The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 613

Chapter 613

Speaking of this, Ye Shengnan sneered.

"My father tied me with a rope without saying a word, so that I wouldn't escape! I've been begging my parents to let me go. I said I didn't want to be a child bride for others, but I Dad is indifferent. My mother has red eyes and wants to help me, but she can't help my father!"

"Then what happened?" Li Xiaoran asked distressedly.

Ye Shengnan thought of something, and his eyes were red.

"It's my mother, while my father fell asleep, she loosened my ties and told me to run away."

Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue were a little worried about Ye Shengnan's mother when they heard the wild man's words.

"Then you are gone, what will happen to your mother? Will your father beat your mother? No, I will go back and see now! If your father beats your mother, I can still help !" Shu Ruyue said.

Ye Shengnan shook his head and said: "No, it's all right! How could I leave my mother alone and leave, so I didn't leave at that time. Later, my father woke up and heard our mother If I said that, I'm going to beat my mother! Of course I didn't agree, so I got into a scuffle with my father. The wound on the corner of the mouth was the one I was beaten at that time. Fortunately, the person sent by the prince and the princess to protect me appeared, Said that there was a lack of a maid to serve the wife, and bought me directly with ten taels of silver!"

As soon as Li Xiaoran heard this, he immediately understood.

"You can rest assured that buying you is an expedient measure, and will not really make you a slave! As long as your grilled fish is good, these ten taels of silver can be used from your monthly wages. Deduct some of the money, until the ten taels of silver are paid off!" Li Xiaoran said.

Ye Shengnan has actually made plans to sell himself as a slave, but I don't think Li Xiaoran would actually say that.

At this moment, Ye Shengnan's eyes turned red, and he had a lot of grateful words he wanted to say, but he was stuck in his throat and couldn't say it.

After a while, Ye Shengnan said in a choked voice, "Thank you, Princess, don't worry, my skill in grilling fish will not disappoint you!"

"That's good! Then you can come with us! We plan to go to other places to find someone who is good at grilling fish!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

Ye Shengnan was stunned when he heard Li Xiaoran's words, and then asked, "Princess, do you need a lot of people who are good at grilling fish?"

"Yes! Do you still know anyone who is good at making grilled fish?" Li Xiaoran nodded and asked.

Ye Shengnan thought for a while, then said: "I actually know a person, his barbecue is delicious! As for grilled fish, I have never heard of it! Besides, this person is actually very miserable, It's not a good day now!"

"Oh, who is this person? Where does he live now?" Li Xiaoran asked immediately.

She is thirsty for talents, she would rather go to see them all than miss one.

Even if the other party's grilled fish is not good, at least they can sell kebabs!

Wild Man recalled carefully, and said: "I don't know what this person's name is, I just heard him call him Ma San. I heard that he once married a wife, and then his wife died and the children I didn't save it, and then I was alone. Over the years, he lived by himself and went hunting by the mountains. I met him at the market once and bought the barbecue he sold. The taste is really I will never forget it!"

"Then let's find this person!" After listening to Li Xiaoran, he said, "Which market was the last time you saw him in the market?"

"It's in the town of Nanping in front! But I heard that he doesn't set up a stall there all the time. He occasionally sells barbecue there, so he can only take his luck." Ye Shengnan said.

Nanping Town? I heard that there is a man named Ma San, who makes delicious kebabs, let's go to Nanping Town to find someone!"

Luo Cheng remembered something when he heard Li Xiaoran's words, and then nodded: "Okay! Then let's go to Nanping Town!"

So, a group of people walked towards Nanping Town.

Zi Zheng got Luo Cheng's order and went to Nanping Town to rent a house.

Hire someone to quickly clean the house, and then Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng arrived.

After welcoming a group of people into the house, everyone allocated a room and stayed directly.

When you're on the go, keep it simple.

Because it was midsummer now, Luo Cheng asked people to buy enough mats and put them on the bed to sleep.

Other things, they used what they brought.

With the bed, Li Xiaoran can finally lie down and rest comfortably.

On Ye Shengnan's side, accompanied by Zizheng, he went out to buy two women's clothes.

When Li Xiaoran rested and saw Ye Shengnan again, he found that Ye Shengnan had changed back to a woman's dress.

Ye Shengnan in front of him looked much smaller than her.

Seeing him, Li Xiaoran thought of himself again.

"It's still a little thinner, it doesn't matter, in the future, you will be able to raise your body back when you have enough food! By the way, I asked someone to buy fish, and you will make a grilled fish for us at noon today. Try it!" Li Xiaoran said.

Ye Shengnan nodded, then unnaturally pulled his clothes.

She is a girl, but she has been wearing men's clothing all these years.

At this moment, after she changed into women's clothes, she felt that she was not used to anything.

Li Xiaoran seemed to see what she was thinking, and reached out and patted her shoulder.

"Don't contradict your status as a girl! In fact, girls can be better than boys. You should be proud of being a girl! It's not that you are not used to girls' clothes, but You want to be a man too much. Ye Shengnan, your idea is wrong, you have to admit your gender and see your excellence. You are already better than many men!"

When Ye Shengnan heard Li Xiaoran's words, he felt a sense of being recognized.

"Princess, do you really think I'm better than many men?"

"Yeah! Think about it, how many things men can do, don't you do the same? How many things men can't do, don't you also do well? Don't Belittle yourself, let alone discriminate against your gender! Being a woman is also something to be proud of! If you work hard with me, you will be able to return home in a short time! At that time, people who once looked down on you will only come over to warmly curry favor. You!" Li Xiaoran encouraged.

When Ye Shengnan heard this, he shook his head and said, "I don't need them to flatter me! I just want to take my mother over and let her live a good life!"