The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 237

Chapter 237

During this period of time, Li Yan also added some scholarly flavor to herself because of Pei Xuanxin helping those sons to review their homework.

At the same time, Li Wei and Zhang Hong's married eldest daughter Li Lan also returned with her one-year-old grandson and son-in-law Wu Duan.

After putting things down, Li Lan frowned when she saw the mess everywhere in the old Li's house.

After handing her son to Wu Duan to hold, Li Lan stopped her mother and went into the house to talk about herself.

"Mother, how did this house become like this? The house was clean when I came back last year, but now it's really messy! Look at the ground in the courtyard, Is that something a person can stand?"

Zhang Hong said this as soon as her daughter came back, and sighed.

"Don't you realize that your mother is getting older, and even her hands have become a lot rougher?"

Li Lan noticed the situation of her mother.

Compared with the mother in memory, the difference is indeed a bit big!

"Mother, why are you like this? Can't the third aunt still do something as simple as cleaning the house?"

"You are far away, so I didn't have time to tell you some things! Your third uncle and third aunt were married off by your grandfather and grandma, and they were separated from each other! Now this There are only your father and your uncle in the house! As soon as your third uncle and the others left, almost all the work of the family fell on me. Look, how long has it been? Years old!" Zhang Hong said with red eyes at this moment.

"What the **** is going on?" Li Lan was stunned by the sudden news, and hurriedly asked after recovering.

Zhang Hong didn't hide it, and told everything that happened in the past few months.

After listening, Li Lan took a long time to digest the news.

She really didn't expect that she just gave birth to a baby and didn't go home for a year, so many things happened at home.

Cousin Li Xiaoran married Orion, and another cousin Li Yan married a poor scholar.

Zhang Hong grabbed her daughter's hand and spit out the bitter water in her heart!

"My father and I are thinking, anyway, Li Xiaoran and the others don't have a stall anymore, why don't you give us that noodle stall, and your father and I will do business. It's just that I haven't found a chance to work with you. The third uncle and the others said! You third uncle and the others, I am afraid that they were hurt by the previous dowry, and they may not be willing to help us! You tell me, they all have several shops by the pipeline, and the noodle stall was given to us. So what? Isn't this a matter of hello, me, and everyone?"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. When Li Lan heard that Li Xiaoran had actually built several shops beside the official road, her heart suddenly moved.

Speaking of which, although Li Lan gave birth to a son, she finally gained a firm foothold in the Wu family, but these days were very tight.

Wu Duan had several older brothers above and several younger brothers below, so the whole family lived together, which was quite uncomfortable.

So the young couple always wanted to save some money and move out, instead of being squeezed under a few broken tiles.

Before, Li Lan and Wu Duan thought of a lot of methods to no avail. Now that they heard the news that Li Xiaoran had a shop, Li Lan began to fight her own little ninety-nine.

Inquired about the situation of Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng's family carefully, Li Lan found a space and went out to see her man.

Wu Duan was playing on the road in the village with his son, and his face was already impatient.

Seeing that Li Lan finally came out, Wu Duan said with a dark face: "Look at your mother's house, what does it look like! That yard is accessible to people Where is it? The smell inside and outside the house makes my baby vomit when he smells it!"

Li Lan also knew that her family's appearance was really outrageous, but at this time, you don't need to worry about these things, let's talk about the important things first.

Li Lan took her man and child to a secluded place, and then told the news she had inquired from her parents' home.

"Xianggong, think about it! With so many shops built, it must be taken care of by someone. Now it is better to leave it to me and you to take care of it. Come on, when we are taking care of the shop, we have solved the housing problem, and we can also do some small business outside the shop. Think about it, according to what my mother said, the business of this shop is good, people come and go, then Wouldn't it be easier for us to do business and make money?"

When Wu Duan heard it, his heart moved, and he was also a little moved.

"That's a good idea!"

"So, Xianggong, we are reluctant to stay. You can go to the village to inquire more about the shop on the side of the official road. When everything is settled, let's go to my cousin. !" Li Lan said excitedly at the moment.

"I think this is still a little difficult! Are you on good terms with your cousin?" Wu Duan asked.

Li Lan heard her husband's words, looked around, then lowered her voice and said, "I will speak, Xiaoran will definitely agree! You know, I saved her back then One life! Just for this life-saving grace, she should agree!"

When Wu Duan heard that there was such a reason, he immediately laughed.

"Then this matter is safe! Why not, let's inquire now! After inquiring, we can go directly to your cousin's house to see. We will finalize this matter earlier , I'd better go home early and talk to my parents!"

Li Lan thought for a while, hesitated, and finally nodded.

So the couple walked towards the drying yard in the village together with the child.

What disappointed Li Yan and Wu Duan was that when they checked everything out, when they went to Luo's house, they heard that Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng were not at home, but went to the third aunt's family. news.

"Why don't we come back in a few days! I really can't stay in your family's situation! Madam, if you don't think about me, you have to think about Bo'er!" Wu Duan said very unhappily at this moment.

Li Lan hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, and went home alone to say goodbye.

Is it true that Luo Cheng was not seriously injured in this life?

As soon as she thought of this possibility, Li Yan rubbed the handkerchief in her hand!

She really can't believe it, this Li Xiaoran can always have such good luck!