The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 596

Chapter 596

For Li Yan, her identity is different now, and many things should not be done by her.

She has always wanted to buy a servant to use, to clean the house every day, wash clothes, cook and so on.

It's a pity that her money can't be taken out in a fair manner, so she can only hope that Pei Xuanxin can buy a servant to come back.

Pei Xuanxin didn't have much money in his hands. Although he has already dispatched officials, the salary will not be paid until he takes office.

He has some money in his hand now, but it is a gift from some wealthy businessmen to congratulate him in private.

Pei Xuanxin is very tight on these money. After all, he will take his family to live in the capital, and he will spend money on everything.

So when Li Yan proposed to buy someone, she was rejected by Pei Xuanxin.

No, Li Yan, who was worried about not wanting to do things, saw her sister who was sent to the door, and naturally made an abacus to make her sister.

In order to have enough food, Li Qin followed her sister and brother-in-law to the capital. Naturally, she did things obediently.

Since Li Xiaoran and his family separated from the old Li family, Li Qin has also been forced to learn to do a lot of things.

Now it is possible to do laundry, wash dishes and even cook in Li Yan's place.

The taste of the food is not as good as those of the chefs, but it is also better than the dishes made by Li Yan.

So Li Qin stayed at Pei Xuanxin's house.

When Pei Xuanxin saw Li Qin appear in his home, he just asked a question and said nothing.

Li Yan was a little worried, for fear that Pei Xuanxin would ask her to send her sister away.

Fortunately, Pei Xuanxin didn't think about this matter at all, and he didn't say anything, so he let Li Qin stay.

Although Pei Xuanxin really wants to divorce his wife, he has concerns, so he has never dared to divorce his wife.

There is no other way, he can only make plans and wait for the opportunity.

Luo Cheng knew exactly what was happening on Pei Xuanxin's side.

Seeing Pei Xuanxin standing still, Luo Cheng just smiled and said nothing.

Before, Luo Cheng really cared about this Pei Xuanxin's rival in love.

After all, according to what Li Yan said, her wife was originally going to marry this Pei Xuanxin.

Nowadays, this Pei Xuanxin is nothing more than that. For a person like him, his wife must not look down on him.

On this matter, if you don't hurry up and deal with it, you still have to wait?

When will it be processed?

When the handle in his hand is held more and more by Li Yan?

Or wait until Li Yan brings him more trouble?

To be honest, Luo Cheng really looks down on Pei Xuanxin at this moment.

If it was him, he would not be so indecisive.

Of course, if it were him, he wouldn't have come to this point, but he was blinded by a woman and led by the nose.

Putting Pei Xuanxin aside, Luo Cheng ordered Luo Ziyang to pick up a few people.

Three days later, a nanny who had left the palace, a talented jinshi, and Fan Dechang, who was in charge of training cooks and who was thrown by Luo Cheng in the capital, came to Hele Village together.

Seeing Luo Cheng again, Fan Dechang's eyes are red now!

"My lord, you can't do this, just leave the old man in the capital and leave it alone! You don't know, after you leave, my lord, my training class in the capital can't go on!"

Luo Cheng frowned when he heard Fan Dechang's words.

"What's the matter? Your cooking training class didn't interfere with others, so why can't it go on?"

Fan Dechang sighed and told what happened to him in the capital during this period of time.

In the past, many people came to learn cooking, but since Luo Cheng left, fewer and fewer people came to learn cooking.

The person who originally signed the agreement did not know where he got a large sum of money, and would rather pay for the breach of contract than continue to study.

At first, Fan Dechang didn't care, but when there were more and more people, so that there was no one, Fan Dechang realized that something was wrong.

Later I asked a child with whom I had a good relationship on weekdays, and the other side told me secretly that someone gave everyone money and forced everyone to quit.

Those who do not quit will be severely beaten, framed, etc.

No way, in order to survive, they had to withdraw.

After learning about this, Fan Dechang didn't sleep for a night. After thinking about it for a long time, he found the person in charge of Luo Cheng in the capital, and directly indicated where he wanted to come to Shu.

The other party thought about it and happened to have something to send to Shu, so they arranged for Fan Dechang and two other people to come to Hele Village.

Although Luo Cheng knew that Fan Dechang was coming, he didn't know that Fan Dechang came to Shu for this reason.

"My lord, I don't think it's appropriate to have any more classes in the capital. The gains outweigh the losses. It's better to come directly to Shu to teach classes, which can bring more children a chance to change their lives!" Fan Dechang expressed his thoughts.

Luo Cheng thought of the food festival to be held in the future, the cooking competition or something, and simply said to Fan Dechang: "Then you are like this, let's teach in the village first! Call the children in the village every day. Let's learn to cook and see if there are any talented seedlings. I will arrange for you to do other things later! Don't worry, I won't let you idle, you will be busy later!"

Fan Dechang nodded when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

As long as you don't leave him in the capital, everything will be fine.

After dealing with the affairs here, Luo Chengcheng called Li Xiaoran together, took the mammy, and went to Lao Li's house together.

People in the village saw this scene and immediately realized that there was a lot of fun to watch, so they followed.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran don't mind the folks following along, anyway, there's nothing they can't let others see.

After arriving at Lao Li's house, Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran frowned when they saw the smell in the yard.

Luo Cheng glanced at Zizheng, and Zizheng immediately knocked on the door and called out all the people from the Old Li family.

After a while, Uncle Li and Aunt Li obviously look a lot older.

Seeing that it was Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran, Uncle Li and Aunt Li were shocked.

Li Xiaoran looked at the two and sighed.

Luo Cheng glanced at the two old men and asked, "Where did the uncle and uncle go?"

Uncle Li looked at Luo Cheng with a very complicated look in his eyes.

To be honest, after learning that Luo Chengcheng was the seventh prince, and now the Qin king, Uncle Li's bowels were all regretful.

In the beginning, if he hadn't greed for that bit of tiger bone, wouldn't everything be different today.

"I don't know where they went!" It took a while for Mr. Li to say such words.

"It seems that when I asked the uncle and the second uncle to take good care of you, they didn't do it!" Luo Cheng smiled and said something like this.