The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Li Xiaoran saw two pairs of puzzled eyes, and immediately asked a question.

"When cooking food, the first pursuit is not taste, but safety. Cooking with fire is because our ancestors realized that the ingredients we eat, raw food will have bad effects on the body However, there is no problem if it is cooked. This fish tastes very good, and it is indeed cooked by using the residual temperature of the soup. However, there are still bad things left in the fish, and these things have not passed through the fire. Cooking kills."

"No! I've eaten this fish for so long, and I don't feel any discomfort?" Meng Yan said with a puzzled face.

"Really? You might feel sick after a while!"

Speaking of this, Li Xiaoran smiled bitterly, and then asked Uncle Chuan, "Uncle Chuan, where is the most convenient place for you?"

Uncle Chuan suddenly meant something, and pointed to a place behind a green bush not far away.

Li Xiaoran hurriedly brought the toilet paper, and then hurriedly went to the place pointed by Uncle Chuan.

Seeing Li Xiaoran like this, Meng Yan immediately understood something.

Does this dish really cause stomach upsets?

At this moment, Uncle Chuan's son Koizumi ran in anxiously.

"Dad, Daddy, come and have a look, after my sister ate live water fish, her stomach hurts and rolls on the ground, hurry to find a doctor!"

Uncle Chuan's expression changed suddenly, he didn't care to greet Meng Yan again, he strode directly towards the place where his family lived.

Seeing this scene, Meng Yan frowned.

It seems that Li Xiaoran said it all!

Without waiting for Meng Yan to think, there was a grunting sound from the lower abdomen, and the pain followed.

"My God, Xiaoran really said it!" With that, Meng Yan hurried to the hut with toilet paper.

Li Xiaoran and Meng Yan are okay, at least their physical foundation is relatively good, just pull it a little and it will be fine.

But Uncle Chuan's daughter suffered a little at this moment, pulling and vomiting, and tossing for a long time.

After drinking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, the diarrhea and vomiting stopped, and then she fell asleep.

Seeing that Uncle Chuan's family was busy, Meng Yan simply asked Koizumi to bring a message, and she left with Li Xiaoran.

Originally, Meng Yan was going to take Li Xiaoran to the hospital to see a doctor. She was worried that after Li Xiaoran ate the fish, she would have a stomachache in the future.

Who knew that Li Xiaoran waved her hand and rejected her kindness.

"Don't worry! I'm fine, there is a doctor in my family, I trust his medical skills more. As for Meng Yan, you are going to see the doctor, don't take it lightly, or eat a Auxiliary medicine is better!" Li Xiaoran urged.

Meng Yan nodded, and then said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I originally wanted to take you to taste something delicious, but who knew that such a thing would happen! "

After that, the two parted ways.

Back to the place where she lived, Luo Cheng heard that Li Xiaoran had diarrhea, and quickly took her to the study to sit down, and then asked her to stretch out her hand to feel the pulse.

Luo Cheng breathed a sigh of relief after the pulses of his left and right hands had been checked.

"Fortunately, I have always paid attention to taking care of your body and making your body better and better. If this was a few months ago, it would have been just this meal of diarrhea , enough for you to drink a pot!"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard Luo Cheng's concern.

"I know that with my husband, I will have nothing!"

At this time, if you don't compliment your man quickly, when will you wait?

After eating Li Xiaoran's set, he said this directly.

"Ah? You still need to take pills after all this?"

"Either take the pills obediently, or you won't be able to go out alone from now on, choose one for yourself!" Luo Cheng said with a stern face.

No way, Li Xiaoran didn't dare to say anything, and could only choose to take pills obediently.

Life is precious, and love is more expensive. Because of the so-called freedom, both can be thrown away.

Freedom is important!

Compared with taking the pill, freedom is naturally the choice of freedom, and then take the pill obediently.

Meng Yan also went to the medical center she frequented.

The doctor didn't take it lightly. After checking the pulse, he asked about Meng Yan's uncomfortable symptoms, and then gave her a prescription, and then took the medicine and went back.

After the medicine was ready, Meng Yan drank a bowl of medicine in one breath.

I don't know if it was an illusion. After drinking this bowl of medicine, Meng Yan felt that her body became much more comfortable, and she did not feel weak after diarrhea.

She hurriedly called someone to bring hot water in, then took off those smelly clothes, and took a bath beautifully, which made her feel comfortable.

Li Xiaoran's side, after eating Luo Cheng's pills, slept soundly at night.

Waking up the next morning, Li Xiaoran also smelled the smell of sweat.

In order not to let the smell of sweat on her body smudge others, Li Xiaoran hurriedly asked someone to send hot water and took a bath.

Just after taking a shower, before having breakfast, Luo Chenggong first took Li Xiaoran's wrist to check the pulse.

This time, Luo Cheng showed a relaxed look on his face.

"Sure enough, yesterday's pills are still useful. You sweated at night and completely expelled all the bad things in it. This is good, you have no problem!"

"Did Xianggong know that I would sweat all over yesterday?" Li Xiaoran said suddenly: "Then why didn't you tell me! At least let me be mentally prepared!"

I don't despise you either!"

"Bah!" Li Xiaoran stood up directly: "I'm hungry, I want to eat breakfast, I don't want to take that pill!"

"No, I don't want to be obedient or obedient, I feel uncomfortable! My man is forcing me to do things, I can't accept it!" Li Xiaoran pretended to be sad.

Knowing that Li Xiaoran was pretending to be angry, Luo Cheng still couldn't bear her, and then laughed.

"As long as you eat and take the pills, I can promise you a condition!"