The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 612

Chapter 612

"Wu Qinghe, did you hear that! She likes meat buns!"

Wu Qinghe rubbed his hands happily, then said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go and learn the craft of making steamed buns with Brother Luo Cheng in a while!"

When Shu Ruyue heard this, she realized it later.

I don't know why, but she, who has always been carefree, suddenly blushed.

"What are you guys talking about! We're talking about Wu Qinghe marrying a wife!"

Seeing that everyone was making fun of Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue, Li Xiaoran couldn't help but laugh.

"Xianggong, you say, when will Wu Qinghe bring the beauty back?"

Luo Cheng quickly wrapped the meat buns and replied, "It's impossible to say! If you want to be fast, you can be fast! If you want to be slow, you can also be slow!"

Li Xiaoran thought about it, and it was true.

Emotions, who could have guessed!

Let it be!

She wanted to see when Wu Qinghe would be able to enlighten Shu Ruyue.

On Luo Cheng's side, he has already packed several or two cages of steamed buns.

Put it directly on the steamer, and it won't take long to eat the buns.

He can't let his woman get hungry, everyone else has breakfast, and she has to eat too.

I have to say that Luo Cheng's skill in making buns is still very good.

The steamed buns are not very big, they are a kind of steamed buns.

Each bun is packed evenly, with the same number of pleats.

At least when it was first released, Li Xiaoran was happy when she saw the neat basket of buns.

"It's so fragrant! The steamed buns are also beautifully wrapped! Xianggong, when did you learn to make steamed buns?"

"It's been a month! I'll practice when I'm free! I also prepared the stuffing for this bun myself, I think you should like it!" Luo Cheng replied, On one side, I picked up a xiaolongbao with chopsticks.

Blowing carefully and making sure it wasn't too hot, Luo Chengcheng fed the bun to Li Xiaoran.

Li Xiaoran took a bite, then took the chopsticks and ate it.

"It's stuffed with cowpea fresh meat! It's stuffed with chives, it's my favorite flavor!"

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"You like it!"

Speaking, Luo Cheng took another pair of chopsticks and picked out all the other small steamed buns.

When one basket is finished, the other basket is ready to be steamed.

Luo Cheng picked out the steamed buns, and at the same time put the buns that had been wrapped and placed in the steamer on the pot to steam.

After finishing all this, Luo Chengcheng went to serve two bowls of gruel.

One bowl of rice porridge was placed in front of Li Xiaoran, and the other bowl was placed next to Li Xiaoran.

Afterwards, the couple had breakfast together.

Li Xiaoran really likes this bun with cowpea fresh meat filling.

In the past, she liked to eat buns filled with fresh meat, but now she thinks it tastes good with cowpeas.

Because it was too much for her, Li Xiaoran actually ate sixteen xiaolongbao and two bowls of porridge.

Until she couldn't eat any more, Li Xiaoran looked at the rest of the xiaolongbao with regret.

"Hey, it's a pity that I can't eat such a delicious xiaolongbao!"

Luo Cheng laughed when he saw that Li Xiaoran really liked it.

"These buns won't run, if you like, you can continue to eat at noon later!"

"You don't understand, when the steamed buns are just out of the pot, the taste is the best. After cooling down, the taste will be worse, wait until overnight, and then steam and eat it, the taste will be restored. A little bit." Li Xiaoran said with his mouth up.

Luo Cheng suddenly regretted hearing this.

"If I knew this was the case, I should have done less, and in the future I will do it just right every time, and you will have the best taste every time!"

"It's alright, we have to travel in a while, how can we cook and eat so leisurely! On the way, even if it's not just out of the pot, it's delicious on earth!" Li Xiaoran Quickly appease.

After listening to Li Xiaoran's words, Luo Cheng didn't think about it anymore.

After he was full, Luo Cheng wrapped all the buns he made, and then took them by himself.

Other people would smile when they saw this, but they didn't dare to make fun of Luo Cheng.

Because everyone got up early, when they packed up their things and put them on the carriage, the surrounding households started to smoke.

After making sure they didn't leave anything, Luo Chengcheng left the place with a group of people.

This time, the departure was very smooth, and no one ran out to stop it.

Luo Cheng was riding on a horse, and when he passed a paddy field, he suddenly looked at a place.

Later, Luo Chengcheng left with a group of people.

After Luo Cheng and the others walked away, two people came out of the rice field.

"It was very dangerous just now, we were almost discovered!" One said with lingering fears.

I don't know why, when the man on the horse just swept his gaze to this side for a while, he only felt as if a needle was stuck in his back.

The other one also felt the same way, so the two of them didn't dare to move at all, they could only hold their breath, hoping that these people would leave quickly.

I don't know if their prayers worked or not, but the other's eyes just paused for a moment and then moved away.

"Let's go! Go back and report to the master! These people are just here to play, there is nothing wrong with them!"

The other person made a "hmm" and quickly followed.

Exit this place, go straight to the pipeline, and it didn't take long to reach the three-way intersection.

I originally wanted to wait here for Ye Shengnan, but I don't think Ye Shengnan is already standing there.

Li Xiaoran looked at Ye Shengnan, waved at her, and motioned her to get on this carriage.

Ye Shengnan hesitated for a while, but finally climbed up.

Everyone has arrived, so there is no need to wait, so everyone set off directly to the next place.

Li Xiaoran is careful, since Ye Shengnan got into the carriage, she found that the corner of her mouth was hurt.

"What's the matter? You were beaten?" Li Xiaoran's voice suddenly became a little cold.

Ye Shengnan was silent for a while, and finally said: "My father found out that I was leaving, so he touched me."

As soon as Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue heard this, they immediately asked with concern, "Then how did you escape?"