The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Zi Zheng got Luo Cheng's order. After breakfast, he asked Duan Sha to sit aside, and he checked her pulse in the hall.

After the pulses of both hands were diagnosed, Zi Zheng pondered for a while, and then said something like this.

"From the pulse point of view, Duan girl has no problem except that she is weak. Although the pulse is still weaker than normal people. Therefore, the disease that plagued girl Duan in the past should have been No problem! Of course, because Miss Duan has not been diagnosed with pulse before going down, I don't know the difference before and after. I suggest Miss Duan, after you go home, it is best to check the pulse of the doctor who has been treating you, he should be right Your body changes are the most familiar!"

When Duan Sha heard Zizheng's words, a smile appeared on her face.

Although she feels it herself, she can be confirmed by someone who is skilled in medicine, and her heart will be more at ease.

"Thank you! I'll make sure when I go back!"

Li Xiaoran was really happy for Duan Sha when she heard what Zizheng said.

"Miss Duan, look, what I said before. God will give a reward to the brave daughter! Congratulations, you have finally made it!"

Duan Sha looked at Li Xiaoran and her smile became brighter.

"Yeah, being able to meet the Seventh Prince Concubine is the reward God gave me!"

"No, no, I didn't do anything! You always take care of your body now, and when the gate of the capital opens, you can go home and reunite with your relatives. You can take care of yourself for a few months, and you can go wherever you want in the future!" Li Xiaoran waved his hand, but he didn't take this credit to himself.

Duan Sha nodded lightly, and then said something.

"Then the next time, it will be annoying!"

"You're welcome, meeting is fate, how can we say that we are friends of life and death who have lived and died together!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.

When Shu Ruyue heard Li Xiaoran's words, she immediately became happy.

Think about it, it really is the case.

Princess Eldest and Princess Ning Xin witnessed this scene, and both of them were a little stunned at this moment.

"You girl, you've come to the end of your hardships! If your grandmother knew that your body was in good shape at this time, she would definitely be happy to drink a few more sips of wine!" The eldest princess thought of something, happy Hehe said.

Duan Sha laughed when she heard what the eldest princess said.

"Princess, you really know my grandmother! Even my grandmother likes to drink secretly!"

The eldest princess laughed even more when she heard this.

"Ben Gong naturally knows it! As far as your grandmother's temperament is, we all know the handkerchiefs in our hearts. Don't you know that when your father was in strict control, your grandmother often came to secretly I'm here to ask for a drink!"

Duan Sha had a surprised look on her face when she heard this.

Why didn't she know that the grandmother and the eldest princess were acquaintances?

!" The eldest princess directly told Duan Sha's grandmother's old story.

Duan Sha is also a wonderful person, she blinked when she heard the words of the eldest princess.

"I don't know anything! I didn't hear anything today!"

When the eldest princess heard this, she couldn't help shaking her head.

"They're listening!"

Speaking, the eldest princess looked at the people around.

Li Xiaoran was the first to come over, and then pretended to look elsewhere.

"Did you hear anything? I didn't hear anything? Hey, it's weird, how come I can't hear anything after breakfast!"

"Yes, yes, I'm the same as you, I haven't heard anything!" Shu Ruyue followed Li Xiao and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed, and then said that they didn't hear anything.

After laughing, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Duan Sha is the weakest one. Although the root of the disease in her body has been removed, her weakness cannot be made up in a day or two, so she needs to rest more and worry less.

Princess Ning Xin was also very worried, she returned to the place where she lived and fell asleep again.

After having that nightmare last night, she always felt that she was out of energy and wanted to sleep for a while.

Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan plan to go for a walk in the yard to digest food.

The rest of the eldest princess, master and servant, and Shu Ruyue stayed in the main hall.

"Old Seven, what's the situation in the capital now?" The eldest princess asked.

Luo Cheng looked around, then made a gesture of invitation.

"Auntie, let's go to the study and talk!"

The eldest princess nodded, and then went to the study with Luo Cheng.

Li Xiaoran didn't plan to follow, but Luo Cheng called her and Shu Ruyue together.

Soon, there were several people sitting in the study.

Wu Qinghe was also invited by Luo Cheng at this time, and everyone sat together.

"Auntie, the gates of the capital are closed now, and my news cannot get in, and the news inside cannot get out. Some people tried to use carrier pigeons to send messages, but they were shot down before they flew out. In today's capital, whenever a bird enters, it will be shot!" Luo Cheng told the news he got.

"Those manic people should have taken something to cause them. After four hours, these people seemed to have used up all their energy and fell directly to the ground, unconscious. I have sent people to arrest those manic people, locked them in one place, and then asked Dr. Liu to check the conditions of those people. I suspect that someone deliberately poisoned them to make them manic, Then let it out to harm others!" Luo Cheng guessed.

The eldest princess was a little confused when she heard this.

"What is the purpose of the other party?"

Luo Cheng heard the words of the eldest princess and said a message he just received.

"Most of the people on Zhuangzi were injured, but a small number disappeared. It's not the kind of disappearance that finds a way, but the kind of sudden silence. I suspect that these people were killed by People were secretly arrested and used to blackmail others!"

This other person, everyone knows who it is.

In this way, everything is connected.

There is a change in the capital, and this change is not over until now, the situation is very uncertain!

When Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words, she suddenly felt blessed and remembered something.

"So, those who want to invite me to the banquet, their purpose is not to make me look ugly or to put people in you, maybe the other party is also trying to catch me to contain yours!"