The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 433

Chapter 433

After Shu Ruyue slept, she felt much better when she woke up.

After eating an extra bowl of porridge, she was able to walk around on her own.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran admired her good body.

If it was her, she would have to stay in bed for a long time after experiencing such a thing.

With Shu Ruyue's lessons learned, Li Xiaoran suddenly felt that she should also arrange physical fitness exercises.

Before Luo Cheng taught Li Xiaoran a set of exercises to strengthen her body. Although she often practiced, she didn't really pay attention.

Now that I want to practice, this progress is very fast.

Taking advantage of Shu Ruyue's few days of resting, Li Xiaoran settled down Li Xia's mother and son.

Li Xia is a good businessman, and she can keep accounts and settle accounts.

So, such a rare talent is naturally used on the edge.

The two shops on the side of the official road can be considered a little trouble now, so putting Li Xia there is a bit overkill.

It would be even more inappropriate to place it on Zhuangzi's side.

Luo Cheng's farm was used to accommodate some veterans who went up the mountain. It was full of old men. It was not suitable for Li Xia to live there.

After thinking about it, Li Xiaoran felt that she still had to do some other business.

The best money in the world is women's money.

Li Xiaoran doesn't want to do food business anymore, but wants to go a different way.

In addition to eating, daily necessities are also very profitable.

Such as soap, soap, shampoo, skin care products and so on.

Soap and soap used by Li Xiaoran in science class, so she knows how to do it.

As for the shampoo, she also tried to make some by herself later because she was interested.

I used the shampoo made from the saponin of the saponin tree, and the effect of washing my hair is very good.

Of course, in order to make the shampoo smell better, Li Xiaoran also put some fragrance-enhancing plants in it.

The shampoo is good-looking and fragrant, and the shampoo effect is also good.

As for skin care products, this Li Xiaoran has not tried it, but she has also checked some information on the Internet before, and knows what materials to prepare and how to make them.

So she just needs to do it again and try it out.

Just do what she says, Li Xiaoran intends to get the soap and soap out first.

"Miss, what are you doing?"

"I'm making soap, for laundry!" Li Xiaoran replied while doing it.

Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words and came over to help.

"Can these liquid-like things be made into clothes?" Luo Cheng asked curiously.

"Yes! It should be frozen in an ice cave, and after it is formed, it can be taken out and cut into pieces. This is the soap used for laundry! This laundry, It's much easier than hitting with a mallet!" Li Xiaoran explained with a smile.

Luo Cheng has also washed clothes himself, so he knows that washing clothes is very laborious.

Although washing a few pieces of clothes is not a big deal for those who practice martial arts, it is a very difficult task for those women who work for many years.

"You did this, shouldn't it be for this business?" Luo Cheng thought of something and asked.

Li Xiaoran poured the soap liquid into the mold, closed the lid, then turned to look at Luo Cheng and said, "Yeah! I just plan to open a soap workshop and sell soap to make money. Not only soap, but also soap, and shampoo. In the future, I can use it for washing clothes and bathing! And it will be very clean!"

Luo Cheng thinks this business is very good, but they are going to the capital now, they really can't spare time to prepare this business!

Luo Cheng was afraid that Li Xiaoran would forget that they were going to the capital, so he reminded him.

Li Xiaoran laughed after hearing Luo Cheng's reminder.

"I know! The reason why I want to make soap, soap, and shampoo at this time is to prepare for the future. I want to leave the construction of the workshop to Li Xia , and then let Li Xia build this soap workshop. After we go to the capital to publicize these things, our soaps, soaps and shampoos can also be sold!"

Luo Cheng was stunned when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

"Do you think Li Xia can set up a soap workshop?"

"Try it! I am very optimistic about Li Xia's ability. If the workshop cannot be built, it is not a big loss to me. But I believe that Li Xia will not betray my trust. When we come back from the capital, Li Xia will definitely give us a functioning soap making workshop!" Li Xiaoran said confidently.

Luo Cheng thought about it for a while, and then reminded: "Since you want to use Li Xia, I think you don't have to come forward, it will save a lot of trouble!"

Li Xiaoran quickly came over after hearing Luo Cheng's words.

"You mean, don't let outsiders know that this workshop is mine?"

Luo Cheng nodded and said: "If your soap is really as good as you say, I think there will be a lot of people who want to work in the workshop. You and I They are people in the village, so it will be very troublesome to pick people. If you let Li Xia take care of it, it will be much easier to handle, and there will be no worries about who to use.

"Also, I think your workshop that concentrates on building things should be built separately, not in one place. Otherwise, it will not be worth the loss!" Luo Cheng paused for a while, and said: "Egg Don't put it in one basket, put it in several baskets, and you can deal with it in time when something goes wrong!"

Li Xiaoran thought about it and felt that Luo Cheng was right.

Everything can't be left in Hele Village, you have to go to other places to build workshops.

These daily necessities, those with discerning eyes will definitely take a fancy to them.

At that time, only one workshop in Hele Village will not be able to do much, and more workshops will be built.

"This, let's talk about it later! Build the workshop in Hele Village first! Fortunately, this village is also the place where I was born and raised. I also hope to lead the villagers to live a good life. Life. Of course, I don't help everyone, I'm not a fool. Some people who are not worth it, I won't help!" Li Xiaoran thought for a while and said this.

"That's fine, then I'll let Ziyang cooperate with Li Xia secretly. In this way, Li Xia's mother and son are not suitable for living in our house!" Luo Cheng thought of something.