The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 236

Chapter 236

Zhang Hong looked at He Hui who was standing beside her, and hesitated.

"Hey, look, there's a carriage coming over there, it looks like a big family is coming!" Zhao Xiu suddenly looked at the road in the other direction and said in surprise.

When Zhang Hong heard this, she immediately turned her head to take a closer look.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Xiu passed Zhang Hong, dragged He Hui and ran away.

"Where is there a carriage? Obviously not!" Zhang Hong looked at it strangely, turned around and said.

At a glance, Zhao Xiu and He Hui had run far away.

Even if Zhang Hong wanted to catch up, she couldn't catch up, so she stomped her feet in anger.

"Zhao Xiu, what do you have to be proud of? It's not because of your bad luck that you were married to your son-in-law's house! Without your son-in-law Luo Cheng, who would you be?" Zhang Red cursed loudly.

He Hui frowned when she heard this, and she couldn't listen anymore.

Just when He Hui wanted to help Zhao Xiu with a word, she was stopped by Zhao Xiu.

"If the dog bites you twice, can you still bite the dog twice? Hurry up! I know better than you the people of Old Li's family. I really can't get out of here! When you meet someone from the Old Li family in the future, you should be like me, if you can slip away quickly, but if you can't slip, you must create opportunities to slip away, and don't let them have the opportunity to entangle you! Zhao Xiu spoke about his own experience.

He Hui shuddered when she heard this.

"Is there anything scary?"

"It's not! Listen to my advice, if you don't encounter it in the old Li family, you will never encounter it! " Zhao Xiu said.

He Hui took Zhao Xiu's words to heart, and at the same time went back and warned her men and children.

It is precisely because of Zhao Xiu's remarks today that He Hui's family escaped a big trouble one day in the future.

Li Wei and Zhang Hong both returned home, and the couple ran into each other when they walked to the door.

"Master, how are you doing?"

Li Wei shook his head and said dejectedly: "I haven't said anything yet, but my third brother has told me about it!"

"Me too, the three younger siblings are skating like a loach, and I didn't stop them!" Zhang Hong also said depressedly.

"It's okay, let's go back and think about it, there will always be a way!" Li Wei could only say in the end.

As soon as the two entered the door, Aunt Li was already waiting in the yard.

"Are you looking for your third brother? Where are you?"

Li Wei frowned when he heard what his old mother said.

"Mom, what are you talking about, we just went out for a walk! It's the first day of the new year, if you don't go out for a walk, are you still nesting at home and getting moldy?"

Aunt Li frowned when she heard Li Wei's words.

"Don't say this to my mother, I'll ask you, have you seen your third brother?"

"I see! It's just that the third brother warned me to stay away from him when he saw me, otherwise his son-in-law's fist would not recognize people! Mother, do you really think that the third brother is still the same as before The third brother who is at your mercy? You and your father are wrong, the elder brother is wrong, and so is I! The third brother today is completely different from before! Those things that you have planned in your heart are afraid that they will fail. !"

Speaking, Li Wei took his daughter-in-law Zhang Hong back to his house.

Aunt Li was very angry when she heard what her son said.

"Impossible, the third child is a piece of flesh that fell from me, and I am his mother. What? He can still hold grudges? Hmph, I don't know how to take some good things to honor the New Year. My father and I are going to be opposites!"

Aunt Li was swearing, but she was thinking about something.

On Li Shun and Zhao Xiu's side, after returning home, they did not mention what happened in the village today.

Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran also learned from the secret guard how they dealt with it.

Looking at his father and mother smiling, Li Xiaoran couldn't help but sigh: "I really didn't expect that my father and mother could become so tough! I didn't even think that Yes, both parents deal with it in the same way. They don't let the people of the old Li family express their demands at all. And dad, don't blame my son-in-law for not recognizing people. That's what my dad said!"

Luo Cheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard Li Xiaoran's sigh.

"People change, especially those who have been oppressed for a long time, once their sense of resistance is awakened, they will become very different! Has the time at the noodle stall been in vain? How many people come and go every day at this noodle stall, and there are all kinds of temperaments. Naturally, business people can't pick customers, so they can only change themselves.

Wait. My parents have also begun to change during this time! It's just that we spend a lot of time with our parents, so we can't see their changes. But others can see it at a glance! "

Li Xiaoran thinks this kind of change is not bad, at least she doesn't have to be bullied stupidly.

Of course, Li Xiaoran also expressed that he could understand the feelings of the old couple to hide these things.

After all, it's a big New Year's Eve, it's better to make everyone happy.

Soon, the second day of the new year will arrive.

On the second day of the lunar new year, the married daughter will go back to her parents' home.

Before Zhao Xiu wanted to go back to her mother's house to see, so Li Xiaoran made preparations early.

Originally, Luo Ziyang could go along with him, but there was a third master Li in the house, so Luo Ziyang could only regretfully stay at home and take care of the house with Rhubarb and the others.

In addition, there are chickens to feed at home, and it is true that one person needs to stay at home.

Large and small bags were placed on the ox cart, a group of people dressed warmly, and then brought a few blankets to cover.

The day just dawned, and a group of people set off.

No way, it's still a little far from Zhao Xiu's family home, so you can arrive earlier if you leave early.

By the time Li Lan and Li Yan, the two married daughters, rushed back to the old Li's house, Li Xiaoran and the others were already on their way to Feiying Village, Jiangzhong County, Bailu City.

Li Yan hardly slept well last night, after all, she was too excited.

She wanted to hear the people in the village talking about Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran as soon as she returned to the village, so that she knew how miserable Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran were.

Who knew that as soon as they got home, they were caught by their own mother.

"Yan'er, you brought these things when you went back to your parents' house? Why didn't you bring some money back?" Wang Ying complained while touching her daughter's clothes.

"Mother, why have you become so vulgar and vulgar? How can a girl start searching for money when she returns to her mother's house? You really lost my face by doing this!" Said with a look of disgust.