The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 689

Chapter 689

"But it's a good thing! If it wasn't for this, your marriage wouldn't have gone so smoothly!" Zhao Huaishan sighed.

At this time, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Now that my son and daughter-in-law have become such people, he has done everything he can, what else can he do?

At least for now, let's help one calculate one, as for other things, let's solve it slowly later!

At this time, Zhao Huaishan only hoped that after his eldest grandson Zhao Lijun went out for a while, he could wake up and do things in a down-to-earth manner, not thinking about shortcuts.

Mao Dao's parents and Xu Xiufang had a good chat, and there was an official matchmaker from time to time, and the atmosphere in the main room was still very good.

After Zhao Huaishan led Zhao Long's family, the two sides didn't take those false words, and went straight to the topic and settled the marriage.

This is not bad, at least she can get the money directly as a matchmaker, which is also a good thing.

After the exchange of Geng posts, the marriage certificate was set.

When the marriage certificate is stamped with the official seal, the marriage will be completed.

"In-law grandpa, in-law, you see this marriage has been decided, we might as well strike while the iron is hot to set the date of marriage. Including dowry gifts, you can ask for anything you want!" Mao's mother He is a person with a straightforward personality, so he simply opens the skylight and speaks brightly.

Zhao Huaishan really likes to be in-law with such a straightforward person.

"We don't choose the dowry, you just need to prepare! My old man can give you a precise word here, how much dowry you give, we will all return in the form of dowry. You can prepare whatever you can, beyond your own ability. But there is one thing we need to explain first. This girl Sisi is married to your Mao family, and I hope your Mao family will treat her like a daughter! After all, this girl It's also the one we hold in our hands and take care of the grown up child!

Father Mao and Mother Mao nodded when they heard Zhao Huaishan's words.

"Yes, yes! No one's children are raised by their parents. Don't worry, we are not that kind of evil mother-in-law and father-in-law or something. Sisi will also be ours in the future. Family, we will definitely treat him well! In order to express our sincerity, we plan to build a house in Hele Village, where the young couple lived at the beginning. If we do it now, we will not disturb their young couple. Live, but we still have to rely on them both for the elderly!" Mao's mother said.

"This is natural, and supporting their parents is what they should do!" Zhao Huaishan nodded and said.

After that, the two discussed it and set the marriage date in October.

It's mid-August, and it's only a month away from October, so it's not too long or too short, just right.

The marriage was decided, Zhao Sisi was also relieved.

She glanced at Mao Dao quietly, but Mao Dao was also looking at Zhao Sisi.

The eyes of the two people met, and they were suddenly hot, and they quickly looked away.

After a while, Zhao Sisi looked at Mao Dao again.

Mao Dao has been looking at Zhao Sisi stupidly, so happy that she can't find the north.

Li Xiaoran is talking to Luo Cheng about the official road.

"Master, what do you think about the official road?"

"Does the lady have any good ideas?" Luo Cheng asked.

"Aren't we going to hold a food festival? Cooking competitions or something, rather than looking for other places, it is better to build a town near Guandao. Besides, I wanted to hold one before. Food Street. Food festivals, food streets, by the way, get a big event venue, and hold some other competitions, you can continue to attract a lot of people! In addition, the town is built on the edge of the official road, so don't worry about it Road!" Li Xiaoran said.

"The town is easy to build. Those food streets you mentioned, competitions and events are also easy to organize. But lady, we don't have enough manpower!" Luo Cheng said the most critical Place: "We only developed Bailu City as a fief. Everything is still in its infancy, and we have too few people."

"In addition, we have a lot of potential dangers, and those things have not been resolved, so don't think about developing the economy with peace of mind. Once we emerge, someone will immediately target us. So, Let's not be impatient or intervene forcefully, take your time! Open a grilled fish shop first, and then develop the business of fruit and medicinal materials. When we have a certain amount of money in our hands, it will be easy to do anything!" Luo Cheng said out of his ideas.

Li Xiaoran also knew that she was a little impatient, and when she heard Luo Cheng's words, she decided to adjust her mood.

"I'm impatient! I can't eat hot tofu!"

Seeing Li Xiaoran's appearance, Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and took Li Xiaoran's hand.

"Miss, life should be relaxed and moderate. Now everything has a good start, so don't worry, everything will take your time."

Li Xiaoran nodded, and then remembered something.

"By the way, I don't know if Maodaoshanmen's marriage proposal will go well today?"

"Don't worry! With Grandpa here, this marriage will definitely be settled! It's also Zhao Sisi's luck that is better, if it's someone else, it may not be so easy to settle this marriage." Luo Cheng smiled and said this.

Li Xiaoran only felt a little headache when she thought of the bad things about her second uncle.

"By the way, after such a long time, I don't know how my cousin's mushrooms are growing!" Li Xiaoran suddenly remembered something.

"Why don't we go and have a look together!" Luo Cheng was also interested at this moment and decided to take a look.

Last time, Li Xiaoran's idea of going up the mountain to pick mushrooms failed again, so he could only leave the method of mushroom cultivation to Zhao Yan, and let him figure it out himself.

When I came back this time, I just went to see if Zhao Yan did what she said.

Because it's a little hot, there will definitely be a lot of mosquitoes.

Li Xiaoran put on long-sleeved trousers, and smeared sunscreen and mosquito repellent on the exposed skin, and then walked with Luo Cheng towards the place where Zhao Yan planted mushrooms .

When the two of them arrived, they found that the place had changed a lot.

The place that was originally cold and damp has become much cleaner and tidy after taking care of it.

The former muddy trail is now paved with gravel.

Now even if it is raining on this road, I am not afraid of getting a pair of shoes full of mud.

"It seems that my cousin Zhao Yan has really put a lot of effort into taking care of this place!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.