The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 626

Chapter 626

As soon as these words came out, the people around them showed expressions of disbelief.

Even Zhou Peng couldn't believe what he heard.

"Don't you hate it?" Zhou Peng muttered to himself.

"Hate, why not hate? But rather than hate, I prefer to love! Because only me is getting better and better, and it is the best punishment for those who bullied me in the first place So, why should I punish myself with other people's mistakes, if you still have the opportunity to reform, learn to stand in the sunshine, open your heart to the sunshine, work hard to pay, and experience to make up for your own injuries, so that you can live up to your own. Come and have a walk in this world!" Li Xiaoran said as he looked at Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng said nothing, and was taken away by Wang Zhaotou.

Shu Ruyue came to Li Xiaoran's side when she saw that all the crises were resolved.

"Why, I think you already knew this person was not a good person?"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard Shu Ruyue's words.

"Maybe it's a woman's sixth sense!"

"Xiao Ran, why are you talking so much to a murderer?" Shu Ruyue asked another question.

Li Xiaoran thought about it after hearing Shu Ruyue's words.

"If I say more words, I can make him repent, let him let go of the darkness in his heart, and move towards the light from now on, and try to make up for the harm he has caused to others. Why not do it?"

"Why not do something good, thank you for your help today! Xiaopeng is lucky to meet you!" At this moment, Mr. Fu stepped forward Come on, thank you very much.

"Old man, you don't need to thank me, it's fate to meet you! Now that you have met, it's a good thing to help! If he doesn't have kind thoughts in his heart, it's useless to say more. People, Good and evil are in one thought!" Li Xiaoran said with a wave of his hand.

Li Xiaoran stared at Fu Lao, guessing his purpose.

Because the other party was very calm, Li Xiaoran couldn't hear him, but Li Xiaoran could feel that the other party had no ill will towards her.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran's brain flashed, and she immediately realized something.

This old Fu has called herself a nobleman since she opened her mouth. Could it be that he knows her identity.

"In fact, it's not a big deal, it's just that the food store I opened needs such talents!" Li Xiaoran said.

Old Fu nodded when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"So it is, I don't know where the nobleman's shop is going to open? When will it open? To tell you the truth, I am an old man, and now I don't want to do anything else, just want to Eat a delicious bite! Most of my body has been buried in the soil, and if I don't try the delicious food, it will be a pity when I can't eat it!"

When Li Xiaoran heard Fu Lao's words, he could feel the regret in his words and smiled.

"If the old man really wants to come to eat delicious food, why don't you go to Jinyang Town below Anhua County, Bailu City! The opening day is just a month later, if the old man is free , might as well come and try it, it must be worthwhile!" Li Xiaoran invited.

When Mr. Fu heard Li Xiaoran's words, his face was full of smiles.

"Okay! Thank you for your invitation, the old man will definitely come to taste it! I won't bother you today, farewell!"

Li Xiaoran bowed to the old man, and then watched Fu Lao and the other five men leave.

After the person leaves, Li Xiaoran's screening will continue.

In addition to the skinny boy that Li Xiaoran ordered before, a total of four people stayed.

I have to say, this time the harvest is still very good.

Although the skills of these four people in grilling fish are not as good as the skinny teenagers, they are not much different.

Concentrate on training later, absolutely enough!

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoran's face also showed a happy smile.

With these five people, at least the shops in Jinyang Town can be opened first.

If you meet a suitable chef later, then branches in other places can also prepare.

On Mr. Fu's side, he didn't go far after he left, but stayed in an inn in Nanping Town.

"Master, why do you keep calling that lady noble?" At this moment, the man who had been pushing Old Fu's wheelchair couldn't help but ask.

"A body of purple aura appeared in Nanping Town again. Who else is there except Princess Qin? The shop address given by Princess Qin also proves this? You know , The place where King Qin and Princess Qin live is in Hele Village below Jinyang Town, Anhua County, Bailu City!" Old Fu replied with a smile.

"Master, isn't your old man the least fond of dealing with members of the royal family? Why did you make an exception for this diligent princess?" Another man in black asked puzzled.

Old Fu glanced at him, then looked at the five apprentices beside him, and said: "But King Qin and Princess Qin are different! First, Princess Qin was originally a farmer's woman, today You have seen it before, what kind of person do you think Princess Qin is?"

The person who pushed Fu Lao forward was Ge Kai, he was Fu Lao's second apprentice.

Hearing Fu Lao's words at this time, Ge Kai recalled it carefully.

"Princess Qin gave me the feeling that she was well-informed. It seems that she has noticed something wrong with the younger brother from the beginning. But she didn't make a statement or make any arrangements, just waited like this She didn't panic when the younger junior brother made things difficult for her. She gave a warning first, and then saw the younger junior brother making trouble, and then calmly fought back. Such a person doesn't look like a woman from a farm!"

Old Fu laughed when he heard this.

"Don't ask where the hero comes from! The second child, you are still photographed! You despise her because she is a woman! Why don't you think about how many of those heroes have been since ancient times? Are you of high birth?"

When Ge Kai heard the words of his master, he was speechless.

After all, let's take a look at the heroes who can be named in ancient and modern times, many of them are of ordinary origin.

"Master, are you trying to find a way out for us when you contact Princess Qin?" At this time, Zhang Luo, the third apprentice who had not spoken, asked.

Old Fu glanced at his third apprentice and let out a sigh.

"I know I can't hide it from you kid!"

After saying this, Mr. Fu picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and then said: "You seven brothers and sisters, the eldest was killed by the youngest Xiaopeng. Xiaopeng was also killed by the old man himself. I was sent to the prison, and now there are only five of you brothers and sisters left! I am very clear about my body and bones, I am afraid I will not survive for a few years! Pulling my old bones, I will help you find a way out so as to avoid After I am gone, you are persecuted!"