The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 291

Chapter 291

After the people left, Li Xiaoran turned around and met many pairs of eyes.

"What are you doing? Are you all looking at me with such strange eyes?"

"Sister, are you weird, okay?" Li Xiaoqing came over and looked at Li Xiaoran up and down: "Sister, tell me, why are you doing things so strange today?"

"What have I done? I'm just doing a good deed every day!" Li Xiaoran didn't feel strange at all, walked back and came to Luo Cheng's side.

"Xiang Gong, do you think I'm strange?"

"I don't think so! I'm just thinking, can I cook another bowl of hot and sour noodles tomorrow!" Luo Cheng said thoughtfully.

Li Xiaoran laughed when she heard this.

"We want too!" At this moment, others also shouted in unison.

The few people who were recruited to work just now held back their laughter, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

"Yes! All of them! Tomorrow I will start a new food, selling hot and sour noodles for everyone to eat, so you can eat whatever you want. In addition to this, I plan to make Chaoshou dumplings as well. It's just that the cooking time of these two is a little long, and the guests should remind each other when they order, the waiting time is a little longer!" Li Xiaoran remembered something and reminded.

Everyone nodded and wrote down what Li Xiaoran said.

Next, it was still raining outside, Li Xiaoran thought about it, and simply went to take out the insurance pork.

Gao Chen is in charge of chopping the stuffing, while Luo Cheng and Luo Ziyang are in charge of mixing and kneading the noodles.

Li Xiaoran, mother and daughter, are responsible for rolling the dough into dough skins, and then making dumpling skins and chaoshou skins.

The other three working aunts are responsible for cleaning leeks, cabbage, and shallots.

After doing all this, a group of people came together to make dumplings, outflanking their hands, and then placed them on the bamboo-woven steamer, and then placed them on the shelves.

"Daughter, you dumplings and chopsticks, I'm afraid you will sell them every day. As the weather gets warmer, these things can't be saved. I think it's too troublesome to sell them. Don't add these two kinds of food!" Zhao Xiu waved his sore shoulders and said worriedly.

Li Xiaoran actually regretted it a little at the moment, and found that she was too naive.

In modern times, dumplings and dumplings can be packed in large quantities and stored in the refrigerator. They are not afraid of being damaged and can be sold at any time.

Including things like dumpling skins and chaoshou skins, there are also ready-made dumpling skins and chaoshou skins for sale, which is not as troublesome as it is now.

"Yes, it is indeed a bit troublesome to sell these! Unlike hot and sour noodles, you can soak them in advance and cook them when you eat them! Forget it, these Chaoshou dumplings will not be sold for a while. Everyone cooks a bowl and tastes it, and let's take the rest back and eat it by ourselves!" Li Xiaoran is also a person who can listen to other people's persuasion.

As long as she does something wrong, she will not keep gnashing her teeth, but will realize her inadequacies and correct them.

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he thought of something, and finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Li Xiaoran's ability to make ice cubes can't be said, and he has to hide it.

So take these Chaoshou dumplings home to freeze and eat by yourself.

Wait until all the meat fillings are wrapped and there is a little dough left.

These doughs are also not wasted and can also be used for pancakes.

Taking advantage of this rainy day and no guests coming, Zhao Xiu simply put some chopped green onion and meat in the remaining dough, and made fresh meat patties.

No, just after the meat patties were baked, and everyone shared one to eat, they heard a movement outside.

"Brother Luo, sister-in-law, the caravan is coming outside!" Yuan Cheng, who was standing at the door, suddenly shouted.

When the people in the room heard this, they all took pictures in front of the windows and the door, and looked outside.

Sure enough, a caravan came up the pipe outside.

People who still set up food stalls on weekdays went home as early as when it rained.

So on the side of such a big official road, only Li Xiaoran and the others are left.

"Don't look at it, hurry up and wash your hands! There are so many guests, some of you are busy!" Li Xiaoran greeted, and then took the lead to wash her hands.

When the people in the shop washed their hands clean, the people in the caravan also **** the ox cart and walked towards the shop.

A group of people swarmed in, and the voice of ordering sounded when they asked for something.

In the next two hours, everyone was too busy to touch the ground.

The dumplings and chopsticks that were made before were also served in one pot, and as many as they were wrapped, they were sold.

Not only was he called the hand, but also the fresh meat patties that Zhao Xiu had baked before were eaten up.

Of course, Yuan Cheng and Maodao's steamed buns and steamed buns were also swept away.

Li Xiaoran is also busy counting money to settle accounts, but when she counts, she always feels that the money is not right!

Li Xiaoran thought about it and called Luo Cheng over.

"Xianggong, come here, look at the silver, look at these ingots!" Li Xiaoran said, took out some broken silver and put it in front of Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng was a little strange, but he still took the silver and took a closer look.

At first Luo Cheng didn't care, but the more he looked, the more solemn his face became.

"The money is not right!"

"You see it?" Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words and asked, "I also think there is something wrong with this silver, but then say what is wrong!"

"Who gave the money?" Luo Cheng asked.

"I know this, I saw that the rich businessman who bought a lot of meat patties bought it!" Luo Ziyang listened and said.

Luo Ziyang likes to eat the meat patties made by Zhao Xiu, so he always thinks about it.

Who knew that they were all bought by a wealthy businessman, so they paid attention to the other party and looked at the money they took out.

"Ziyang, come and have a look!" Luo Cheng threw some broken silver to Luo Ziyang and asked him to take a closer look.

Luo Ziyang quickly caught the broken silver and looked at it carefully.

Here, Luo Cheng walked directly towards the wealthy businessman, and then sat beside him.

"This guest officer, take the liberty to ask, you are selling cloth? I don't know what good cloth you have here? There will be a big happy event in a few months. I want to I made some nice clothes with my wife, but I couldn't find any better cloth!" Luo Cheng asked very sincerely at this moment.

The rich businessman had a vigilant look on his face, but when he heard Luo Cheng's words, his face immediately changed, and his smile suddenly surfaced.

"You boy, your eyesight is so good, you can see what the old man is doing at a glance! Speaking of which, the old man really has a lot of fine cloth in his hand, and now the old man will ask someone to bring you some Come on, can you pick one?"

"Okay! Thank you so much!" Luo Cheng said with a look of surprise.