he said eagerly.
"It was a tower in the deep forest," replied Jose. "It had no door, only a little window through which food was pa.s.sed to her. She could never have any meat with a bone. This was because the Wise Man of the Forest had told her father that it was the best way to bring her up.
One day her father went away and the servants gave her meat with a bone in it and--"
"I always suspected something like that," interrupted the king.
Jose looked at him in surprise.
"Were you there?" he asked.
The king nodded. "Go on with your story, my boy," he said.
Jose told all the circ.u.mstances of his mother's escape from the tower, just as she had so often described them to him. Tears were running down the king's cheeks when at last the story was ended.
"My lad, you are my own grandson!" cried the king as he took him in his arms. "Proud am I, too, that I have a grandson like you! Where is your mother now?"
"My mother is in the house in the forest," replied Jose. "It is she who told me to carry the money to the king."
"Why did she never come to me?" asked the father.
"I think she was afraid she'd be punished for running away from the tower without any door," was Jose's reply.
When the princess was brought home to the royal palace there was a great feast held which lasted for three days and three nights. Then the king sent his men with Jose into the forest to the cave where the giant had lived. They brought home so many bags of gold that it required the entire royal army to transport it.
Years pa.s.sed, and when the old king died it was Jose the Beast Slayer who was king of the land.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Headpiece]
_The Story of Euphemia and Her Good Deeds_
Euphemia was the daughter of King Atlas and the granddaughter of the great G.o.d Jupiter. She was more beautiful than her fifteen sisters, though they were all lovely.
All the ten sons of Neptune admired her charms and sought to marry her, but she would wed none of them. There was, in truth, no one in all the world who was worthy of her. Euphemia herself knew this and preferred to remain a star in the constellation of the Hyades, her sisters, rather than wed an unworthy husband.
Euphemia became a Christian, they say, through the efforts of the cherubim. She decided to come down to earth and go about doing good deeds. Accordingly, she came to the island called Seven Cities.
Now in the island of Seven Cities there lived a rich and venerable Christian prince. He adopted Euphemia as his own daughter. She was called Princess Euphemia of the island of Seven Cities.
As soon as she came to the island all pain and misery vanished from it.
Joy reigned. Banquets were held, songs were sung, gay dances were danced. It was as if every day were a feast day.
Time pa.s.sed. Many changes came to the island, but Euphemia herself remained always young, always beautiful.
One day two priests from the outside world visited the island. They saw the magnificent palaces, the beautiful gardens. Two tame lions followed them about. They were as gentle as if they had been dogs.
"We are in the celestial regions," said one priest to the other.
"Let us stay here forever," said the other priest. "It is indeed the Paradise of which we have dreamed."
The two priests had come in a tiny launch from a large boat.
"We should return and tell our friends about this celestial region,"
they agreed. "To-morrow we will all explore this wonderful country."
It was almost dark when the two priests reached their ship by the little launch. They reported all the things they had heard and seen in the new land.
The next morning, however, the island had entirely disappeared. The water stretched before their gaze with an unbroken rippling blue surface.
"What has become of our beautiful island," the good priests asked in amazement.
"We were anch.o.r.ed off the sh.o.r.e of one of the enchanted islands," was the opinion of everybody.
Euphemia, they say, has not yet disappeared entirely. She has changed her form. She is still found in the Azores in the plant called SOLANEA, the flower of St. Cosmo. She is still doing good deeds. Pain disappears when she comes, just as it did in the lost island. St.
Cosmo, the patron saint of all good physicians, could never have gained his reputation without her good deeds.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Headpiece]