The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 582

Chapter 582

When the voice fell, Luo Cheng shot directly and knocked Luo Han unconscious with a quick palm!

Li Xiaoran was shocked when she saw this scene.


Her man's hand speed is too fast!

Seeing Li Xiaoran's surprised look, Luo Cheng explained directly: "Is there an easier way to fall asleep than this?"

Li Xiaoran thought about it for a while, but he really didn't, and immediately gave Luo Cheng a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Luo Ziyang ran over, carried Luo Han on his back, and sent it to the thatched hut beside the medicine cottage.

The thatched cottage was filled with a faint medicinal fragrance, which made Luo Han feel comfortable after smelling it.

So Luo Han, who was knocked out, reacted naturally, the whole person completely relaxed, and soon he started snoring.

Seeing this, Luo Ziyang covered him with a thin quilt, and then pulled the door and came out.

After doing all this, Luo Ziyang also went to wash his hands, sat down where Luo Han had done before, and ate boiled peanuts and boiled edamame with his brother and sister-in-law.

"Ziyang, the poison you gave Luo Han to cure, tell me what you think!" Luo Cheng asked while eating.

Luo Ziyang thought about it seriously, and said, "Although I know a lot about Gu poison, I am not sure how much this kind of Gu worm will affect Luo Gongzi. Compared with the last time I saw him, I think his physical condition is still deteriorating! Brother, you say, is it that my poison has not been eliminated?"

Luo Cheng nodded when he heard Luo Ziyang's words: "Yes, Luo Han's physical condition is indeed not optimistic, but it is not deteriorating! The poison in his body has been eliminated, but Someone didn't want him to be nice. Your sister-in-law found out that something was wrong with him. Based on what you know about Luo Han, even if something like this happened to someone who was plotting against him, would he be so unbearable and suspicious? "

Luo Ziyang immediately realized what Luo Cheng said.

"Yes, this is nothing like the Luo Han we know, and Luo Han himself realized this, so he is here again!" Luo Cheng said calmly.

Li Xiaoran heard two people talking and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Perhaps, the so-called poison in your mouth has not been completely solved!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Cheng and Luo Ziyang's eyes fell on Li Xiaoran, as if waiting for her to follow.

Here, Li Xiaoran felt that his thoughts came up all of a sudden.

"I'm just assuming! Suppose there is a poison, it's the yin and yang poison, what you get rid of is the poison of the yang side, and the poison of the yin side remains in Luohan. In the body. You also know that the worm uses the mother worm to control the child worm, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling others. But don't forget, there is such a thing as lover worm in the worm. Why do people in Miao Jiang give After someone feeds Gu worms, will the other party willingly fall in love with the person who took the Gu worm?

"With this idea, we might as well imagine it boldly! If this kind of control is not a love control, but affects a person's emotions at a critical time? For example, who used to like, Who do you suddenly hate now? Something like that!" Li Xiaoran said what she could think of.

When these words came out, Luo Cheng and Luo Ziyang were horrified.

"So, Luo Han's trust in us is also very likely to be disguised?" Luo Ziyang thought of a possibility and exclaimed.

"No, he trusts us more than we imagined! He even said that in Luo Han's heart, he only trusts us! I can't see it wrong!" Li Xiaoran was very said firmly.

From when she saw Luo Han today, until Luo Cheng knocked Luo Han unconscious, Li Xiaoran could clearly feel his wholehearted trust in them.

"Why do you think about what's happening now? Luo Han's biggest change is his distrust of his family. So, there must be a problem here!" Li Xiaoran thought.

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, his mind had already turned around a lot.

The more he thought about it, the more Luo Cheng felt that Li Xiaoran's guess was the most likely.

After all, they don't know much about Gu worms. Who knows if there will be other evil methods?

"If this is the case, then we have to find a way to get rid of that part of the yin in Luo Gongzi's body! But we have no clue about this! Otherwise, we will only I can go to Miaojiang!" Luo Ziyang said while thinking.

"No, I have a way!" Luo Cheng thought of something, and said simply: "Ziyang, during this time, you will continue to be in charge of Zhuangzi's affairs. Take all the time to cure Luo Han's Gu poison!"

Luo Ziyang nodded, then left the medicine house to accept the affairs of Zhuangzi.

After Luo Ziyang walked away, Luo Cheng ate all the boiled peanuts in his hand and looked at Li Xiaoran.

"Miss, you have a solution, don't you?"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Xiang Gong, you are now more and more like a roundworm in my stomach!"

"Nonsense, I'm not! I just have a tacit understanding with you! There is no one around now, tell me what you think!" Luo Cheng asked.

Li Xiaoran thought about it and said, "First of all, he still needs drug-assisted treatment. Now that he has no Gu worms in his body, everything is easy to handle, just remove the toxins in his body. Now! I'm suspecting that the reason why the other party keeps disturbing his emotions is because he is worried that Luo Han's body will recover soon. You know, the human body is a very complex organ, and it has the function of self-healing Yes. Once Luo Han's body returns to normal, then the other party will no longer be able to control Luo Han!"

Luo Cheng immediately understood what his wife said.

"It's not difficult, I can help him get rid of the toxins while conditioning his body."

"As long as this step is done, the next step is up to me! I'm afraid Luo Han will need to do psychological intervention for a long time!" Li Xiaoran said.

"Psychological intervention treatment? What is this?" Luo Cheng asked curiously.

"It is also a means of curing diseases! People eat whole grains, and various problems will occur. There will also be psychological and emotional problems. When your emotions are not right, you are good at treating emotions and psychology. Doctors who are sick will use some treatment methods, which is called psychological intervention therapy!" Li Xiaoran tried to describe this matter in simple words.