The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 89

Chapter 89

"Your uncle and aunt are also unprofitable people! For the sake of brotherhood, let me remind you that you'd better stay away from your uncle's family. Just a little bit! When you see them, you have to be careful and take precautions!" Mao Dao couldn't help reminding Yuan Cheng when he heard this.

Yuan Cheng's uncle and aunt he had met, but they were not good people.

If the opponent really calculates, ten Yuan Chengcheng is not the opponent's opponent.

These days, the two people have cooperated in business, and the relationship is naturally getting better and better, so Yuan Cheng will be reminded.

Luo Cheng nodded when he heard Mao Dao's words, and he rarely cared about Yuan Cheng.

"Maodao is right, you have to plan for yourself in advance! Where do you live now?"

Yuan Cheng also knew that everyone was well-intentioned, so he didn't hide it, he sneered and said, "I used to live in a dilapidated house, and my uncle actually called me back to live these days. I actually understand in my heart that the reason why my uncle asked me to go back is to tell me not to do business with Maodao, but to make steamed buns with my uncle to sell."

I have to say, this is really a good calculation!

He also said sarcastically for a while.

Yuan Cheng widened his eyes and looked at Mao Dao: "Did you hear what uncle said?"

"Don't listen, I guessed it! I have seen your uncle and aunt's calculating skills. They will be so kind, they will only calculate you so much that there are no bones left. How much is this idea, it's just that if you go back to live in a room, you can get a labor force to do business for free and make money for them to spend!" Mao Dao sneered, exposing Yuan Cheng's uncle and aunt's calculations.

"Brother Yuan Cheng, your uncle and aunt are really bad enough. If this is the case, you can't move back! If you really move back, you will definitely be bitten to the bone. There's nothing left!" Perhaps having the same experience, Li Xiaoqing said angrily after seeing what happened to their family in Yuan Cheng's body.

"Don't worry! I'm not that stupid now, I won't be coaxed back by them! I'm just wondering if I should go to another village and find a place to live!" Yuan Cheng He spoke his plans softly.

"Why don't you live in my house! My house has a small room, although it's not big, but it can keep out the wind and rain. It's better than carrying it in a broken house!" Mao Dao heard Yuan Cheng's plan, Thinking of something, he said.

Yuan Chengxin accepted Mao Dao's kindness, but rejected Mao Dao's proposal.

"No, I can't go to your house! If I really move to your house, my uncle and aunt will definitely not be reconciled, maybe they will come and make trouble! You also know my uncle Auntie is making a lot of noise, I'd better not harm your family!"

Li Xiaoran also wanted to help Yuan Cheng when he heard this, but he didn't think of a good way for a while.

"You hold on for a few days. After our shop is built, you can move to our shop to live in! It just so happens that our shop still lacks a guard at night. I can still give you a salary, are you willing to come?" Luo Cheng said at this moment.

"Yes, I will! Thank you, Brother Luo!" Yuan Cheng thanked him happily.

To be honest, to be able to live in a shop and get a salary, Yuan Cheng is naturally willing to do so.

"Brother Luo, don't worry, I will definitely keep the shop safe!" Yuan Cheng quickly assured.

"In that case, it's really good!" Mao Dao was also happy for Yuan Cheng when he heard this.

"Okay, it's settled!" Luo Cheng settled the matter directly.

Li Xiaoran looked at Luo Cheng with warm eyes.

No wonder Xiaohuzi talks about Luo Chengcheng with a look of respect, this is all influenced by Luo Cheng's own charisma.

Looking at a person with a cold temperament, in fact, he is full of kindness and gentleness.

A man has the care and consideration that others do not have.

Not only to her, but to the people around him.

It's hard not to feel admiration for such a Luo Cheng!

Perhaps he felt Li Xiaoran's gaze, Luo Cheng looked over and met Li Xiaoran's gaze.

Li Xiaoran saw Luo Cheng looking over, smiled at him, and then gave a thumbs up.

Such a positive action made Luo Cheng smile.

The things I do have been affirmed by the people around me, and this kind of happiness is also the first time Luo Cheng has experienced.

It's great to have someone by your side to support you!

While speaking, people also came on the official road, so the business of the noodle stall came.

Perhaps because of the rain before, although the sky is clear now, people who are on the road still feel like there is moisture in their bodies.

The steaming knife-cut noodles have become a favorite of passers-by.

Of course, Maodao's steamed buns are also selling well. Some customers not only eat the noodles, but also buy a steamed bun to eat while waiting for the noodles.

Other stalls have also come in business one after another. Although it is not as good as the business of cutting noodles, it can be regarded as a business.

Just when Li Xiaoran's family was busy, a pair of elderly people appeared in front of the noodle stall.

Li Xiaoran just cooked a bowl of noodles and served it up, looked up at the guests who came, and recognized the pair of old people.

"Master, Aunt, it's you? But I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you here to sell wild eggs today?" Li Xiaoran greeted with a smile.

When the two elders heard Li Xiaoran's greeting, smiles appeared on their wrinkled faces.

"Yeah! We have accumulated some wild eggs, do you still buy them?"

"Buy, we'll buy it! If you have wild eggs in the future, feel free to send them to us!" Li Xiaoran nodded and said.

Luo Cheng came over at this moment and said to Li Xiaoran, "Leave this to me! You are busy first!"

Li Xiaoran nodded, then looked at the two old people and said hello.

"Uncle, auntie, I'm going to cook the noodles first! I'm going to collect this egg, you can follow him to get the money!"

The two old men nodded and kept saying thank you, and then Luo Cheng took them aside.

First, after counting the wild eggs, Luo Chenggong took out the purse.

Taking out the egg money, Luo Cheng looked around, and then put the money into his aunt's hand.

"Young generation, this is too much money!" The aunt said sincerely.

When Luo Cheng heard what his aunt said, he tried his best to be kinder.

"Not much, you bring me the eggs, and I will pay the toll!" Luo Cheng explained: "Auntie, you can take it! Don't be seen!"