The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Luo Cheng was silent when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"But I said, all I can give you is a sincere heart. I will do my best to take care of you, worry about your worries, worry about your worries, never in my life Betray you! So Xianggong, no matter what kind of person you are, I will not betray you!" Li Xiaoran said again.

"So, no matter what you will become in the future, no matter what kind of person you will be, when I encounter something, I will not blindly suspect or doubt, I will be straightforward and honest Let's have a chat with you. Luo Cheng, don't worry, time will tell!

When the voice fell, Luo Cheng directly stretched out his hand and hugged Li Xiaoran in his arms.

I heard Li Xiaoran make such a promise before, but Luo Cheng didn't believe it.

But hearing Li Xiaoran make such a promise again, Luo Cheng only felt the heart in his chest beating fast.

He knows that it is not easy to get a person's sincerity, and it may not be true if others give it.

But at this moment, he is willing to believe that Li Xiaoran gave him a sincere heart!

In other words, he was willing to believe everything she said.

This person in front of him even told him his biggest secret, what else could he not believe?

Hold Li Xiaoran tightly in her arms, and deeply absorbed the reassuring taste of Li Xiaoran, Luo Cheng became greedy at this moment.

He wants to keep this woman by his side!

Li Xiaoran felt the longing in Luo Cheng's heart, and suddenly thought of him who was trapped in the ice cave.

A touch of pity came up, and Li Xiaoran hugged Luo Cheng backhand.

In this way, the two embraced each other and cuddled, as if there were some shortcomings that were repairing each other...

In the same village, Li Yan was lying in her house at this time with a grim look on her face.

Before, she left the village with her parents and went to the town!

She thought that she could finally get rid of Luo Cheng's nightmare and start a new life again.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and she returned to the village soon.

Heart hate.

Unfortunately, she could only think about not really doing anything to Luo Cheng.

Before she calmed down, she heard people in the village say that Luo Cheng had bought land beside the official road and was going to build a shop.

Li Yan was so jealous in her heart at this moment!

Why? Why is everything different!

But with Li Xiaoran, everything is different!

Luo Cheng not only set up a noodle stand for Li Xiaoran, but now builds a shop for Li Xiaoran. What kind of virtue can she have, Li Xiaoran can have such a good life wherever she goes?

The jealousy in her heart devoured Li Yan's reason, and she seemed to return to the time when she saw Li Xiaoran's happy life in the last life.

"Li Xiaoran, wait for me! I don't believe it anymore, your luck is so good, you have good luck wherever you go! Don't think that you are living well now, even if you leave The fire pit! Sooner or later, you will be pushed out by Luo Cheng to block the sword!" Li Yan said through gritted teeth.

Uncle Li and Aunt Li were relieved to see that both sons had returned, and they had also discussed ways to take turns taking care of the two of them.

But while they were relieved, Uncle Li and Aunt Li were a little scared again.

"Old man, I don't think we should provoke Luo Cheng in the future! I always think this kid is very evil!" Aunt Li thought of something and said.

Uncle Li looked at his wife and nodded: "I have long thought that this offspring is not easy to provoke! It's just that I needed tiger bones at that time, and Li Yan was unwilling to marry, so she could only Come up with a way to get married! Fortunately, the third child and the others have been married off, and we can stop dating in the future!"

"It's a pity! If the third and third daughter-in-law are here, we don't know how much better our life is now! Look at the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law, all of them are I'm used to being lazy!" When Aunt Li said this, she suddenly remembered something: "I think we should ask the eldest and the second for some money! The son is unreliable, we can only rely on the money!"

"Are you sure you can keep your money? Don't forget, you have all the money you saved from eating and frugality before. Who took this money, do you have any idea? ?" Uncle Li thought of something and said dissatisfiedly.

When Aunt Li heard that her old man turned over the old accounts, her face suddenly turned ugly.

"You think I'd like it? Be on guard against thieves! Who would have known that your eldest grandson would make such a move to steal money secretly! I see, over the years we have The money spent on this kid Li Zhan is going to go to waste!"

Thinking of this grandson he had high hopes for, Uncle Li also let out a long sigh.

At this time, he no longer has the desire to speak, just lying on the bed alone, thinking about something.

If he was able to treat the third family better at the beginning, is the life different now?

After all, with such a capable grandson-in-law as Luo Cheng, he will not have to worry about tiger bones in the future.

At this moment, Uncle Li suddenly realized his foolishness before, he only saw the two tiger bones, but not Luo Cheng's ability.

If he had gone to befriend Luo Cheng from the very beginning, would he still have to worry about his two sons not being filial to them?

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world!

The next day, it was still a rainy day.

So there is no way to set up the stall.

Taking advantage of this free time, Zhao Xiu went with her family to prepare quilts and cotton-padded clothes for the winter.

Although I bought some before, I still need to make some myself.

Of course, the cotton-padded clothes, cotton-padded pants and cotton-padded shoes are all made of Luo Cheng.

Seeing the people at home busy together, Luo Cheng thought of something.

"I'll go hunting in the mountains! Get some pheasants and come back and cook a pot of chicken soup for everyone to replenish their bodies! During this time, everyone was busy setting up stalls and didn't have a good rest!"

Li Xiaoran immediately became interested when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Can't I come with you? I haven't seen anyone hunting!"

Luo Cheng saw Li Xiaoran's look of anticipation, looked outside again, and hesitated.

"It's still raining outside, what if you go out with me if you catch a cold?"

Li Xiaoran looked outside, then remembered that it was still raining outside.

"Since it's raining, don't go out! There's still a lot of meat at home, so let's make it later! You don't necessarily have to drink chicken soup to nourish your body, and eating meat can also nourish your body! "