The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 381

Chapter 381

"So, we don't have to do anything, just wait?" Shu Ruyue asked.

Said: "By the way, do you have food on your own? There are also things like water, so you must also collect them!"

Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue shook their heads, and then both of them were a little embarrassed.

"I haven't eaten for most of the day!"

"Yeah, I was just looking for someone to learn about martial arts. I planned to leave today, so why would I go and prepare food!" Shu Ruyue said with an embarrassed expression.

Luo Cheng thought about it and looked at Li Xiaoran.

"Miss, give them two cakes! One cup of water per person, not too much!"

Li Xiaoran nodded, took out four cakes behind her, and handed them to Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue.

Here Luo Cheng also poured two glasses of water and handed it to these two people.

"We still have some biscuits, but not much, so you should put a pad on your stomach first to save your energy. We have something to do at night!"

Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue smelled the fragrance of the cake at this moment, and the stomach growled more and more.

At this time, the two of them didn't care about being polite to Luo Cheng, they took the cake and water and devoured it.

I have to say that after the two cakes went down, the two people also had something in their stomachs and their spirits recovered a little.

"Right, I remembered it! In fact, there is a place where there is still food, and it must not have been taken away by those officers and soldiers!" After she was full, Shu Ruyue's brain also became bright, remembered something.

"Where? What to eat?" The others asked in unison.

"When I was staying at the hotel with me, I saw a pair of merchants pulling goods into the hotel. I was curious at the time, so I paid more attention. As a result, the three carriages When entering the back yard, one of them accidentally hit a stone, the carriage tilted, and some things fell out. I looked carefully, and there were several white-faced steamed buns that fell out!" Shu Ruyue recalled carefully. .

"At the time, I thought it was very strange, who is still loading white-faced steamed buns on the carriage! Now that I think about it, those people are really wise to bring such good food. I'm hungry!" Shu Ruyue said enviously.

Luo Cheng heard Shu Ruyue's words, so he came to the window and looked down.

"But there's no carriage in the backyard!"

As soon as Shu Ruyue heard Luo Cheng's words, she walked towards the window suspiciously.

Poke out his head and look down, the place where the carriage was placed before is already empty, and there is nothing.

"Could it be that those officers and soldiers took all these carriages away, can those merchants agree?" Shu Ruyue frowned and asked in confusion.

"Then did you notice just now that there are still those merchants in the inn?" Luo Cheng thought about it and asked.

Shu Ruyue recalled carefully for a while, and finally shook her head.

"It was very messy and there were people everywhere, and it was impossible for me to see everyone clearly. Besides, those people may also be like you, hiding in the hotel room, and I also can not see it!"

When Wu Qinghe heard the conversation between the two, his eyes lit up.

"I can divination, I can divination to ask whether these steamed buns are still there? If so, where are they!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Xiaoran looked at Wu Qinghe in surprise.

I didn't expect that a person who looked inconspicuous would be so capable.

"Use a dead horse as a living horse doctor! Anyway, it's fine now, why don't you try it!" Shu Ruyue said.

Luo Cheng also thinks there is a way to give it a try!

"Then try it!"

When Wu Qinghe saw everyone agreed, he also came to the table and sat down, then took out the copper coins he carried with him.

Soon, the hexagram came out.

Wu Qinghe carefully explained the hexagrams and said something in his mouth.

After a stick of incense, Wu Qinghe's eyes lit up and he laughed.

"Hahahaha, the steamed buns are still there. And the owners of these steamed buns should have been stunned, and should be among the people who fainted at the entrance of the inn. These people brought some steamed buns with them, and the rest The steamed buns are in the place where they live. You can't imagine that this steamed bun is in the room next to yours!"

Shu Ruyue suddenly remembered something, and then looked at Wu Qinghe.

"Is that the room we moved to those dizzy rooms just now?"

"That's right, it's there! I really didn't expect that there is nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It will take no effort to get it. Let's go, let's go and get it now!" Wu Qinghe said.

"Wait, let's go over together, move those people here, let's live there!" Luo Cheng suddenly stopped Wu Qinghe and said: "Look at this gate , it's useless, can't resist anything!"

Several other people followed Luo Cheng's words and looked towards the door. At this time, everyone nodded in agreement.

So the four of them packed up and walked towards the next door with their things.

Fortunately, not all the comatose people were moved to one room before, so it didn't take much time to move them out now.

There is no one in the way, and the four people began to carefully search the room.

Soon, the four of them found several bundles of white flour steamed buns.

These steamed buns are very hidden, and you won't be discovered if you don't look carefully.

In addition to these white flour buns, I also found three pots of water.

These three pots of water are full and have not been used at all.

Luo Cheng checked the steamed buns and the water in the kettle. After confirming that there was no problem, he took other things to collect the food.

"In fact, there are still a lot of empty rooms in the inn, I think we should change a room to hide! This room gives me a bad feeling, it always makes me have a very bad feeling !" Li Xiaoran said suddenly.

When Wu Qinghe heard Li Xiaoran's words, he immediately took out his copper coins.

This time, Wu Qinghe's face changed greatly when the hexagram appeared.

"That's right, this room can't stay, let's go quickly! This direction is the direction of the fierce, we will look for the room to the south, and if we can find a suitable one, hide there! That's where life comes from!"

With Wu Qinghe's words, the four of them packed up for a while, took the steamed buns and kettles they just got, and started looking for the next room to hide.

Fortunately, Emperor Tian paid off, and finally found a room in the south that no one has ever lived in.

After the four entered, they quickly closed the door and window.

Luo Cheng even sprinkled some medicinal powder on the door and window.

"You have already taken the antidote before, so don't be afraid of my powder for twelve hours!"