The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 90

Chapter 90

The aunt and the uncle looked at each other, and finally accepted Luo Cheng's kindness, and then put away the basket with the eggs.

"Thank you, Mistress! You are good people! Many thanks!" The uncle said gratefully.

After that, the old couple tremblingly supported each other and left.

Watching the old man leave, Luo Cheng collected the wild eggs and put them on the stove.

"Didn't you say you would make some boiled eggs to sell? Now you can!"

Li Xiaoran looked at the wild eggs in the basket, smiled and nodded.

Because boiling an egg is something that comes to mind temporarily, Li Xiaoran asked her father Li Shun to pick up a stone and make a simple stove.

Soon, the eggs are cooked in one pot!

Boiled eggs are quick and ready to anneal.

Just at this time, a guest came and saw that there were boiled wild eggs for sale, and immediately bought ten.

Sure enough, many of the guests who were in a hurry behind them would buy some boiled wild eggs and take them on the road.

In less than half an hour, the basket of boiled wild eggs was sold out!

Seeing that this boiled egg sells so well, the people around are also moved.

Li Xiaoran naturally sensed the emotions of those people, and sighed in her heart.

The technical content of boiled eggs is too low, and many people will definitely follow the trend of selling boiled eggs tomorrow.

This is also impossible, I just hope that these people's boiled eggs can be sold!

Fortunately, what she thought of before was to sell marinated eggs and salted duck eggs, just to distinguish it from others.

At this time, the person who built the shop that Luo Cheng invited came.

Seeing the leader coming, Luo Cheng walked over with a smile.

"Uncle Han, why are you here?"

Han Zhenming saw Luo Cheng approaching and said with a smile: "You forgot, I made an agreement with you before! As long as you build your house, no matter how busy I am, I will personally come and build it for you. !"

Luo Cheng laughed happily when he heard this.

Li Xiaoran noticed the movement here and happened to look over.

This is the first time Li Xiaoran saw Luo Cheng smile so happily, like a child relaxed in front of his familiar elders.

Li Xiaoran thought in her heart: It seems that this person should have an unusual relationship with Luo Cheng!

"Then thank you Uncle Han! Just in time for you to come, I asked my lady to make you some snacks! The peach blossom drunk I made before has not been opened yet, so I will let Uncle Han relieve your cravings today. !" Luo Cheng said with a smile.

Han Zhenming laughed very happily when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

Slapped Luo Cheng's arm with a slap, Han Zhenming let out a hearty laugh.

"Okay! You kid, you have already married a daughter-in-law after not seeing you for a few months! What? How is my nephew's daughter-in-law?"

"She is very good, I like her very much! When Uncle Han sees her, he will definitely like her very much!" Luo Cheng confided his own voice in front of others for the first time.

"Really? There is still someone who can make you like this kid so much! Then Uncle Han has to take a good look!" Han Zhenming knew Luo Cheng's temperament, since the other party said in front of him If this is the case, then he must really like this girl and marry her back.

"She is busy making knife-cut noodles at the moment, she will bring it to Uncle Han to see when she is not busy! At noon, let Uncle Han taste the knife-cut noodles made by my wife, that Taste, keep it as you like!" Luo Cheng said confidently.

"Fine! Let's get down to business first, and we'll catch up at night!" Han Zhenming nodded and went straight to the topic.

The piece on the side of the pipe is not too big, not too small.

If it is built into a house, it will naturally be smaller, but if it is made into a shop, it is still very good.

Luo Cheng and Han Zhenming discussed it and finally decided to make it a two-story shop.

The structure of the shop is set, and the rest is to start construction.

Han Zhenming already had a plan when he came, so now he brought his own people and started digging the foundation.

Seeing that Uncle Han and a group of people were busy, Luo Cheng also hurried to the noodle stall.

"Ma'am, at noon, you make more noodles and bring some lunch to the people who repair the shop over there. At night, I have an elder who wants to stay and live, please you and your mother-in-law. After closing the stall, pack up a room and come out for Uncle Han to live in! Also, my Uncle Han is also a delicious person, so let's make some more snacks in the evening!" As soon as Luo Cheng came over, he came to Li Xiaoran.

"Got it, I'll prepare it when I get home!" Li Xiaoran answered these things with a smile.

Luo Cheng thought about it, hesitated for a while, and finally, while his father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law were busy, he whispered in Li Xiaoran's ear: "Uncle Han is an elder I knew before. , once helped me! Uncle Han is very nice, and he treats me like his own nephew!"

Li Xiaoran nodded while listening.

Li Xiaoran knew that Luo Cheng regarded her as his own, so that he would make his relationship with that Uncle Han clear.

With Luo Cheng's words, Li Xiaoran also knew what to say.

"Don't worry! Since it is your uncle, I will treat it like my uncle!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, his face suddenly became very strange.

"Don't, don't, your uncle can't compare to my uncle Han!"

Li Xiaoran didn't understand at first, but then he realized what Luo Cheng meant.

This time, Li Xiaoran couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry! The uncle I am talking about is a normal uncle! There is no uncle in my family!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he thought that his father-in-law was the third oldest, and he was the youngest, so naturally he didn't have any uncles!

This time, Luo Cheng himself became happy.

Just as the young couple were talking and laughing, suddenly a sweet voice came over.

"Brother Luo, Brother Luo, you are really here! I knew that Daddy must have come to Brother Luo. Fortunately, I was clever, dressed up and came along with the juniors It's gone!"

When Luo Cheng heard this voice, the smile on his face suddenly subsided, and it became the first time Li Xiaoran saw him.

"Han Zheng, why are you running around like that! Auntie wants to know that you are gone, so don't worry about death! You don't know that Auntie has heart palpitations, why do you always have no memory? what!"

Han Zheng was originally very happy, but when she heard Luo Cheng scolding her like this, she felt extremely aggrieved.

"Brother Luo, don't worry, I won't be as indifferent as before. I left a letter to my mother when I left, I promise not to make her anxious! I haven't been in a long time. I saw Brother Luo, so do you want to see you?"

Having said that, Han Zheng was about to step forward and grab Luo Cheng's hand.

Li Xiaoran laughed when she saw this scene.

This little girl is obviously trying to make up her own partner!