The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 83

Chapter 83

"Yes! Luo Cheng, don't go out when it's raining! Let me tell you, you can't feel it when you're young, but when you're old, you'll know it's amazing!" Li Shun said with some emotion at this moment.

"I didn't take it seriously before, I thought I was strong and there would be no problem. At that time, I would go out to farm the fields when it was raining, and my hands with heavy dew in the morning would also go out. In recent years, when the weather is cold or rainy, the whole body hurts!" Li Shun used his own experience to persuade Luo Cheng to cherish his body.

Luo Cheng could feel Li Shun's concern for him, and finally nodded: "Well, I won't go today! When the weather is better in a few days, I will go up the mountain again! "

Seeing that Luo Cheng gave up the idea of hunting, Li Xiaoran breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know why, when Luo Cheng said she was going out hunting, she had a bad premonition.

Now that I see Luo Cheng not going, that bad premonition has disappeared again, and I am relieved.

"Brother-in-law, are we really going to build a shop?" Li Xiaoqing asked suddenly.

"Yeah! I bought the land, and I found the person who built the shop. I'll be back in two days. I guess it may take nearly a month to build the shop!" Luo Chengdian He nodded and told his arrangement.

"We will be able to sell noodles in the shop in a month?" Li Xiaoran asked in surprise, "Why so fast?"

"I'm looking for someone who specializes in building shops, so naturally the speed will be faster! You can think about it next, add some food besides selling noodles! I think, if only selling noodles, What a pity!" Luo Cheng reminded of something.

Li Xiaoran is also thinking seriously at this moment.

In the past, there was no way to set up a stall to sell noodles, because they just started their business and did not have much capital, so they could only choose the lowest cost pasta to sell.

Now that we have a shop, naturally we can't just sell knives and noodles, but we also need to add some other foods!

Sliced noodles are definitely essential, and the other eaters don't know what to do for a while.

"Otherwise, let's sell noodles! Let's make some other noodles!" Li Xiaoqing gave her advice.

Li Xiaoran shook his head and said, "If we only sell noodles, it's a bit too simple! If we really want to make money, in addition to selling noodles, we can also sell Chaoshou, glutinous rice balls, steamed buns, etc. Can!"

"There are so many things to sell! Are we busy?" Zhao Xiu first thought of a question when she heard her daughter's words.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and felt that it was too tiring to do this business.

There are only a few people in their family.

"If you want to make money, you can't do this business, you have to think about other things! To be honest, I think it's better to open a restaurant. Look, the money a restaurant makes is more than noodles. There are many stalls, and I'm not afraid of others coming to grab business. Now there are two noodle stalls, and there may be more people coming to set up noodle stalls in the future!" Luo Cheng thought about it and put forward his suggestion.

After listening to Luo Cheng's remarks, Li Xiaoran's thoughts were suddenly opened.

I remember she once learned a business lesson when she was in school.

If there is no one, I have it.

In a few simple words, the essence of doing business is summed up.

We can do this business when others don't.

Others also do this business, then we have to be the best in this business.

When others are doing very well, then you should consider changing careers and doing things that others have not done!

Nowadays, there are more and more people setting up stalls along the official roads, and there are more and more kinds of food, but there are very few people who actually open restaurants.

After their shop was built, it was time to open a restaurant, which was considered to fill a vacancy.

So opening a small restaurant is to seize this part of the guests who have the pursuit of food and the ability to spend money.

The more she thought about it, the more Li Xiaoran felt that it was the best way to go.

"I think you are right, Xianggong, we should open a small restaurant! Mother and Xiaoqing's craftsmanship is also good, I will teach you to cook some more dishes, and then a few of us will be able to support one The restaurant is coming! If there is really a shortage of manpower, we can also consider letting Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao come to work, they will definitely be happy!"

Li Xiaoqing became happy when she heard this.

"Sister, are you willing to teach us how to cook?"

"Naturally I am willing! You learn more, and you will be able to do business yourself and make money in the future!" Li Xiaoran said, "This girl's family has the ability to make money, and the future will be It will go a little easier!"

Li Shun didn't know what to think when he heard the words of his daughter and son-in-law, and his face was a little sad.

When he was in Lao Li's house, he was the mainstay of the family, relying on his labor to farm the land and support a large family.

But since the dowry, he seems to be more and more important at home.

This sense of loss made Li Shun feel a little bit, but he didn't know what he could do for a while.

Perhaps Li Shun's feeling of loss was so strong that Li Xiaoran immediately sensed the abnormality of his father.

Looking at Li Shun with his head down and his whole body languid, Li Xiaoran felt that he couldn't go on like this.

Luo Cheng has always paid attention to Li Xiaoran. At this time, Li Xiaoran frowned at his father-in-law, so he also looked over.

Comparing his heart to his heart, Luo Cheng also understood his father-in-law's heart disease after a second thought.

Faced with such a situation, Luo Cheng couldn't think of a good solution for a while.

"Xiaoqing, I'm a little thirsty, let's go over and boil some water! Mother seems to have picked some wild chrysanthemums and dried them, let's make a pot of chrysanthemum tea to drink and go to the body It's so hot!" Li Xiaoran suddenly stood up and said to his sister.

Li Xiaoqing nodded, put down the needle and thread in her hand, and went out with Li Xiaoran.

When he got to the stove, Li Xiaoran saw that no one was following, so he pulled his sister and started talking while boiling water.

"Xiaoqing, have you noticed that Dad seems to be getting more and more unhappy recently!"

Li Xiaoqing nodded when she heard her sister's words: "Sister, you found it too!"

"Yeah! I don't think Dad can continue like this. We have to find him something he wants to do!" Li Xiaoran expressed his thoughts.

"But what my father can do, besides farming, he can only weave bamboo!" Li Xiaoqing said embarrassingly.