The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 382

Chapter 382

"At this time, it is necessary to use some medicinal powder! After all, we are eating and drinking now, and it is too easy to attract people's jealousy!" Wu Qinghe said with a serious look.

I don't know why, seeing Wu Qinghe so serious, Li Xiaoran couldn't help but want to laugh.

Shu Ruyue rolled her eyes and expressed her meaning to Wu Qinghe's words.

Li Xiaoran was even more amused when she saw it.

If she knew that these two people only met today, otherwise she would have thought that they were acquaintances she had known for a long time.

"I say fortune-telling, anyway, I have nothing to do, why don't you give me a fortune-telling! When will I meet an expert to discuss it! My hands are a little itchy!" When Shu Ruyue remembered something, she went directly to Wu Qinghe and asked.

Wu Qinghe nodded and said, "Okay! But I'll do the fortune for you, you have to give me gold. If the fortune doesn't go away, it won't be good for you!"

"Okay, how much money do you want, I'll give it to you!" Shu Ruyue said very boldly.

"You look at it and give it, anyway, we are also friends of life and death, don't charge you too much, you can give what you want, just give it a meaning!" Wu Qinghe is also a temperament Chinese.

"Okay, that's interesting!" Shu Ruyue said, and took out a tael of silver directly from her pocket.

After Wu Qinghe collected the silver, he took a few copper coins and started divination.

I have nothing to do anyway, Li Xiaoran also looked here curiously, wanting to hear what Wu Qinghe would say.

Wu Qinghe analyzed the hexagram, and then said: "This hexagram says that your wish will come true, and it will come true soon. But to be honest, I don't recommend that you have a relationship with today. Let the other side learn from each other, because looking at you from the hexagram, the white tiger will be seriously injured!"

As soon as Shu Ruyue heard Wu Qinghe's words, her eyes lit up.

"Don't be afraid of injury, no matter how serious the injury is, it's fine, just be able to have a good fight with a master!"

Li Xiaoran heard this and couldn't help reminding: "It will be realized soon, won't it be tonight? Then we have to be vigilant!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several people changed.

Wu Qinghe picked up the copper coins again and started divination.

It's just that the copper coins have been thrown away many times, but not a single hexagram has come out.

"No, no, this is not a good time for divination! It's been a few times in a row, and it's all moving! This shows that the situation is unknown, and anything is possible!" Wu Qinghe was a little confused. said.

"If it's not the timing, don't force a result. Nothing in this world is certain. Then what is the fun of this person living in the world. In the future, everything is possible, and we can do everything we can! Leave the rest to God!" Li Xiaoran heard Wu Qinghe's words, and his heart moved, Said something like this.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Qinghe looked up at Li Xiaoran.

After seeing this, Wu Qinghe's eyes did not withdraw, but the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

Seeing that Wu Qinghe's eyes were not right, Luo Cheng hurried over, put Li Xiaoran behind him, and asked in disgust, "What are you doing?"

"No, Brother Luo Cheng, my sister-in-law's face is very strange! It was originally the face of great wealth and honor, but there is danger hidden in the wealth. But if you look closely, this face seems to have changed again. It's the same, expensive and not expensive, and the sister-in-law obviously has a golden light of merit, but this light of merit hides some purple energy! Wu Qinghe said, his brows were furrowed, and he felt a little confused. .

"Your sister-in-law said before, that one life is two, two begets three, and three begets all things. Your practice is not enough. If you want to see this clearly, you have to continue to work hard! Absolutely, miracles will always exist!" Luo Cheng said when he heard Wu Qinghe's words.

Like himself, he didn't know why he was alive before, but he survived.

Now that he wants Li Xiaoran, he finally knows why he wants to live.

Man, as long as you live, everything will have hope.

Next, the four of them closed their eyes and rested their energy.

Li Xiaoran is already tired after so much tossing.

Lying directly in Luo Cheng's arms, Li Xiaoran fell asleep in peace.

Luo Cheng also wrapped his arms around Li Xiaoran and closed his eyes and rested.

Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue also found a place each, and directly spread the padding they brought earlier on the ground, and then wrapped in the quilt to rest.

When the four people woke up again, it was already dark outside.

At this time, many people outside were already very hungry, and everyone began to look for food in the inn.

The four people hiding in the room heard someone rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things.

At this time, the four of them were also a little hungry.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran ate the meat patties, Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue also got one each.

However, there are not many meat patties. After the lost Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue finished eating the meat patties, they each took a few steamed buns and ate them.

Because this room is in a relatively remote location, and the movement of the four people eating is very light, people outside did not notice that there were people hiding here.

After eating and drinking, the four of them began to recharge their energy again.

But everyone didn't sleep, just closed their eyes and rested.

At this time, both the inside and outside of the room were pitch black.

The rain, which was originally light during the day, became heavy again.

Luo Cheng took out his self-defense sword and put it beside him.

Li Xiaoran also became energetic at this moment, and went all out to feel the emotions of everyone in the inn.

"Get ready, the people outside are getting more and more anxious, and maybe there will be chaos soon!" sound.

The voice fell, and there was a scream from nowhere, and then a fire broke out in a corner of the inn.

Many people shouted the water and rushed to put out the fire.

Some people ran to the front of the inn to see if there was any movement outside.

Soon, the fire lit up half of the sky, and under the action of the wind, it burned towards the private house on the other side of the inn.

The few people on Li Xiaoran's side looked at the place where the fire was burning, all of them were dumbfounded.

There is no other reason, the burning place is where Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng hid before.