The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Zhao Yan, who happened to be walking out of the mushroom house, heard his name and followed the sound.

"Hey, cousin Xiaoran, my lord, why are you here?" Zhao Yan shouted and waved.

Seeing Zhao Yan coming, Li Xiaoran smiled.

"It's been a while, cousin Zhao Yan, you've changed a lot here!"

"This is not what you said, the place where mushrooms are grown also wants to be cleaned up. I see that in those deep mountains, the places where mushrooms grow are actually very clean. Look again. This place is indeed a bit buried. Besides, these mushrooms are grown for everyone to eat, so we should clean them up and sell them better in the future!" Zhao Yan said.

"Then you spent a lot of effort to clean it up?" Li Xiaoran looked at the surrounding woods that felt a lot cleaner, and said.

"Yeah! I called my parents and my younger siblings to help. It took about ten days to clean up this place! Your lord, cousin, come quickly. Look, my mushrooms seem to be planted!" Zhao Yan said while making a gesture of invitation.

Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng heard a flash of joy in their eyes, and then followed Zhao Yan to the nearest wooden house.

"After my cousin taught me how to grow mushrooms, I built a few wooden houses like this. I also built a few stone houses. I plan to compare the two houses and see That house is more suitable for growing mushrooms. Judging from the current situation, there is no difference in this kind of house!" Zhao Yan talked about his progress in growing mushrooms during this period.

"Cousin, come and see, look at this oyster mushroom and this shiitake mushroom, they are already fruiting, and when they grow up, they can be harvested! I have to say, your method is really good Yes, mushrooms have actually been cultivated!" Zhao Yan said happily at this moment.

Li Xiaoran walked over and took a closer look. Sure enough, the mushroom bags made of sawdust were already covered with white and tender mushrooms.

Luo Cheng also looked over curiously at this time. When he saw the oyster mushrooms in Li Xiaoran's hands, he was really shocked.

"Is this really cultivated? This mushroom looks clean and fresh from the mountain?"

"No, my lord, don't you know that when I saw these mushrooms grow, I happily ran for several laps in the woods. This shows that my idea is not wrong. You can earn money to support your family by growing these mushrooms!" Zhao Yan said, and handed another piece of wood to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng smelled the shiitake mushrooms growing on this wood, and the fragrance was the same as the shiitake mushrooms he picked before.

"Yes, yes, this is shiitake mushrooms, it seems that we can eat mushrooms anytime we want in the future!"

Zhao Yan smiled and nodded: "Yeah! Whenever you want to eat, just tell me, I will send it to you!"

Li Xiaoran was very happy when she saw these mushrooms that were growing very well.

"It seems that the common people here will have another meal on the table! I can think of more than ten ways to eat mushrooms now!"

"In a few days, these mushrooms will be ready to eat, and then I will send them to you!" Zhao Yan said: "By the way, I will also get some for the family to taste. Taste and celebrate my success in growing mushrooms!" Zhao Yan said happily.

"Okay, then I'll wait!" Li Xiaoran would not be polite to Zhao Yan, and immediately responded.

Afterwards, the three went to see the mushroom cultivation in several other houses.

I have to say that the mushrooms in each house are well grown, and when they are harvested in two days, they can really harvest a lot.

It can be sold for a lot of money. Rare is the most expensive thing, you set the price higher!"

"You don't have to sell it, just deliver it to my restaurant! I believe it won't be long before many people from the restaurant will come to you to order these mushrooms!" Luo Cheng thought about it Think, say so.

"Yes, as long as this thing is bought in the wine shop of Xianggong, it will definitely be sought after by many people! At that time, you can ask the cook to prepare some paste, and then wrap this oyster mushroom in some paste , fry it in a frying pan, and when you take it out, it's a delicious and delicious appetizer. The key is that this piece of mushroom can be fried in a large piece, so it can be regarded as a very profitable dish!" Li Xiaoran thought what, said so.

"It's a good idea, it's arranged like this!" Luo Cheng nodded and said.

Zhao Yan saw that his cousin and cousin-in-law suddenly opened up the sales of his mushrooms, and his mouth was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Looks like I need to build more mushroom houses!"

Luo Cheng thought of what Zhao Yan said.

"Should we build more, I think this piece of wood is still very big, and we can build more! If the money is not enough, we can lend it to you first, and then we will pay it back slowly after earning money. Just fine!"

Zhao Yan nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you, my lord, I have to go back and discuss this matter with my parents! Since I want to grow mushrooms to sell, I have to bring my family with me. Just be together."

"Okay, you can discuss it first, and you can come to us if you need anything!" Luo Cheng nodded and said.

To be honest, Luo Cheng feels good about the third uncle's family.

Knowing how to solve their own problems, being diligent and hardworking, and willing to use their brains, Luo Cheng is naturally willing to help such relatives.

From Zhao Yan, the weather outside is even hotter.

Fortunately, there is a small stream not far away. There are big trees on both sides of the stream, and there are shaded places under the trees.

The two walked towards the stream, taking shelter from the shade.

The stream was crystal clear at the moment, Li Xiaoran was very happy when he saw it, and wanted to take off his shoes and step on it.

"Don't!" Luo Cheng seemed to see Li Xiaoran's thoughts and quickly stopped her.

"The creeks here are full of broken stones, you will be scratched soon if you go barefoot, and it will be you who will hurt! If you want to tread water, next time we will do A sturdy straw sandal, and let's go treading water together!"

When Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words, he looked at the little stream with regret.

"Hey, this is the only way! The main reason is that the water in this stream is very cool, and it is very comfortable for my feet to step in. How about I take off my shoes and socks and soak my feet in the water? "Li Xiaoran thought of another way to cool himself.

"No, your body took a long time to recuperate, don't be too greedy for the cold! Walk around, hurry back with me, I will ask people to buy delicious food and come back!" Luo Cheng said coaxed.