The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 583

Chapter 583

Luo Han slept soundly, without any dreams.

During this period of time, he had not slept well, and the injuries and calculations he had received before made him suspicious.

A little bit of trouble, Luo Han is about to wake up.

So the next morning, in the midst of the fragrance of birds and flowers, Luo Han opened a pair of eyes.

It has to be said that after a person has enough sleep, the whole person will feel a lot more comfortable.

If it wasn't for being hungry, Luo Han really didn't want to wake up.

"Awake? Sit up slowly and eat something!" Luo Cheng's voice came.

Luo Han raised his head and looked at Luo Cheng.

"Thanks, bro!"

"What are you talking about, boiled millet porridge, eat some first!" Luo Cheng brought a bowl of millet porridge over and handed it directly to Luo Han.

Luo Han sat up, picked up the millet porridge, and ate it spoon by spoon.

"You just give me this?" Luo Han said.

"Whatever you want to eat, let the cook cook it for you after you wash up! I'll give you a bowl of porridge because you haven't had any water from yesterday to today, so you have to eat something like rice porridge. "Luo Cheng said lightly.

"Then I want to eat something spicy! I always feel that there is no taste in my mouth!" Luo Han quickly made a request.

Luo Cheng did not answer, but silently looked at the medical book in his hand.

"What's wrong with you? I haven't seen you reading a medical book for many years. Are you in trouble?" Luo Han asked.

"No one is there now, tell me what's going on?"

Luo Han saw Luo Cheng and let out a long sigh.

"The Luo family is too aggressive, they want to support you to fight for the throne. Many people in the Luo family look at you very well, and feel that if you go to fight for the throne, you have a good chance of winning!"

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"I really want to thank them, so optimistic about me! Didn't you tell them that I have no intention of that throne!"

When Luo Han heard this, he let out a long sigh.

"I said it, why didn't I say it, but no one cares! Those people have been tortured mad by difficulties and setbacks, and they just want to grab you as a straw and frantically hit the bottom."

"So, you were calculated by them?" Luo Cheng asked.

Luo Han nodded.

"When I felt something was wrong, I thought that Ziyang's medical skills were also good, so I hurried over and let him show it to me. Whoever knew it found the poison, and finally let Ziyang Yang helped me get rid of the poison, and my grandmother sent someone to take me back before I could take care of my body."

"What happened after taking it back?" Luo Cheng asked again.

"What happened? Can you imagine? When I went back, I found that the whole room was full of good-looking girls as your maids. Every day, no matter what you do, there is a presumptuous maid who follows you. You, how do you feel?" Luo Han said with a lifeless look.

Luo Cheng thought of countless possibilities, but he did not think of this.

For some reason, Luo Cheng wanted to laugh when he heard what happened to Luo Han.

"Hey, brother, don't be so gloating! You don't know, the whole room is full of powder, and watching those women staring at me one by one, it seems that I want to I dismantled the eight pieces, torn down the way I ate it in my stomach, I had nightmares every night! No way, I heard you came back, so I hurried to go to you, I really can't stay in that house. Come on!" Luo Han said aggrievedly.

"If such a big thing happened in your family, who is in charge of the county government?" Luo Cheng asked suddenly.

Speaking of this, Luo Han looked at Luo Cheng in surprise.

"Didn't you hear?"

"What did I hear?" Luo Cheng asked with a puzzled face.

"The emperor has ordered me to be promoted. At this time, there is no official position for me, just let me wait!" Luo Han said.

Luo Cheng was surprised and asked, "When did this happen?"

"On the tenth day after you arrived in the capital!" Luo Han recalled carefully and said this.

As soon as Luo Cheng heard Luo Han's words, he finally understood why the Luo family was so anxious.

He became the seventh prince, and Luo Han lost his official position, so the Luo family was anxious.

"It seems that I have implicated you!" Luo Cheng said.

"Not necessarily, I think, the emperor guessed that he wanted to leave me to you as a fief official!" Luo Han said his guess: "Actually this is fine, follow you It is better than being an official in the imperial court, at least you are someone who sincerely wants to do things for the common people, unlike the above, who are bragging about their reputation all day long, but don't do anything real!

Luo Cheng thought about it and said: "You are right, even if the emperor did not arrange it like this, I will do it! I have already planned to use Bailu City as my fief, So you take good care of your body first, maybe the city owner of Bailu City is you!"

"Huh?" Luo Han couldn't believe that things would be so simple.

"Isn't there a city owner in Bailu City? Even if you classify Bailu City as your own fief, the place will not necessarily leave!"

"He will definitely leave!" Luo Cheng showed a determined smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Xiong Xiyuan, the lord of Bailu City, was also discussing this matter with his confidants.

Luo Cheng has uploaded the document of Bailu City as his fief to the capital, and Xiong Xiyuan naturally has his own way and got some news.

Xiong Xiyuan was a little unwilling to think that Bailu City would become the fief of the Seventh Prince.

"The old man has worked so hard in Bailu City for so many years, but I don't think that now I have to let others pick peaches!"

"The city lord don't think so, in fact, in another year, according to the regulations of the imperial court, the city lord will also be moved to other places. It is better to take advantage of this time to propose re-appointing officials, but instead Leave a good impression on the emperor and let the city lord be promoted to the capital? City lord, if you don't enter the capital to become an official at your current age, you will have nothing to do with you in the cabinet in the future!" the staff reminded.

"I know you're right, but I'm a little reluctant! Hey, sometimes I often think that it would be good if I could stay in Bailu City here in Shudi as the city lord. Although no Jiangnan and other places are prosperous, but it feels good to live for a long time." Xiong Xiyuan said with emotion.

"City Lord, don't think like that, the land of Shu is too restricted, and it is inconvenient to get in and out. Let's go back to the capital!" The staff continued to persuade.