The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 290

Chapter 290

If this was put in the past, Gao Chen would have ignored it at all and left on his own.

But today, after Gao Chen packed up his things, he heard Dai Qian's words and stopped.

It was raining heavily outside at this time, so Gao Chen turned around and looked at Dai Qian, who was begging.

"You're a good woman, but I'm not for you! Dai Qian, you didn't participate in my past, so you don't know what kind of person I am. You just see this side of me now , you think the reliable side. But you don't see the bad side of me. In my life, I will never get married, marry a wife, and have no children. So, forget me! I am just a passerby. You can find someone better!" Gao Chen rarely said something like this.

Dai Qian was kind to him, Gao Chen knew.

Only from beginning to end, Gao Chen did not give any response.

He can't give others anything, so he will choose to refuse indifferently.

It was also because he was leaving that he would say such words.

"Why? Everything can be restarted! I don't care what happened to you before, why don't we start over? Come with me and work hard to have a home, okay?" Dai Qian burst into tears at the moment, completely unable to accept what Gao Chen said.

Gao Chen looked at Dai Qian like this, sighed deeply, and then looked in one direction.

"Look behind you!"

Dai Qian turned her head subconsciously when she heard Gao Chen's words.

As a result, in the wind and rain, a man was wearing a hoodie and a bamboo hat at the moment, and he was standing not far away with an umbrella in his hand, looking at this side with a pair of eyes.

"Look, as long as you turn around, you can see the person who treats you better, cares more about you, and can build a happy family with you. But you can only look forward What belongs to you, you can't see what you have behind you. Sometimes, you should cherish and be grateful for everything you have now, otherwise it will be too late to regret it after you lose it! I didn't understand this before, so now It has fallen to such a point!" Gao Chen said, and picked up his own things, ready to rush into the rain.

But Gao Chen thought of something, turned around and walked towards Dai Qian.

Dai Qian thought that Gao Chen had changed his mind, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Unfortunately, Gao Chen passed Dai Qian and walked towards the man in the mink clothes.

"Brother, just guarding from a distance is not enough. If you really love someone, stand in front of her! Otherwise, she will never see you! Good luck!"

Gao Chen said, reached out and patted the man on the shoulder, then resolutely rushed into the rain and disappeared in front of the two of them.

Dai Qian looked at Gao Chen's distant back, and immediately started howling.

The man guarding her side thought of what Gao Chen said before, so he walked from behind Dai Qian to Dai Qian...

When Gao Chen came to the shop in the rain, Li Xiaoran saw him and asked Yuan Cheng to lead him to change into dry clothes.

When Gao Chen appeared in the shop again, Mao Dao brought him a bowl of **** soup.

Gao Chen froze for a moment, drank the **** soup, took the initiative to wash the dishes, and then went to clean up the room with Mao Dao.

Because there was no business in the store, Li Xiaoran asked everyone to sit and rest.

At this moment, a woman with a burden came in the rain.

Although she was holding an umbrella, the woman was also wet a lot.

When Li Xiaoran sneaked out the window and looked out, she suddenly noticed the woman passing by the shop.

"The elder sister holding the umbrella, you are already wet, come in and drink some **** soup, bake on the fire, and wait for the rain to lighten before leaving!"

The woman walked forward as if she had never heard of it.

Li Xiaoran noticed something was wrong, so she took an umbrella and rushed over.

Ling Xuerou stared blankly at the front, she couldn't hear anything in her ears, immersed in her own thoughts.

At this moment, a pair of hands grabbed her, forcing her to stop.

I turned around and saw a girl's face.

The girl smiled and said to her: "Sister, it's windy and rainy outside, come to our shop to eat some **** soup, dry clothes, wait until the rain is light before leaving! "

I don't know why, looking at the smile in front of her made Ling Xuerou nodded, and then went into the shop not far away.

After Li Xiaoran brought the person back, he shouted: "Xiaoqing, hurry up, bring this sister a bowl of **** soup!"

Li Xiaoqing nodded and hurried to scoop up the **** soup.

Seeing Ling Xuerou like this, Zhao Xiu hurried over to help her twist up the wet clothes.

"You are a woman, how come you don't know how to take good care of your body! Look at you, it's raining heavily, and most of your clothes are wet. If you don't quickly bake your clothes Do it, you will get sick!"

While talking, Zhao Xiu pushed Ling Xuerou to sit in front of the stove.

A roaring flame burns in the stove, emitting a warm glow.

Ling Xuerou just sat in front of the stove, her heart was still cold.

Looking at the menu hanging on the wall not far away, Ling Xuerou didn't know what to do, and her eyes fell on the three words "Shaved Noodles".

"I want to eat a bowl of knife-cut noodles!" Ling Xuerou stretched out her hand and pointed to the menu on the wall.

"Okay, I'll cook it for you!" Li Xiaoran came over and responded with a smile, then went to wash his hands, started kneading the noodles, and then sharpened the noodles.

Soon, a bowl of knife-cut noodles was made, and Li Xiaoran brought a bench over and let Ling Xuerou use it as a table, and put the noodles on it to eat.

After taking one bite, Ling Xuerou's dull eyes finally got a hint of light, and then she ate it in big gulps.

Soon, a bowl of knife-cut noodles was eaten by her.

After eating this bowl of noodles, Ling Xuerou took out the copper coins and paid for the noodles.

At this time, the rain outside suddenly became much lighter, and even the wind disappeared.

"Thank you!" After Ling Xuerou said such a sentence, before the clothes were completely dried, she held an umbrella and planned to leave.

"Wait! Come back tomorrow!" Li Xiaoran suddenly stopped the person in front of him and said.

Ling Xuerou looked at Li Xiaoran, stunned.

"Come again tomorrow?" Ling Xuerou looked at Li Xiaoran in confusion and repeated it.

"Yes, come again tomorrow! Tomorrow I will make hot and sour noodles, which tastes even better than knife-cut noodles! It's a pity if you don't come and try it!"

Ling Xuerou frowned and pondered, struggling in her heart.

"Okay, I will definitely come tomorrow!"

Speaking, Ling Xuerou walked away with an umbrella.