The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Guan Kang stretched out his hand.

"Please also be a little light, you can squeeze some blood out with a finger pricked with a needle! I have only had blood taken before, and people have verified whether my blood is effective, so this is I'm still a little weak for a while. I also ask some uncles to take less blood from me first, and first verify whether my blood is really effective!"

This made everyone feel a little sad.

Even the woman who had just walked over suddenly had a sore eye, as if she had been bitten by some insect, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Just follow what he said, take some blood! I see this child's face is pale, if you really take too much blood, it will be our sin to lose your life!" He spoke for a while.

The leader nodded and asked them to take out a silver needle and a clean porcelain vase.

The silver needle started, and blood soon flowed out.

After squeezing hard and collecting a vial of blood, these people let go of Ankang.

"Don't worry, if the blood is really ineffective, we will definitely release something to explain the child's situation! In this way, he doesn't have to suffer! If the blood is effective, I'm sorry then." Yumian walked at the end, then looked at the Guan Dongshan couple.

After that, the group quickly left with Guan Kang's blood.

Seeing that her son had finally returned to her safely, He Hui couldn't hold back her inner fear any longer, and cried while hugging Guan Kang.

At this moment, He Hui feels that she is too weak to be a mother, she can't even protect her own children, she is really a mother in vain!

Guan Dongshan looked at his wife and children hugging each other, and his heart was ups and downs at this time.

He Hui blamed herself for not protecting her son, and he, a father, blamed herself for not being able to protect his wife and children.

Seeing this scene, Luo Cheng and Luo Ziyang didn't know how to persuade for a while, so they could only stand there quietly.

Guan Kang let his mother hug him and cry, he just stood there calmly, but his eyes were on Luo Cheng.

After a while, after He Hui's cry subsided, Guan Kang comforted: "Mother, it's alright, don't blame yourself! You and Dad have done a lot for me. Now, if it wasn't for your hard work and money, I wouldn't have the chance to become a healthy child! Besides, it's just a matter of drawing some blood, compared to my death, it's really just a trivial matter!"

Guan Kang's words made people feel a little sad.

He Hui was also stunned by her son's words, and slowly let go of him.

After Guan Kang was free, he walked straight towards Luo Cheng.

"Brother Luo Cheng, can I practice martial arts with my body?"

Luo Cheng stared at Guan Kang and asked directly, "Why are you asking me?"

"Because I know, Brother Luo Cheng, you are a very powerful person. I want to learn from you, so that I can protect myself and my family!" Guan Kang replied Said: "My life was stolen from my father and mother with great difficulty, so I want to live many more years and live well!"

Luo Cheng stared at Guan Kang, and finally took out a porcelain bottle from his body.

"This medicine, one pill a day, you take it first! It can nourish your blood! After a month, you can come to me again, let me see if your body and bones are suitable for learning martial arts?"

Guan Kang nodded, then bowed to Luo Cheng.

"Thank you brother Luo Cheng!"

Luo Cheng came over, helped Guan Kang up, and put the medicine in his hand.

After that, Luo Chengcheng left with Luo Ziyang.

On the way home, Luo Ziyang couldn't help but ask.

"Brother, you have always been reluctant to cause such trouble, why are you doing this today?"

Luo Cheng stopped, looked at the crescent-like moon that appeared today, and said something like this.

"When I was in such a difficult time, someone offered me a helping hand, so that I would not be lonely and despair! Now I see Guan Kang, as if I saw myself back then! Maybe , I stretch out my hand to help him, and his fate will be different!"

Luo Ziyang heard Luo Cheng's words, remembered some things in those years, and finally fell silent.

When Luo Cheng was the most difficult, Luo Ziyang was always by his side.

He was the only one who accompanied Luo Cheng from start to finish.

So what Luo Cheng went through in those years, he knows best.

It is precisely because he is clear in his heart that he also understands the meaning of Luo Cheng's words.

At this moment, a dark arrow shot out from the darkness and went straight to Luo Cheng.

Even if Luo Cheng was in a trance for a moment, when the crisis came, he instinctively gave birth to some vigilance.

When he realized something was wrong, Luo Cheng dodged and jumped to the side, dodging the arrow.

Without waiting for Luo Cheng to breathe a sigh of relief, countless dark arrows also flew towards where Luo Cheng was sitting now.

"The archer is in the southeast!" In the darkness, a familiar voice came.

This voice is none other than Li Xiaoran's.

Luo Cheng and Luo Ziyang immediately reacted when they heard it.

Luo Cheng dashed towards the place surrounded by trees, while Luo Ziyang hid in the dark and began to look for the archer.

Soon, the archer chased after him and killed Luo Ziyang, who was hiding in the dark.

At this moment, Li Xiaoran's voice rang again.

"Another accomplice in the southwest!"

When the people lurking in that direction heard Li Xiaoran's words, they were shocked and wanted to jump out and leave.

Before he could act, Luo Chengcheng had already found the man, and kicked the chest of the man who was standing up.

Luo Cheng's kick used a lot of internal strength, and the other party couldn't bear it.

After solving this person, Li Xiaoran came out.

"It should be alright, no one around!"

Luo Cheng handed the dying man in black to Luo Ziyang.

"Ziyang, leave these two to you to deal with! I'll take your sister-in-law back to rest first!" Luo Cheng said softly as he handed him over, "Check carefully, look at these two What is the identity of the individual!"

"Please don't worry, brother!" Luo Ziyang replied.

Under the moonlight, watching Luo Cheng walk step by step, Li Xiaoran's beating heart finally calmed down.

"Why did you escape?" Luo Cheng came over and grabbed Li Xiaoran's cold hands, and couldn't help warming her with the temperature of his hands.

"After you left, my heart has never been at ease. Not long ago, I felt two emotions outside, so I quietly came to take a look. I saw those people taking action against you!" Li Xiaoran explained.