The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 473

Chapter 473

Li Xiaoran listened, took out the pill and ate it.

After eating, Li Xiaoran showed a sly smile.

"This is what my husband said, I can't go back!"

"No regrets!" Luo Cheng said with a smile.

"Master, what are you busy with recently?" Li Xiaoran asked while eating breakfast.

!" Luo Cheng said while eating a fried bun in his mouth.

Li Xiaoran has been busy staring at Yan Xiaoqiao and making friends these days, so she forgot about it.

"Then are you ready?" Li Xiaoran asked curiously.

"That's natural! The next good show is about to start!"

It turns out that Luo Chengzhen did not deceive Li Xiaoran.

At noon on this day, the matter of imperial examination fraud was exposed.

Speaking of which, Luo Cheng was also lucky. Just when he was about to clean up some people, he just discovered something.

This time, there is a very important official among the examiners of the scientific examination.

This official is not only responsible for selling the test questions to the outside world, but also responsible for quietly dropping the collected money into the pockets of some important people.

It is such an official who links the previous and the next, and his wife sees all the things he does, and he keeps all the records.

This official is called Lu Xiangyang, his name is very sunny, but he is a very sinister villain behind his back.

His current wife, Weng Yuxin, was robbed by him with all his means. For this reason, he not only killed her wife's family, but also killed her wife's lover who had originally planned a marriage.

Lu Xiangyang, on the surface, is a gentle person, but he is very tyrannical behind the scenes. After returning home, he does not hide his true colors, and often tells the shameful things he has done to Weng Yuxin listened.

Weng Yuxin has been quietly following the wives of Lu Xiangyang's colleagues to read and write, so she records what Lu Xiangyang has done over the years.

Not only these, Weng Yuxin also used his identity as Lu Xiangyang's wife, and secretly collected some evidence to hide.

This time, knowing that Lu Xiangyang had committed fraud in the imperial examination, Weng Yuxin wanted to use this incident to move to Lu Xiangyang.

So when she was doing this quietly, she happened to be met by someone under Luo Cheng, and then Luo Cheng sent someone to protect Weng Yuxin.

At this time, Weng Yuxin, holding all the evidence, came to the governor of Shuntian and banged the drum in front of the yamen.

The news that the expedition was exposed to fraud spread like wildfire and spread throughout the capital in an instant.

The emperor in the palace also quickly got the news from the Dark Dragon Guard, and he was instantly furious.

The evidence reported by Weng Yuxin was soon presented to the emperor.

Looking at the events recorded in the thick booklets, the emperor suddenly realized that these people had secretly done so much harm to the dynasty matter.

The people involved in this booklet are not only the important ministers of the dynasty, but also the talents who were hired in the past few years.

The current emperor is a self-proclaimed emperor, and he was still proud of the great achievements he has left behind over the years.

In the blink of an eye, someone broke out such a big thing to hit the emperor in the face, this is how the emperor is not angry.

Then the emperor was angry and the court shook.

The emperor immediately ordered the imperial censor, Leng Yu, to investigate the case of fraud in the imperial examination, and then gave a secret order to let the Dark Dragon Guard secretly investigate the officials involved in the fraud in the examination a few years ago.

As for Lu Xiangyang, the emperor immediately dispatched his confidants to arrest Lu Xiangyang and detain him in secret.

For a time, the entire dynasty was shaken, and many officials were in danger.

After the news came out, Qi Fei and Ai Mingze's expressions changed greatly. The two returned to where they lived and discussed countermeasures.

"What should I do now? Why did the fraud in the scientific examination break out at this juncture! This woman named Weng Yuxin is really damn!" Qi Fei slapped the coffee table beside him with a slap. I just heard a sound from the coffee table, and then it shattered into two halves.

Ai Mingze started cheating with Qi Fei, and his heart was always up and down.

Now that this matter has been exposed, his heart has calmed down.

"Brother Qi, now is not the time to be angry, let's stroke it together. When we got these test questions, we had an intersection with the man named Lu Xiangyang. As long as the dynasty can't find us, Then we are safe!"

When Qi Fei heard Ai Mingze's words, he calmed down and began to recall little by little, then plugged the loopholes and erased some traces.

It's not just Qi Fei and the others who are doing this, other people who bought the exam questions are wiping their **** at the moment.

Whether it's too late, you have to give it a try.

After learning about this, Pei Xuanxin's expression became strange.

Although he did not participate in the fraud in the scientific examination, he felt a little strange no matter how he thought about it.

Because he had seen all the questions in this exam.

It can be found in the review questions that his wife Li Yan bought.

No, Pei Xuanxin turned out the review questions he had written and looked at them one by one. Sure enough, he found all the questions in this exam.

At this time, Pei Xuanxin did not doubt Li Yan, but wondered if someone used this method to cheat.

So Pei Xuanxin intends to collect these test questions and hand them over to the officials responsible for the thorough investigation of fraud in the scientific examination, and wants to do his part.

Li Yan also heard the news of the fraud in the scientific examination, so she hurriedly bought vegetables and came back.

No, as soon as I got home, I saw Pei Xuanxin sorting out the test booklets she gave him before, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Xiaogong, I heard that there was a fraud in the examination this time, is this true?" Li Yan hurriedly stepped forward and held Pei Xuanxin, pretending to be shocked.

"It's true, the emperor has sent someone to investigate thoroughly!" Pei Xuanxin nodded and continued to clean up these test booklets while answering.

"Then what are you doing with these test booklets? Are we going to go home because of this?" Li Yan couldn't help but ask: "If this delay continues, is this year's scientific examination? Don't count, do you have to wait until the next test?"