The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 171

Chapter 171

"Don't do such a dangerous thing next time! Ziyang and I can handle it!" Luo Cheng held Li Xiaoran's hand and warned softly.

Li Xiaoran nodded, but she thought very clearly.

If there is a next time, she will still speak up, because she does not want Luo Cheng to have an accident.

Luo Cheng actually knew what Li Xiaoran was thinking, so he didn't say anything later, but hurriedly took her home.

When he got home, Li Xiaoran discovered that blood actually seeped out from Luo Cheng's waist.

"Why don't you tell me when you're injured? No, you need to wipe your wound with spirits! Then apply medicine!" As Li Xiaoran said, he hurriedly went to find spirits .


"You can still laugh!" Li Xiaoran was there with a bit of crying, and her heart was shaking.

"Wait first, I'll go to your room to find spirits!"

Li Xiaoran ran into Luo Cheng's room.

Luo Cheng looked at Li Xiaoran's anxious back, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Li Xiaoran said before that she would not enter his room, but now she doesn't!

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng walked over and returned to his room.

"In the cabinet on the third floor under the bookshelf, there is a jar of spirits, and a wooden box, you can also take it out, there is a good gold sore medicine in it, after I applied the medicine for a while, It will be fine soon!" Luo Cheng said as soon as he walked in.

As soon as Li Xiaoran heard this, she immediately turned her head and walked towards the place Luo Cheng said.

Sure enough, Li Xiaoran quickly found the jar of spirits and the wooden box containing the gold sore medicine.

Luo Cheng took advantage of Li Xiaoran to take things, and went to another place to get some things out.

Here, Li Xiaoran found a clean white cloth, then found a tea cup and poured some spirits into it.

First soak a white cloth in spirits to disinfect, and then Li Xiaoran washed his hands with those spirits.

After doing all this, Li Xiaoan poured out the spirits, and then poured another tea cup of spirits.

"Come on, let me see your wound!"

Luo Cheng lifted his shirt to reveal the injured area.

Li Xiaoran looked over by the light of the oil lamp and confirmed Luo Cheng's injury.

"Fortunately, I just wiped the skin and passed by, and suffered some minor injuries!"

Speaking, Li Xiaoran took out the white cloth soaked in spirits while Luo Cheng was unprepared, and gently wiped the wound.

I was caught off guard, and the pain made me jump.

"Miss, you murdered your husband?" Luo Cheng grinned and muttered.

"I'm sterilizing you! If I want to murder my husband, I'll just put some medicine in your food, and you'll need it!" Li Xiaoran said angrily.

Speaking, Li Xiaoran couldn't help bending down and blowing at Luo Cheng's wound.

"You bear it first, I will clean it up for you, so that the wound will not be filled with pus!"

Speaking, Li Xiaoran brought a white cloth stained with spirits and wiped Luo Cheng's injured hand.

To be honest, this kind of pain feels very fresh, making Luo Cheng bared in pain.

I can't help it, I want to endure it but I can't help it.

He raised his head, and something happened again.

Originally, Luo Cheng was looking down at Li Xiaoran who was treating his wound. When Li Xiaoran suddenly raised his head, Luo Cheng's chin touched the top of Li Xiaoran's head.

This time, both of them cried out in pain.

Li Xiaoran felt as if she was hit by something **** the top of her head at this moment, and she felt a lot of pain.

Luo Cheng also felt that his chin was about to be abolished, it was really painful!

But when the two heard each other's pain, they forgot their own pain and asked in unison, "Are you okay?"

As soon as these words came out, the two of them laughed in unison.

"Master, your jaw is made of iron! My head hurts so badly right now!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he came over and wanted to see what happened to her head.

"Okay, don't move, I just cleaned your wound! Come on, I'll quickly apply medicine to you!" Seeing this, Li Xiaoran stopped Luo Cheng's movements, turned and turned to the side I took out the gold sore medicine that was on it.

After applying the medicine, Li Xiaoran bandaged Luo Cheng's wound with a white cloth.

"Okay, now put your clothes down!"

Luo Cheng put down his clothes, then stretched out his hand and pulled Li Xiaoran over.

"Look down, how about your head?"

This time, Li Xiaoran did not refuse, but bent slightly and let Luo Cheng look at the top of her head.

"Did you get hit here?" Luo Cheng quickly pinpointed where Li Xiaoran was hit.

At this time, Li Xiaoran only felt some cold feeling suddenly came from the hot place on the head, and the whole person was much more comfortable.

"Well, that's it! I used to feel hot, but now, when you put your hand on Xiang Gong, you feel cold and comfortable!" Li Xiaoran replied.

Luo Cheng had good eyesight, and at a glance, he saw that the top of Li Xiaoran's head was red and swollen.

"Sit here and wait, I'll get you some medicinal wine to rub, your head is already red and swollen!"

Speaking, Luo Chengcheng went to a bookcase and took out a small bottle of medicinal wine.

Carefully smeared some medicinal wine on Li Xiaoran, Luo Cheng fed Li Xiaoran a blood-activating and stasis-removing pill uneasy.

After that, the two of them cleaned up the things they had used on the table together.

After tossing for a long time, it was late at night.

"Ma'am, it's too late now, let's rest!" Luo Cheng looked outside and said.

"Okay! Then let's go back to the house to rest!" Li Xiaoran answered without thinking of anything else.

"Okay!" Luo Cheng replied calmly, then pulled Li Xiaoran and walked towards the bed where he often slept.

By the time Li Xiaoran realized that something was wrong, Luo Cheng had already put him on the bed.

"Xanggong, Xianggong, we went to the wrong room, we should go to the next room to sleep!"

"Ma'am, don't talk, I'm tired!" Luo Cheng muttered, and then stretched out his legs, pressed them on Li Xiaoran's legs, and fell asleep.

This time, Li Xiaoran was forced to sleep in Luo Cheng's room and on Luo Cheng's bed!