The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 627

Chapter 627

Hearing Mr. Fu's words, several people were silent.

"Master, how can you be sure that we can get asylum if we take refuge in King Qin? Also, can King Qin really protect us?" The fifth Feng Huan asked.

"Not sure, not sure! Huan'er, you are the most impatient and insecure, and you always like to think in the worst direction. This is your advantage, and it is also you There are many things in this world that are very certain. Many things are based on wealth and danger. The reputation of King Qin and Princess Qin is good, and the teacher just talked with Princess Qin, from when she talked about food You can see from the look that this is a person who likes to eat delicious food! We cooks, follow her, that's right!" Elder Fu said.

"Master, we rely on our ability to eat, we rely on our craftsmanship, where we can't go, why do we have to be humble and small for others. I still like a free and free identity, but I don't want to just give others one more cook!" Feng Huan's younger brother Feng Le said reluctantly.

"Then who do you think is better at cooking than your Seventh Junior Brother?" Fu Lao asked bluntly.

"Of course the seventh junior brother's cooking skills are better!" Although Feng Le was reluctant to admit it, he had to affirm Zhou Peng's cooking skills.

"Look, your seventh junior brother also has good cooking skills? What's the result?" Fu Lao asked such a sentence.

This time, the five apprentices stopped talking.

"If we were born in a prosperous world, Master wouldn't go to great lengths to get you to rely on someone, just let you go out and let you develop on your own! However, troubled times are coming, if you don't find them With the blessing of one party, it is very difficult to gain a foothold!" Old Fu sighed like this.

"Master, do you think there will be no chaos here in Shu?" Zhuo Lian, Fu Jinhua's fourth apprentice, asked at this moment.

"That's right, because of the terrain, natural barriers in Shu have prevented many disasters. The most important thing is that Bailu City in Shu is now the fief of King Qin. With King Qin, Only now can we have a stable life!" Elder Fu said.

This time, several apprentices dispelled their doubts.

After that, several people got busy.

So many people can't live in one guest room.

According to the order, today, the fourth Zhuo Lian is responsible for taking care of Master and staying with him in a room.

The other four people have a room for two people, and two more rooms are opened.

A group of people came after Zhou Peng, and now that Zhou Peng has subdued, they can rest completely.

Because it was not yet time to eat, a few of them asked the shop assistant to bring hot water.

After Zhuo Lian mixed the hot water, he helped Fu Lao into the tub.

Afterwards, Zhuo Lian retreated outside and started making tea.

Fu Jinhua has always had the habit of drinking tea, and every time he brews not much, just a few pieces of tea leaves are enough.

Zhuo Lian, who is familiar with his habits, is also very handy.

After Mr. Fu finished washing, Zhuo Lian also took a bath by himself after changing the water.

After the two masters have washed up, the second shopkeeper below will also bring the food up.

"Master, don't we go down to eat?" Zhuo Lian asked after seeing it.

Old Fu shook his head and said, "Master is here, I don't have the energy to toss, so I just eat something in the house, and I can rest after eating!"

Fu Lao had a bad appetite, so he tasted a few small dishes, and after eating a little rice, he was full.

The rest of the meal was eaten by Zhuo Lian.

Old Fu looked at Zhuo Lian's delicious meal and couldn't help laughing.

"Fourth! Do you still have something in your heart that you haven't asked?"

Zhuo Lian hesitated when he heard his master's words, and nodded.

"Master, the reason why you came to Shu is because of what Master Fuyuan said?"

When Mr. Fu heard Zhuo Lian's words, he reached out and touched his beard.

Zhuo Lian, if one day Master passes away, your brothers and sisters are unwilling to follow King Qin, so don't force it. Just stay by King Qin yourself! Trust Master, you won't regret this choice!"

Zhuo Lian nodded when he heard what his master said.

"Master, in fact, like you, I am very optimistic about King Qin and Princess Qin. I have never met King Qin, but after seeing Princess Qin, my disciple decided to stay in Shu! Master, my disciples have a feeling that this diligent princess will bring us a big surprise. So you must live well, or else you will miss this big surprise, and you will never rest in your life!"

Old Fu could not help laughing when he heard what his apprentice said.

"Fine, Master will try to live a little longer to see what kind of surprise Princess Qin brings us!"

On Li Xiaoran's side, after taking the five selected people back to their yard, they handed this person over to Zicheng to settle down.

In addition to Yin Qing and Ye Shengnan who brought them back, the rooms in the yard were full at this time.

Fortunately, everyone does things by themselves, so it is not too troublesome.

That night, Luo Cheng still did not come back.

However, Li Xiaoran got a note from Zicheng that Luo Cheng asked the carrier pigeon to send back.

The note said Xiaoran personally opened it, but when I opened it, there was only one sentence.

"Everything is fine for my husband, come back tomorrow night! Don't miss, miss you!"

Seeing such a sentence, Li Xiaoran smiled.

"Let me not miss him, he even wrote a miss me at the end! How stupid!"

Put the note away, put it in his purse, and put it on the pillow. Li Xiaoran rested on Luo Cheng's note and fell asleep.

Maybe it was the reason why Luo Cheng would be back tomorrow night, Li Xiaoran slept well that night.

When Li Xiaoran woke up the next morning, he found that it was raining outside.

"Xiao Ran, are you awake? Get up, Ye Shengnan made rice cakes today, and I ate very well!" Shu Ruyue ran over to look for Li Xiaoran when she was washing up.

Li Xiaoran was also a little hungry when she heard that there were rice cakes to eat.

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten rice cakes for a long time! Let's go, try it!"

I have to say that the rice cakes made by Ye Shengnan are really good.

Li Xiaoran fell in love with the taste of this rice cake after taking a bite.

"Hey, this rice cake tastes amazing, much better than the rice cakes I've ever eaten!"

Ye Shengnan smiled when he heard Li Xiaoran's praise.

"I also tried making rice cakes for the first time. I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to make them today, so I made a pot!"

Li Xiaoran suddenly remembered something.