The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 434

Chapter 434

"Then let Li Xia and her son live in my parents' house! With my mother and father Qiu there, the safety of the mother and son can be guaranteed! As for the workshop, as long as Li Xia Just say it's her own business! We are just like-minded friends!" Li Xiaoran thought for a while and said this.

Actually, it is safest for Li Xia and her son to live in Luo's house, but as soon as Li Xiaoran leaves, Luo Ziyang is left in Luo's house.

Living in Li Xiaoran's family is different. Mother Qiu is always at home, and Li Xia's mother and son will not cause gossip when they live in.

"I think you'd better discuss this matter with Li Xia's mother and son! From Li Xia's previous experience, it can be seen that she is a person with an opinion. Life is their own Yes, I think it's better to ask their own opinions first!" Luo Cheng felt that it was inappropriate to do so, so he reminded.

Li Xiaoran woke up at this time.

Yes, these matters should be made by Li Xia herself.

She can offer advice, but should not make decisions for Li Xia.

Figured this out, Li Xiaoran picked up everything he made soap, and then went to find Li Xia.

Li Xiaoran didn't beat around the bush, and talked about what she needed Li Xia to prepare to build a soap workshop.

Li Xia asked a lot of questions carefully, first she understood what soap is, and then asked some requirements for the construction of the workshop, and finally agreed.

"Xiao Ran, although I haven't done this before, I can guarantee that I will do my best to build the workshop!" Li Xia said excitedly.

To be honest, Li Xia was already heartbroken.

After all the hurt, she really felt drained.

But after meeting Li Xiaoran, everything changed.

As if she was reborn from Nirvana, she regained a new fighting spirit.

Li Xia believes that with such a good thing, and the money and operation mode provided by Li Xiaoran, if she does not build the workshop well and then operate it, she will be sorry for Li Xiaoran's kindness !

"Sister Li Xia, I naturally believe in you, otherwise I won't let you do it! But there is one more thing, you have to make up your own mind. I'm going to travel far away with my husband. So if you encounter difficulties in building the workshop, just go to Ziyang, he will help you solve the problem. Now I want to ask you, what is your concern for you and Huai? Where do you live in the future, what are your plans?" Li Xiaoran asked.

"I mean, I can give you several suggestions here, see which one you are willing to choose!" Li Xiaoran added again, and then said the arrangements she had thought of before.

"Because I want to leave, I won't leave after the moon is healed, so there are only Ziyang, Changsheng, Guan Kang and your mother and son left at home. I'm a little worried that people outside will I screamed at the root of my tongue, so I thought that you would take Huai'er and move directly to my parents' house. With my parents and mother Qiu there, the safety of your mother and son is guaranteed!"

Before Li Xiaoran could say the second solution, Li Xia said: "Xiaoran, I still have some savings, I want to buy a piece of land in the village to build my own house. After all, Huai I want to marry a wife when I grow up, so it is better to build a bigger house now. I heard that you built a shop on the official road, can I buy a piece of land near the official road to build a house! The transportation there is convenient, there are many people buying and selling things, and it is very convenient for us to live there!"

As soon as Li Xiaoran heard Li Xia's words, she knew that she already had an idea in her heart.

Li Xia nodded and said, "I understand, I'll ask Xiaoran to help me find out! It doesn't need to be too big, it's enough to build a few houses, and then there is a piece for farming. A vegetable garden will do!"

Li Xiaoran saw that Li Xia had made up her mind, so she didn't say anything.

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, then I'll help you ask! If you don't have enough money, you can tell me, and I can lend you some first!"

Li Xia laughed when she heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not be polite to you!"

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard Li Xia's words.

Some people will come and build it for you first!"

Li Xia received Li Xiaoran's kindness and said her request.

Li Xiaoran listened, wrote it down, and dealt with it later.

When Mr. Guo learned that Li Xiaoran helped his friend buy a house, he moved in his heart and asked how big he wanted to buy.

When I heard that I was going to buy land near the official road to build the house, Mr. Guo showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Xiao Ran, as you can see, more and more businesses are doing business on the pipeline side, and it is already a small market. Now, the land near the official road has become It's delicious. Now I want to buy the place over there, but it's better than before you! The price of this place is much more expensive now!" Mr. Guo told the truth first.

"The village chief grandpa, don't worry, I have told my sister Li Xia what you said. As long as the price is fair, it is not a sky-high price! Or you can help us ask, Let's see who is selling in the village!" Li Xiaoran said.

With Li Xiaoran's words, Mr. Guo knew it.

"Okay, then I'll ask, I'll give you an answer tomorrow morning!"

Li Xiaoran nodded, then went to Chen Xiang and handed over Li Xia's construction of the house to him.

Chen Xiang naturally agreed, as long as the land is bought, they can start construction immediately.

Speaking of which, Chen Xiang has taken over a lot of work in Luo Cheng's hands, and everyone cooperates very well.

So Li Xiaoran came to the door again, and Chen Xiang was naturally very happy to do this job.

"Uncle Chen Xiang, it's not easy for me, Sister Lixia, to make money as a woman, so don't ask for too much money!" Li Xiaoran thought about it and said this.

"Relax, no matter what, they are old customers, I can make some money, it won't be too high!" Chen Xiang smiled and nodded.

Chen Xiang's words, Li Xiaoran still believes.

Mr. Guo also went well.

After asking three families that day, one family was willing to sell their land.

Speaking of which, Li Xia was also lucky. It just so happened that her daughter-in-law was about to give birth, but her family was stretched.

The land was sold at this time, just in time for my daughter-in-law to replenish her body!