The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 617

Chapter 617

This evening, Li Liming thought a lot.

Jiao Hang saw that he was not walking around the room, so he also blew out the light and fell asleep.

Just as everyone else was sleeping quietly, Luo Cheng got up and left.

Glancing at Li Xiaoran who was sleeping, Luo Cheng put a letter beside the pillow and left with someone.

At the same time, in Ye Shengnan's hometown, that is, Changning Village, Luo Han had already dressed up at this time, asking people to find out all the information about the coal kiln.

At this time, the people of the Shu army were also scattered, and through various channels, they finally gathered in a very secret mountain forest outside Changning Village.

When Luo Cheng arrived, everything was ready.

"How is it? Have you figured out the situation here?" Luo Cheng asked.

"Don't worry, I will do things safely! But Luo Cheng, your luck is really good! If you just go out for a walk, you will be able to discover the coal mine!" Luo Han laughed and joked road.

Luo Cheng gave Luo Han a white look, but said nothing, his eyes fell on another person.

"Are you Xu Wenjing? Grandson Xu's eldest grandson?"

"The last general Xu Wenjing has seen Qin Wang!" Xu Wenjing stepped forward, smiled and bowed.

"Don't be too polite, you and Mr. Xu really look alike! I glanced at you just now and almost thought I saw Mr. Xu when he was young!" Luo Cheng couldn't help sighing.

"Everyone says I look a bit like my grandfather, but I don't really want to! I really don't like my grandfather's face, but it's a pity that it was given by my parents and can't be changed Ah!" Xu Wenjing laughed at himself.

Luo Cheng seemed to understand something and laughed.

"Don't worry, you are more handsome than Mr. Xu, and you will definitely be better than Mr. Xu in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them laughed at the same time.

After the greeting, the three of them sat together and discussed.

Many people think that the child is the most tired time.

Actually, when you are ugly at night, you are the most tired.

So Luo Cheng and the others plan to take down the Song family and the coal kiln at this time and control it in one fell swoop.

"In order to avoid the grass and the snake, I made some powder here, and it happened that the wind blowing tonight also took advantage of us. Before the action, let our people stand on the wind and sprinkle the powder out. After that, Let's sneak in again, click on those people's sleeping holes, and then accept the coal kiln!" Luo Cheng looked at Luo Han and Xu Wenjing and said, "After the completion of the matter, the tax paid by the coal kiln will be divided into three parts, and the Shu army will pay for it. 40% of the military spending is paid to the soldiers, to buy military rations and cotton clothes, etc. You can draw this part of the money. The other 30% is used for people's livelihood and civilian use, and the last 30% is sent to the Qin Palace!" Luo Cheng said.

Xu Wenjing heard Luo Cheng's words, thought about it, and couldn't help but ask: "My lord, what are you going to do with this coal kiln?"

It stands to reason that Bailu City is already the fief of King Qin, so everything in this fief falls within the jurisdiction of King Qin.

All the income in the fief can be said to belong to the King of Diligence.

So King Qin took over the coal kiln and managed the mining himself, which is justifiable.

Who knew Luo Cheng shook his head after hearing Xu Wenjing's words.

"What to do with the coal kiln, please wait until the book is reported to the emperor, please let the emperor decide! Anyway, no matter who the coal kiln is in the end, the tax must be paid. By the way, the house will be raided in a while. It's time to confiscate all the Song family's property! These properties will be used to offset the tax money that should be paid over the years!"

Luo Han and Xu Wenjing were overjoyed when these words came out!

A businessman who dares to open a coal mine without permission must have a very rich family property.

Use the family property to offset the tax money, which means that they can all get a sum of money!

With this money, they can do a lot.

Luo Han felt that with this sum of money, many things that benefit the people's livelihood can be started.

Xu Wenjing wanted to use this money to improve the food and add warm clothes for his soldiers.

Every year, Xu Wenjing has to rack his brains in order to get some warm cotton coats for the soldiers.

Now with the support of the tax from this coal kiln, the life of the Shu army can finally be a little better!

Thinking of this made Xu Wenjing even more excited.

If such a good thing is passed on, the Shu troops who follow are like chicken blood.

Xu Wenjing was in charge of the coal kiln, and Luo Han was in charge of the Song family mansion in Changning Village.

With the medicinal powder made by Luo Cheng, the two parties were all smooth sailing.

The poor Song family were grabbed directly by Luo Han's people in their sleep, and then tied and thrown aside.

The next day, after a few cocks, the sun slowly rose below the horizon.

When Song Pei opened his eyes again, he found that not only was there a rag in his mouth, but he couldn't even move his hands and feet.

Looking carefully, his wife, children and concubines were all **** and sleeping on the side.

Song Pei let out a whimper, but there was no movement around.

And his wife and children and concubine still did not make any movement, as if indulging in sleep.

A bad feeling spread out, Song Pei was in a panic at this moment

Something happened, something happened!

I just don't know, what are these people tying up their family for?

If it's for a little money, then what?

If it is because of the coal kiln, then he is really finished.

At this time, Song Pei's heart was in a mess, and there was no way to calm down his thoughts.

At this moment, the door opened.

When Song Pei saw who was coming, his heart sank suddenly, his face became pale, and sweat dripped down unconsciously.

"It seems that you know the city lord!" Luo Han laughed when he saw Song Pei's reaction: "Since you know the city lord, then everything is easy to say! Song Pei, yes Bar!"

At this time, Song Pei's face was ashen, he closed his eyes, and looked silent.

Seeing this, Luo Han immediately became happy.

"Song Pei, do you really think that if you don't say anything, I can't do anything about you? You underestimate me Luo Han!"

Speaking, Luo Han stood up.

"Go, put out the interrogation dinner that I have improved before, and entertain some of our distinguished guests! You know, this distinguished guest is very rich!"