The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 239

Chapter 239

When Luo Cheng heard the woman's words, he immediately asked: "Since he has harmed so many people, why don't you send him to office?"

"Whether or not I am a woman can decide. This man is extremely cunning. Since the accident, all of us have been looking for him. In the end, we have not even touched his shadow. If I hadn't met a few benefactors today, I wouldn't have known that this scourge was actually by our side!" Kang Dandan said angrily, looking at the man on the ground.

While talking here, Fang Wanli looked around and suddenly sprinkled a handful of powder.

The sudden scene caught a group of people who were unprepared, and a group of people lost their strength at this time.

Fang Wanli stood up triumphantly, then looked at the group of people contemptuously.

"Hmph, wanting to arrest Fang Wanli is just a dream! Kang Dandan, if someone paid me to kidnap and sell you, do you think I would come and arrest you? But it's not bad, I just want to catch you one, but I didn't expect to send several to the door! This time, we are going to make a fortune!"

"Really?" At this moment, a voice came out: "If you want to make a fortune, you must ask my sword first!"

Luo Cheng, who was pretending to be a hit, jumped up and appeared beside Fang Wanli.

I don't know when he pulled out his saber and put it directly on Fang Wanli's neck.

This time, the smile on Fang Wanli's face froze, and then he immediately begged for mercy.

"A hero, a hero, please let me go! I was just blinded by lard, so I will plot against you, as long as you let me go, I will give you all my money. I have a lot. Money!"

Luo Cheng didn't say a word, just stretched out his hand to tap Fang Wanli's acupuncture point, and took out a rope to tie the man up.

Afterwards, Luo Cheng took out another porcelain bottle, knocked off the cork, and dangled it in front of everyone's nose.

A coldness rushed into her nose, and the strength she had lost before seemed to come back.

"I didn't know if I didn't come out before, but when I came out, I encountered such a thing. It's really sinister, you can't guard against it!" Li Shun learned a lesson from this incident.

Zhao Xiu pursed her lips and said nothing.

Li Xiaoqing is also looking at everything in front of her at this moment, showing a feeling of wanting to become stronger.

Before she, she thought she would not be afraid if she had strength.

In fact, strength alone is not enough.

It seems that she has a lot to learn.

Learn the knowledge of self-defense, learn how to use the brain, the only way to avoid many dangers.

"You all sit on the bullock cart! I'll walk this man! First send the whole man to Haizi Village!" Luo Cheng said.

Everyone has no opinion, this matter is settled.

Zhao Xiu greeted Kang Dandan to get into the carriage, Li Shun sat in front of the bullock cart, and Luo Cheng escorted Fang Wanli to the side.

"Benefactor, where are you going?" Kang Dandan noticed Zhao Xiu when he got in the car, so he asked.

"I'm a girl married from Feiying Village. Today is the second day of the new year. I'm going back and forth to my parents' home!" Zhao Xiu asked.

As soon as these words came out, Kang Dandan suddenly remembered something and said in surprise.

"You are Zhao Xiu, the eldest daughter of Zhao Huaishan's uncle Zhao's family, right?"

Zhao Xiu looked at Kang Dandan with a puzzled look on her face: "You know me? I thought you looked familiar before, but I can't remember who you are?"

"Sister Xiuer, you look familiar to me! I'm that tomboy from the Kang family? "

"Once I competed with others to see who was the most courageous, so I ran to the big tree on the edge of the cliff and climbed. As a result, I slipped and fell on my own, and was caught by a thick branch I've been floating on the cliff. The other children are scared and stupid, but you should hurry back to the village and call someone to save me!"

Kang Dandan said excitedly at this moment.

When Zhao Xiu heard this, she immediately remembered this.

At that time, she was about to get married, and she didn't go out much before, but she suddenly wanted to go to the mountain to pick up some firewood and saw such a thrilling scene, she quickly ran back to the village and called for someone to rescue people.

"It's you!" Zhao Xiu laughed.

"It's not me! After I was rescued, I was already frightened. I have been raising for more than ten days. When I am allowed to come out again, it will be a month later. At that time, Sister Xiuer, you are married!" Kang Dandan said with emotion.

Zhao Xiu didn't expect that after so many years of separation, she would see the little girl hanging on the cliff again, and now she is actually married.

"Are you married? How long have you been married?" He asked.

"It didn't take long, only a few years after I got married! At that time, something happened to my husband and I wanted to quit my relationship, but I didn't want to hurt me. But I think my husband is a responsible person. This kind of person is worthy of my marriage, so I got married! Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with Fang Wanli!" Kang Dandan said with a sigh.

"Auntie, is this Fang Wanli also cheating your husband's money?" Li Xiaoran thought of something and asked.

Kang Dandan shook his head and said, "This Fang Wanli was not so bad at that time. In fact, Fang Wanli was a good person at the beginning. Something happened to my husband's family, It's Fang Wanli who has been busy helping all the time! It is precisely because Fang Wanli was a good person in the past that so many of us have fallen for him and been coaxed out of so much money!"

When Kang Dandan said these words, he did not lower his voice, and Fang Wanli who was walking on the side could naturally hear it.

What puzzled Li Xiaoran was that Fang Wanli had a sarcastic look on his face.

And the emotion he showed at this time was also a kind of dismissive, as if these things had nothing to do with him.

It shouldn't be! If this Fang Wanli was really a good person in the past, he shouldn't have reacted like this when he heard Kang Dandan mention the past!

Perhaps noticing that Li Xiaoran was looking at him, Fang Wanli quickly restrained the emotion on his face and lowered his head.

Li Xiaoran looked up and down, and then turned her gaze back.

Here, Kang Dandan continued to say: "Hey, forget it, if you don't talk about these things, you will be angry when you talk about it! How reliable this Fang Wanli was in the past, and how **** he is now, He's just a scumbag. This time, he really hurt too many people!"