The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 475

Chapter 475

"Naturally it is invisible!" Luo Cheng said firmly.

After telling this matter, Luo Cheng was thinking in his heart.

In the restaurant that day, I don't know if Pei Xuanxin recognized him.

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng felt that maybe he should ask someone to find out what happened to Pei Xuanxin in the capital.

Just do what you say, Luo set up a horse.

Not only to investigate what happened to Pei Xuanxin in the capital before, but now to send people to watch Pei Xuanxin and Li Yan.

This stare, really stared at something.

At this time, Luo Cheng knew that Li Yan not only inquired about the whereabouts of the couple recently, but now she would go to the Seventh Prince's mansion every day.

Needless to say, Luo Chengcheng knew what Li Yan was thinking.

Does she think that he likes her in his heart, so she still has a chance to climb the dragon and the phoenix?

How ridiculous!

At this time, Luo Cheng was really fortunate that he chose Li Xiaoran.

Otherwise, if he really lives with such a woman, he will regret it!

So Luo Li Ma ordered to go on, not to let Li Yan get close to them.

In this way, Li Yan, who was still thinking about finding the seventh prince, was completely cut off from seeing Luo Cheng.

I can only try luck everywhere every day, but every time I come back disappointed.

At the same time, the imperial examination fraud case benefited from Luo Cheng's secret fueling, and Leng Yu's side made rapid progress.

With Weng Yuxin's disclosure and Lu Xiangyang's confession, all those officials who were secretly involved in the fraud were arrested.

This time, the emperor used the momentum of thunder and showed no mercy, and directly arrested these officials and detained them, and interrogated them one by one.

This time, Ling Kun, the second prince in the dynasty, was already on fire and couldn't sit still.

"Second prince, I can't let Leng Yu investigate any longer. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the second prince! The emperor was already a little dissatisfied with the second prince, so I know that this time the investigation When the second prince was involved in the fraud test, I was afraid that something big would happen!" said the staff beside the second prince.

The second prince was also in a hurry at the moment. Hearing the words of the staff, he suddenly became angry.

"Don't you think that the prince doesn't know about these things? You guys have come up with a practical way to stop all this! I tell you, it's time for you to raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. It's time to repay me! But look at you one by one, at the critical moment, you can't think of a way!"

Several other staff members felt very aggrieved when they heard the second prince's words!

It's just that the emperor took action too quickly, they didn't have time to react at all!

"How about we get rid of Leng Yu and replace it with our own people?" A staff member thought of a method that is not a way: "As long as the person who is investigating is not Leng Yu, but someone else, it can be considered as Not bad. At least, we can take a breath and think of other ways!"

The second prince was also desperately ill and went to the doctor. He thought it was a good idea, so he arranged for someone to go to the hospital.

Luo Cheng has always arranged for people to pay attention to the movements of the second prince.

He had long guessed that someone would attack Leng Yu, so he secretly entered the palace to remind his father.

So, as soon as the killer sent by the second prince appeared, he was caught by the emperor's dark dragon guard.

Fortunately, the people of the second prince are also cautious, and they are looking for killers on the rivers and lakes, so even if these people are caught, they will not be able to provide the second prince.

After that, the second prince sent someone to arrange for Leng Yu to poison, but unfortunately Leng Yu knew that he had become a thorn in the eyes of others and was stabbed in the flesh, so he was very careful in eating and did not touch anyone other than his cronies. food given by people.

In this way, Leng Yu is still alive and well, but the second prince is so anxious that his mouth is bubbling.

In the end, the second prince could only watch one of his right-hand man's cronies stand up and take all the responsibilities, so that the second prince was not exposed.

Even so, the second prince is too painful!

After all, it is not easy for him to install such a powerful helper in the court.

One less now is equivalent to breaking an arm, which is also considered a serious injury to vitality.

Luo Cheng felt a lot more at ease when he saw that the second prince had been eliminated as a powerful helper.

Not only the second prince, the other princes in the dynasty suffered more or less damage.

In other words, the third prince has not suffered any damage from the beginning to the end. After all, with the upright temper of the third prince, he really will not do these things.

In addition to these princes, several important officials in the court were arrested, freeing up a lot of good positions.

For a while, various forces began to compete for these vacated positions.

In this case, the dynasty became undercurrent again.

With the fall of many officials of the dynasty, Leng Yu has freed up his hands to start an inventory of those who bought these test questions in this scientific examination.

At this time, the students who were still on the sidelines also became nervous.

After that, the students who bought the test questions were caught out, and the scene of the students scolding those who bought the test questions can be seen everywhere.

Under this circumstance, Qi Fei and Ai Mingze's hearts also began to rise and fall.

I don't know if it's God's blessing, or the two of them are lucky, or they did a good job at the end.

Finally, after more than 20 days of review, the examination fraud case came to an end.

At this moment, Qi Fei and Ai Mingze let out a sigh of relief.

Li Yan was relieved along with Qi Fei and Ai Mingze.

Although she burned Pei Xuanxin's test booklets, Qi Fei and Ai Mingze were insiders!

If something happens to these two people, they will definitely bite her and Pei Xuanxin out.

At that time, she will have nothing.

Not only will he be caught and imprisoned, but even Pei Xuanxin's fame will be expelled.

Fortunately, God is still helping her!

No accident happened to Qi Fei and Ai Mingze, so she is also safe.

After the fraud case is closed, the vacant positions on the Jinshi list will be moved forward by the people behind.

In this way, the palace test is still in accordance with the requirements of the previous emperor, but anyone who has entered the Jinshi list can participate in the palace test.

This time, the emperor did not give everyone any buffer time, and directly notified the palace test on the day the fraud case was closed, and the palace test was conducted in the open space outside the palace the next day.

I have to say that at this time is the time to test a person's mentality.

Some students who have a bad mentality and can't bear the pressure, obviously get good grades in the exam, but don't perform well in the palace exam.

Some are the opposite. They did not perform well in the exams, but in the palace exams, because they were able to withstand things, they were able to answer the questions calmly and achieved good results.