The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 595

Chapter 595

In order to get rid of Li Qin as soon as possible, Li Zhan took eight pennies out of his pocket.

Just as he was about to count, Li Qin grabbed the eight pennies in his hand and ran away.

Seeing this, Li Zhan also hurried away.

Li Xiaoran didn't speak when she saw this, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Miss, what are you thinking?" Luo Cheng saw that there was no one left, but Li Xiaoran didn't speak, so he asked.

Being so disturbed by Luo Cheng's voice, Li Xiaoran walked out of his thoughts.

"Nothing? I just find it strange that Li Qin, who was spoiled before, will see you again now, it seems that she has changed!"

"Naturally it has changed! After all, there are no hard-working people like father-in-law and mother-in-law in the family who can drive them to farm and support them. Today, the life of the old Li family is not as good as one day. One day. In fact, I don't understand. There are obviously a few strong men in the family, and now I am more and more lazy. I used to find some work to do, but now I don't want to do anything, just waiting to eat and die!" Luo Cheng thought of the current situation of the old Li family, but also puzzled.

Li Xiaoran frowned upon hearing this.

To be honest, if this happened in the past, Li Xiaoran would not care about anything in the old Li family.

But since Luo Cheng regained her status as the seventh prince, she began to notice these things.

She was busy before and didn't have time to think about the old Li's family.

"Xianggong, we can't let go of the old Li family's side, otherwise it will bring us a lot of trouble in the future. This family is lazy to the bone. I think it is time to let They have become industrious!" Li Xiaoran expressed his thoughts.

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard this.

"It seems that my wife and I have the same thoughts! What is the biggest punishment for a person? That is to let him do what he doesn't want to do! People from the old Li family , they are so poor that they eat and wait to die all day long. It is better for us to be more aggressive and supervise these people to do things so that they can't eat and wait to die! I believe that such a punishment will definitely make the people of the old Li family feel unbearable. !"

"What do you have in mind, Mr. Xiang?" Li Xiaoran looked at Luo Cheng and asked.

"This is simple, your uncle and second uncle, I will directly arrange them to work in one place, and the monthly salary is still good. But don't worry, I will only pay half of the salary, and the rest Half of it will be directly handed over to your grandfather and grandma. As for your aunt and second aunt, it is even simpler. Everything at home is kept in good order, including laundry, cooking, chickens and ducks. Including the farmer in the field also grows !" Luo Cheng said his thoughts.

"Only my uncle and second uncle, would you be willing to do it?" Li Xiaoran asked in disbelief.

"I intervened, and naturally it is up to him to do it or not! I will arrange good people to supervise them, if they do not do well, they will starve. Including your aunt and second aunt, I I will find professional people to take care of them! Don't forget, those maids in the palace are very good at cleaning up people. It just so happens that I know a mammy who is going to leave the palace for retirement! I just need to pick up people Come and retire, this is done!" Luo Cheng said with a smile.

"If that's the case, why don't we hire a better teacher! On the one hand, we build a school in the village, which can be regarded as our return to the village. It is convenient for the children in the village to read and write, On the other hand, it can also properly manage the children of the old Li family and prevent them from going astray!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

"What about your brother Li Zhan in the lobby?" Luo Cheng asked.

"He, doesn't he like gambling so much? Let him lose all the way! Sell yourself in the casino, and then do the most tiring and dirty work in the casino for him! He likes gambling so much If you are a man, stay in a casino for the rest of your life!" Li Xiaoran said coldly.

She is not a virgin. After the people of the Old Li family abused their family so much, she can still think for them.

All she wants is not to be a drag on Luo Cheng.

After all, the old Li family is her family in name.

If she really lets go of the old Li family, she will be used by others as an excuse to attack Luo Cheng in the future.

Since this has been thought of, it is better to plug this hole from the beginning.

Yes, in Li Xiaoran's eyes, the old Li family is a hole, and now this hole must be plugged.

"Okay, let's do as we just said! Then I'll talk to the village chief to see where the school will be built. I happen to know a scholar who has been working for many years. There is no official assignment, and now that I am older, it is not bad to come back to teach and educate people!" Luo Cheng said.

Li Xiaoran nodded, then called Zizheng to drive the carriage back to the town house.

On Li Qin's side, after getting a few pennies, she went to the chaoshou stall that she wanted to go to most, and asked for a bowl of chaoshou to eat.

Li Qin finally felt that she had strength all over her body after eating a bowl of chasing hands.

When she was at home, she almost had one meal and one meal, and she was too hungry for a long time.

Today, she originally ran out and wanted to sell herself to be a maid.

No way, she is so hungry!

Continue to stay at home, there is only a dead end waiting for her.

So Li Qin couldn't count on her parents, so she could only think of this method.

At least as a maid, she can still eat enough.

But after meeting her eldest brother Li Zhan just now, Li Qin gave up the idea.

It's better for her to find her sister Li Yan!

I heard that my brother-in-law won the third flower, and now my sister has become an official wife.

Brother-in-law is so powerful, it should be no problem to raise her as a sister-in-law!

This path is much better than being a maid!

Thinking of this, Li Qin gave the money for copying hands, and then walked towards a place that her elder sister said before.

Li Yan never imagined that just after sending her eldest brother away, her own sister Li Qin came to the door again.

Looking at her sister in dirty clothes, Li Yan frowned again.

"Sister, I know you are very busy recently and have a lot of things to do. I told my parents, come and help!" Li Qin noticed that her sister was not welcome to her, so said quickly.

As soon as Li Yan heard Li Qin said she was going to help her, her thoughts changed and she nodded immediately.

"Yes, I have a lot of things to do right now. Sister, you can help me when you come! Come in first! I'll boil water for you, take a bath, and change your clothes!"