The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 503

Chapter 503

She dreamed that there was blood everywhere in the palace, and no one was there.

She ran in the familiar palace, calling people everywhere, but there was no one.

She shouted, shouted! But there was no response.

I finally heard footsteps in the empty palace, and turned to look, but a sword cut off her head directly from the neck.

It was also when the head and body were separated, Princess Ning Xin woke up from her dream.

The eldest princess was also woken up by Princess Ning Xin's screams. Seeing Princess Ning Xin sweating profusely, she knew she must be having a nightmare!

"Don't worry, what happened in your dreams are dreams, don't scare yourself!"

Princess Ning Xin did not react when she heard the words of the eldest princess, but was immersed in that dream.

The eldest princess sighed when she saw Ning Xin like this.

Here, Li Xiaoran heard the screams from here, so he came and knocked on the door.

"Auntie, Ning Xin, how are you?"

The eldest princess nodded towards Wei Li, who walked over and opened the door.

Li Xiaoran brought a pot of steaming tea in at this moment, saw the eldest princess and Princess Ning Xin sitting on the bed in good condition, and then saw Princess Ning Xin's face in a trance, she knew what happened what.

"This room has not been occupied for a long time, so it may have a smell. I brewed a pot of good tea and put it in the room, it will make people feel a lot more comfortable!" Li Xiaoran said, and opened the teapot , with the scent of jasmine spread out.

Looking back to make sure that the eldest princess and the group were dressed, Li Xiaoran went to the window and opened it.

A gust of air mixed with the scent of earth and grass blew in from the outside, swept away the dull atmosphere in the room.

Princess Ning Xin, who had a nightmare just now, smelled the fresh air in the room, and her whole body became much more energetic.

"Aunt, Ning Xin, people will bring hot water in a while, you wash up well, then come and have breakfast! Today's breakfast, I will keep you and you will like it!" Li Xiaoran smiled invited.

After watching Li Xiaoran all night, the eldest princess recovered, as if nothing happened yesterday.

At this time, the eldest princess finally understood why Li Xiaoran was so confident.

"You girl, you are recovering quickly!" The eldest princess pointedly said.

Li Xiaoran understood what the eldest princess meant and smiled.

"No matter what happens, life will always pass. People are not iron, they need to eat, drink and sleep. Only when these are satisfied, we will have the energy to deal with everything. Isn't it?"

When the eldest princess heard Li Xiaoran's words, she subconsciously glanced at Ning Xin, but Ning Xin was still a little dazed, so she could only shake her head in disappointment.

Meng Yan and Ma Chongshan lived next to the eldest princess, so after Li Xiaoran came out of the eldest princess, she called Meng Yan and the others.

Meng Yan responded and said that she would go back for breakfast in a while, so Li Xiaoran went to call others to go.

Shu Ruyue and Duan Sha slept very well this night, only when Li Xiaoran knocked on the door did they wake up.

Duan Sha sat up, feeling a little dazed.

From yesterday to now, she has been sick once.

It is hard to imagine that she, who is like a porcelain doll on weekdays, has never been sick again after being rescued by Li Xiaoran.

Duan Sha, who thought it was incredible, looked at Li Xiaoran who walked in.

"Seventh Prince Concubine, how did you save me yesterday? Since you woke me up yesterday, I have never been sick again. You don't know, how much this means to me. Rare thing! Even when I'm at home, I'm prone to accidents when I'm excited, but under the circumstances of yesterday, I didn't get sick even once!"

Li Xiaoran didn't expect Duan Sha to ask herself about this, so she said with a puzzled face: "I didn't do anything! I didn't even give you medicine, I just made one for you. First aid! First pressed your heart, and then gave you CPR, that is, blowing on you, and then nothing else!"

What Li Xiaoran didn't know was that the CPR emergency measures she performed yesterday in a hurry have completely relieved Duan Sha's illness over the years.

In fact, Duan Sha's problem is that there are some fleshy things growing in the blood vessels that go in and out of her heart.

These things, like fibers, block the blood input and input of the beating heart.

Getting weaker and weaker, accidents happen at every turn.

Yesterday, Li Xiaoran pressed Duan Sha's heart, driving her blood vessels to withstand a lot of pressure.

Repeatedly pushing between pressing and releasing, miraculously, those meat flocks were washed away and scattered.

So, it was her luck that Duan Sha met Li Xiaoran.

At this time, Duan Sha also thought so.

In fact, all of this may be a disaster for Duan Sha's life.

In fact, the meat flocks that grow are not firmly connected to the heart blood vessels. Just press hard for a period of time, and maybe the flocks can be washed away.

It's a pity that Duan Sha has such a disease from her mother's womb, so she has been raising her carefully.

Not to mention pressing her chest, even touching her fingers, are not allowed.

So, her family's meticulous care for her has become her life reminder, and she has lost many opportunities to return to normal.

Fortunately, she met Li Xiaoran, and with a first aid, the root cause of the disease in her body was relieved, and her body naturally recovered.

The body is healthy and the blood supply to the heart is normal, so the disease will naturally not occur.

The speaker has no intention and the listener has a heart. Duan Sha is more and more convinced that Li Xiaoran saved her.

"I think so too, the seventh prince is my savior! If my body is really starting to get better, can I go out for a walk in the future? Duan Sha thought of something and said excitedly.

Li Xiaoran thought for a while, then said: "I still need to find a doctor to show you! Everything will be clear after the doctor has a pulse!"

Duan Sha nodded with a happy smile on her face.

When returning to the main hall, Li Xiaoran saw Luo Cheng and simply told Duan Sha's story.

After listening to Luo Cheng, he said: "Let Zizheng go over and give her a pulse! Zizheng is good at internal medicine. If it really improves, you can see it on the pulse!"