The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 240

Chapter 240

While speaking, the bullock cart arrived at Haizi Village in front.

This place is not too far from the Feiying Village where Li Xiaoran and the others are going, and it takes a quarter of an hour to ride an ox cart.

Because the ox cart brought a lot of things, Luo Chengcheng asked Kang Dandan to go to the village to call someone, and then they handed over the people to the people from Haizi Village and continued on their way.

Kang Dandan also knew that Zhao Xiu and the others were going back to their parents' home, so he nodded and hurried back to the village to call someone.

Soon, when the young adults in the village heard that Fang Wanli had been captured, a group of people ran over.

Negotiated with the village chief of the other party, Luo Chengcheng handed the person over to the other party, and then continued on his way.

"What do the people in Haizi Village do with that Fang Wanli?" Li Shun asked while driving the ox cart.

Everyone didn't go home because they didn't know what happened to Fang Wanli.

"The village chief will send people to the yamen!" Luo Cheng replied: "When I called people over before, I specifically told the village chief!"

Li Xiaoran knew that Luo Cheng was not a troubled person, so it was a little strange.

"Xiang Gong, why are you telling me so?"

"I always feel that Fang Wanli is unusual, and the people in the village may not be able to keep him." Luo Cheng expressed his feelings.

"I also think this person is a little strange! His reaction is too strange!" Li Xiaoran said, remembering his previous suspicions.

"Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us, let's not talk about it!" Zhao Xiu said suddenly.

For some reason, Zhao Xiu felt unhappy when she saw that Fang Wanli.

Zhao Xiu said so, and no one else said it.

Not long after, the bullock cart finally arrived at Feiying Village.

From a distance, a village is looming in the mountains.

At this time, it was noon to lunch time, and every household was covered in smoke.

Zhao Xiu suddenly burst into tears when she looked at her parents' home who hadn't come back for several years.

"Don't cry, I used to be incompetent, and I couldn't help bring you back! If you want in the future, we can come back every year!" Li Shun looked at his daughter-in-law like this and said comforted.

"It's okay, I'm just a little homesick!" Zhao Xiu shook her head and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

Li Xiaoqing and Li Xiaoran snuggled up beside Zhao Xiu at the moment, soothing their mother's emotions in this way.

Zhao Xiu will be fine after a while, and then patted the sisters' hands.

"It's okay, it's okay! Let's go, my mother will take you home!"

Zhao Xiu gave an order, Li Shun raised his whip, and a carload of people walked towards Feiying Village.

Flying Eagle Village, the reason why it is called Feiying Village is because there are many eagles living in this village.

In Feiying Village, chickens are not dared to be raised outside, but can only be raised in cages.

Afterwards, the people in the village got the advice of the masters, and they stocked a lot of hares, so they supported the eagles. Since then, the eagles and the people of Feiying Village have coexisted in harmony.

"Why do you want to keep eagles in the village?" Luo Cheng looked at the eagle soaring in the sky and asked puzzled.

Li Xiaoqing laughed when she heard this.

"Mother, look, my brother-in-law, like us, always asks this question when visiting Feiying Village for the first time!"

Zhao Xiu and Li Shun also laughed.

"Actually, when I first came here, I saw so many eagles asking such questions!" Li Shun said a little embarrassedly at this moment.

Zhao Xiu smiled and explained directly: "I heard from the older generation that when the dynasties changed in the past, there were rebels who wanted to hide in Feiying Village and develop. As soon as those people came They wanted to seize Feiying Village as their home. As a result, they were strongly resisted by the villagers. Seeing that the people in the village were about to lose, a large group of eagles rushed down and aimed at the chaotic army. He slammed and grabbed, and finally drove those people out of the village!"

"Flying Eagle Village also experienced several dangers later, all of which were solved with the help of the eagles. Since then, the ancestors of Feiying Village will regard the eagle as the guardian of the village for generations. God, raise more hares to feed the eagles. In fact, our family was not a villager in Feiying Village before, and we came here by accident. We thought it was very good, and we wanted to settle down here.

"The village chief called the eagle down with a whistle, and then let our family pass in front of the eagle one by one. After everyone passed by, the eagle did not attack our house. People, so the village chief agreed with our family to stay! To use a saying that has been circulating in the village, as long as you get the approval of the eagles, you can enter the village and settle down in the village!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiu remembered something.

"By the way, we have to walk in front of the eagle for a while! Because this time we brought Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng is a stranger, and the eagles have never seen him!"

Li Xiaoran's heart suddenly burst upon hearing this.

In fact, it's not just Luo Cheng, even she is a stranger.

After all, the soul in this body has been replaced, I wonder if those eagles will recognize it.

"Luo Cheng, don't be nervous! As long as there is no malice towards the village and people with good intentions, the eagle will not take the initiative to attack!" Zhao Xiu was worried that her son-in-law would think too much, so so admonished.

"Mother, don't worry, I understand!" Luo Cheng nodded, indicating that he was fine.

Li Xiaoran's nervousness dissipated a little when he heard his mother's words.

After all, she is not hostile to Feiying Village, and she is also a kind-hearted person, so there should be no problem.

Soon, the ox cart arrived at the entrance of the village.

The guards at the entrance of the village saw an ox cart approaching, so they hurried out.

One of the middle-aged men looked at Li Shun and Zhao Xiu carefully, and suddenly remembered something.

"It's Zhao Xiu, this girl has returned to her parents' home!"

"Uncle Tazi, I haven't come back for so many years, do you still recognize me?" Zhao Xiuying shouted with a smile when she heard a familiar villager.

"That's right, just this girl, even if it's turned into ashes, your uncle Tazi can recognize it!" The middle-aged man said with a big laugh.

"Uncle Tazi, ask my aunt to come to the house later! I came back this time with something good for her!" Zhao Xiu said with a smile.

"Okay! Uncle Tazi won't be polite to you! But girl, you also know the rules in the village, come down and let the eagles recognize it!" Business started.

Zhao Xiu nodded and said to the family.

"Come on! Tie the ox's reins to this stake, and we'll go down and make a line, and let the eagles recognize it later!"

Everyone nodded and got out of the bullock cart.

After Li Shun and Luo Cheng tied the ox cart together, they also stood behind and lined up together.