The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 616

Chapter 616

On this day, Xue Shanhui is still very clear.

However, it is also very important to find out if your elder brother is really still alive.

Xue Shanhui was thinking about his thoughts while washing his feet.

He is looking forward to it now, hoping that Ma San will really appear within eight days.

Because only in this way can Wu Qinghe's ability be proven true.

If Wu Qinghe's ability is true, then the possibility of him asking Wu Qinghe to help him find his eldest brother is more likely.

There is nothing difficult in the world, only those who are willing.

Xue Shanhui doesn't want to find his eldest brother back for a family reunion, he just wants to know the news that his eldest brother is safe and sound, and that's enough.

In another room, Li Liming walked back and forth in his house many times, looking impetuous.

Jiao Hang, who was lying down and resting, was so dizzy by Li Liming that he hurriedly stopped and said, "I said Li Liming, what are you doing? Ants on the hot pot? Just wandering back and forth in this room. You don't feel too tired, I'm too tired for you! Tell me, what is it that makes you so anxious! "

Li Liming had a rare desire to talk when he heard Jiao Hang's words.

"You say, why did the lord not agree to my request today! I can really make money, and I am really good at doing business! As long as I help the lord take care of the business, I guarantee that the lord will be in the future In the future, the purse will be bulging!"

Jiao Hang heard Li Liming's words and knew that he was still worrying about the incident during the day.

Putting away the smile on his face, Jiao Hang became serious.

"Li Liming, you are not the kind of person without brains, why are you so eager for quick success today? You should also know that you and I only came to join the prince, and the prince is still there for us. During the inspection, you said that if you were doing business, someone suddenly came to you and asked you to hand over the business to him, and the other party swore that he would make a lot of money for you. ?"

Come on! I don't want to be taken advantage of by others!"

"By the way, you think so, why do you insist that the prince agree to you now?" Jiao Hang asked rhetorically.

This time, Li Liming reacted, the whole person was like a deflated ball, withered up, fell on his bed, and let out a long sigh.

"Am I in a hurry? The business of grilling fish can be done! You have also tasted the taste of grilled fish. If you operate this a little bit, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

"You know, don't others know? But do you see who opened this mouth? Besides, haven't you observed it? Our diligent princess is not ordinary! You are compared with diligent princess. , who does King Qin trust more?" Jiao Hang raised another question.

Li Liming was reminded by Jiao Hang, at this time, he carefully recalled every bit about Princess Qin.

At this time, Li Liming discovered the power of Li Xiaoran with hindsight.

"Hey! Jiao Hang, I didn't find out if you didn't tell me! It turns out that Princess Qin is also a very good business master!"

"Oh, your eyes only see this? Princess Qin is not only a master of making money, but also a very brainy, very smart, very thoughtful, and has won the respect of Qin Wang And the strange woman you love. I said, before you join King Qin, don't you inquire about King Qin?" Jiao Hang didn't know what to say about Li Liming at this moment.

"I inquired! I just inquired, and I came to join the King of Qin! If it were someone else, I would not have come to defect! Besides, what is so special about the Princess of Qin! The most special thing is that she was a country girl who had good luck and married King Qin!" Li Liming said disapprovingly.

Jiao Hang laughed when he heard Li Liming's words.

"You! It's still too taken for granted, and the observation is not careful enough. I ask you, if you are the king of diligence, after you have recovered your identity, will you still want a country girl? Send a country girl away For King Qin, it is very easy. Even if it is not easy, leaving Princess Qin in the capital and letting her fend for herself, such a method, King Qin will naturally be able to make it happen!"

Li Liming heard Jiao Hang's words and couldn't help defending: "The King of Qin really likes the Princess of Qin, so naturally he has no choice but to ask!"

Jiao Hang sneered when he heard Li Liming's words: "Superficial!"

"Do you think, based on King Qin's experience, he will be the kind of person who is easily moved and gives his heart? If Princess Qin is not exceptional, King Qin will hold another one Sincerely, treat each other with sincerity. Don't you see that King Qin's love for Princess Qin is held in the palm of his hand and caring. I have inquired about it before, but King Qin politely rejected many noble ladies in the capital for Princess Qin's sake. Let go of the words and say that there will be a pair of people in your life."

After finishing speaking, Jiao Hang remembered something, and simply said everything he wanted to say.

"The world is only lucky to be the Queen of Qin, and she has been cared for by the King of Qin. A little peasant girl suddenly rose to prominence and turned into a Princess of Qin. But look at the people around King Qin. It can be seen from the respect of Princess Qin, it is respect from the heart. If a woman has no ability, why should she occupy the heart of a man, and why should the people around her man respect her respectfully? I said a sincerity or something, does King Qin still lack such a sincerity? How many noble ladies in the capital have such a sincere heart, why must it be Princess Qin?"

Don't dare to easily hand over your business to you. Doing business is like going on a battlefield. Sometimes a failure can be fatal. You are too easy to be calculated, and it is too easy to want to calculate you! If you don't Make up for this piece, the lord will never reuse you!"

Jiao Hang's words are very serious, but they come from the bottom of my heart. I sincerely hope that Li Liming will get better and better in the future.

Li Liming is not someone who doesn't know what's wrong, he knows his own affairs.

Although he has a talent for business, he is really lacking in interpersonal communication, otherwise he would not be calculated by his brother and eventually be expelled from the family.

At this moment, Li Liming no longer said anything, but was thinking about something in his heart.

Just when Jiao Hang thought that Li Liming would not say anything, he suddenly heard Li Liming's voice.

"You're right, if I were worldly, I wouldn't be in this place!"