The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 476

Chapter 476

On the day of the palace exam, several princes were also summoned by the emperor to the main hall.

The seventh prince Luo Cheng, who had never appeared in front of others, finally stood in front of several emperor brothers and brothers.

After many years, the brothers meet again, the scene is really embarrassing!

Prince is a hypocritical person. When he saw Luo Cheng appearing, he immediately showed the appearance of being an elder brother.

"Seventh brother, you finally showed up! Tell me about you, it's been many years since you left, and you don't know how to come back to see us. Especially the royal father, he didn't say it, In fact, I have been thinking about you all the time!"

Luo Cheng sneered when he heard the prince's words.

"My father is thinking about me, and this concern is only because I was owed by my father in my early years. As for the elder brothers and younger brothers, you do miss me quite a bit. What you do, you know in your heart, you don't need me to tell them one by one! I said that you don't have to treat me with hypocrisy. I just hope that the emperors and the emperors will think about me, who just wants to live a happy life. people!"

Luo Cheng's blunt words made many people unable to hang their faces.

Especially the second prince, when he received Luo Cheng's provocative eyes, he immediately understood something.

Perhaps this time the case of fraud in the scientific examination was exposed, and he, the seventh brother, was behind him.

Thinking of this, the second prince hated his teeth.

At this moment, the emperor walked in.

"Yo, why is the scene so deserted! Seventh, tell me, you need to change your stubborn temper. Look at you, show a cold face to someone It's gone!"

"Father, if you don't want to see it, you don't need to invite me into the palace! You should also know that I really don't like the palace! There are too many left in this palace. I really don't want to deal with the people in this palace! I just wanted to return to my fief after the birthday of the emperor's grandmother, and just live my little days in a down-to-earth way! Luo Cheng said nothing to the emperor. , said the words of this line directly.

Without waiting for the emperor to react, Luo Cheng bowed directly to the elder brothers and younger brothers in the hall, and then said very directly: "Today, I am in the hall in front of the emperors. Brother and brother swear, I have no ambitions or thoughts about the throne in my life, I just want to live a peaceful little life. I also ask you brothers and sisters to raise their hands, don't play some tricks, and I will not be framed all day. Frame up is to want my life! I'm really not everyone's enemy, let me go!"

Here, Luo Cheng paused again, and then began to threaten: "Speaking of which, I, Luo Cheng, are just a barefoot. As the so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, There are only a few relatives around me, but the emperor and the emperor are different! If you dare to provoke me again, I'm not sure I'll be in a hurry, and I will treat him in the way of others. After all Everyone is a family member, and there are many more relatives and friends around me than me!"

The emperor was a little angry at first, but at this time, seeing Luo Cheng's approach, he was a little more appreciative.

This Old Seven really has the style of his youth!

I warn you first, if you don't listen, you will be at your own risk.

The third prince Ling Heng felt a little regretful when he saw this scene.

He who has some brotherhood with Luo Cheng, naturally knows Luo Cheng's talents and abilities.

It's a pity that his royal brothers and younger brothers couldn't see this at all.

Others feel differently at this time.

They could clearly feel that what Luo Cheng said was not a joke, but a serious warning to them.

It's right to say that, in terms of dragging a family and bringing a family, there are many more people around them than Luo Cheng.

If you really push this old seventh, then no one's life will be easy.

"Okay, this is the end of today's business! You have to remember that you are brothers and sisters, you must think twice about anything you do. Today I call you here, It is for you to participate in the examination of the hall examination papers together. After a while, you will recommend the students who feel good!" The emperor directly explained the purpose of calling everyone here today.

As soon as these words came out, many people moved in their hearts and began to calculate.

Only Luo Cheng and Ling Heng were not in a hurry, and their expressions did not change.

"Royal father, I don't need to participate in my sons and ministers! After all, my fief doesn't need any talents, just enough to eat and wear warm clothes!" Luo Cheng said directly: "These Talents, it is better to stay in the court to serve the father and the emperor, and to do things for the common people."

The emperor stared at Luo Cheng, not knowing what to say for a while.

Li Xiaoran went out to find Meng Yan while Luo Cheng went to the palace.

Seeing Meng Yan again, Li Xiaoran always felt that something was different about her.

"What? Don't you know me?" Meng Yan looked at Li Xiaoran's hesitant appearance, and took the initiative to greet him.

"No, I just feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. You seem to be a different person!" Li Xiaoran said.

Meng Yan laughed when she heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Isn't it a different person? After your enlightenment last time, I thought and thought after I went back, and I really want to understand a lot of things! I'm the person! Look! It seems like a free and easy life, but it's all fake. It wasn't until you said something like that to me that I really thought about it!"

Li Xiaoran could feel Meng Yan's relaxation and happiness at this time, and was really happy for her.

"It's good to think about it thoroughly. Life is just a few decades, and suffering and sorrow have taken up a lot of it. If you don't let yourself live a little easier, how will you live this day! Tell me, today Why did you call me out?"

"I really need to find you! I just don't know how to say it! Someone asked me to ask you to go to a party. Because I owe the other person a favor, I can't get rid of it, so I can only bite the bullet and come to you!" Meng Yan didn't hide it, and straight to the point stated her intentions: "Of course, you can refuse to participate, you don't have to look at my face. You yourself You can come as you feel comfortable in your heart, and you don't have to feel wronged for me! My Meng Yan's friend, you don't need to do this!"

Li Xiaoran understood what Meng Yan meant and laughed.

"It seems that it's not bad to be your friend! Hey, there is a sugar water shop in front, let's go in and drink and talk! You tell me what this party is like, I'll think about it later Do you want to participate!"

"Okay, let's go, I'll invite you today!" Meng Yan was also a cheerful person, and responded directly.

The two of them went to the Tangshui shop in front and chose a corner to sit down.

After ordering some sugar water and fruit, Meng Yan thought about it, organized some language, and briefly introduced the party.