The Grammar Of English Grammars - The Grammar of English Grammars Part 269

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 269

_Caesura_, signif. and application of --_Caesural_ or _divisional pause_; _demi-caesuras_, or _minor rests_; (see _Pauses_)

_Can_, verb, varied --derivation and signif. of --_Can not_ and _cannot_, with what distinction used --_Cannot_, with a verb of _avoiding_, or with BUT --_Can, could, would_, as principal verbs, by poet. use

_Capital letters, capitals_, for what used; how marked for the printer, in manuscript --what things are exhibited wholly in, --Rules for the use of, --use of, in comp. prop, names, --needless, --lavish use of, its effect, --discrepancies with respect to, abound in books.

_Cardinal numeral_, distinguished from its corresponding ordinal, --should _follow_ the ordinal, in a specification of a part of a series, ("_The first_ TWO,").

_Caret_, in what used, and for what purpose.

_Cases_, in grammar, what, --named and defined, --nom. and obj., alike in form, how distinguished, --on what founded, and to what parts of speech belong.

--(See _Nominative Case_, &c.) --_Cases_, whether infinitives, participles, &c., can take the nature of, --what is the proper number of, to be assigned to Eng. nouns, --what authorities for the true doctrine of three, --discordant doctrine of sundry grammarians concerning the numb, of, --WEBST. and MURR. opposite instructions concerning do.

--_Cases_, whether personal pronouns have two, only, --rules for the construc. of, --whether a noun may be in two, at once, --whether Eng. verbs govern two, --whether in Eng., as in Lat., when a verb governs two, the pass.

retains the latter case.

--_Cases, same_, (see _Same Cases_.) --_Cases_, what kinds of words take different, after them.

--_Case_ of noun or pron. after part. governed by prep., whether undetermined; err. of SANB. and BULL. hereon expos.; GREE. false teaching, do., --_doubtful_, after participles, in what kind of examples found; canon concerning do.

_Case_, technical term with printers, ("Letters of the _lower case_.")

_Catachresis_, how commonly explained, and what sort of fig.

_Catalectic_, when a measure is said to be.

_Cedilla_, from whom borrowed, and how applied.

_Change_, of numb. in the second pers., ineleg., --of the connective of two nominatives appar. requiring a plur. verb, canon concerning.

--_Changing_ the scene, or deserting the principal subj., in a sent., PREC. against.

_Chaucer's_ imperfect measures, DRYDEN'S remarks on.

_Cherokee_ alphabet, some account of.

_Cherubim_ and _seraphim_, Heb. plurals, sometimes mistaken for singulars.

_Chief terms_, or _principal parts_, of a verb, necessary to be first ascertained.

--_Chief words_ may be distinguished by capitals.

_Circumflex_, inflection, (see _Inflection_,) --mark, use of.

_Classes_ under the parts of speech, what meant by.

_Classification_ of words, explanations to assist beginners in making, --DR. WILSON'S observations on.

_Clause_, see _Member_.

_Climax_, defined.

_Cognomination_, relation of the article, in instances of, ("_Alexander the Great_").

_Collective noun_, defined.

--_Collective nouns_, forms of, sing. and plur.; how understood, --gend. of, how determined, --by what relative represented.

--_Collec. noun_, represented by plur. pron., --in what two ways may be taken, and with what accord of pron.; the plur. construc. of, under what fig. of synt. ranked by the old grammarians, --whether with a sing. definitive, admits a plur. verb or pronoun.

--_Collec. nouns_ generally admit of plur. form.

--_Collect. noun_, represented by sing. pron. neut., --uniformity of numb. to be preserved in words constructed with, --agreem. of verb with, --how determined whether it conveys the idea of plurality or not, --strictures on the rules of ADAM, LOWTH, _et. al._, concerning, --NIX. notion of the construc. of verb and.

--_Coll. nouns_, partitive of plur., construc. of, --as expressing collections of persons, or coll. of things, which most often taken plurally, --when not plur. in form, whether it admits of plur. adj. before it.

_Colon_, from what takes its name, --for what used, --in what year adopted in England, --its utility maintained against some objectors, --Rules for the use of, --used by some between numb. of chap. and that of verse, in quotations from the Bible.

_Comma_, from what takes its name, --what denotes, --less common in Germ. than in Eng., --its ancient form, --Rules for the use of, --use of, in a series of words.

_Commanding, desiring, expecting_, &c., verbs of, to what actions or events, refer.

_Commandments_, the ten, how expressed as to _forms_ of verb, --by what points divided in books, --example of, versified in iamb. hexameter, by DR. WATTS.

_Common gender_, unnecessary and improper term in Eng. gram.

_Common noun_, defined, --when admits of no art., --with def. art. sometimes becomes proper, --by personif. often do.

--_Common nouns_ include the classes, _collective, abstract_, and _verbal_.

--_Common nouns_, their nature and numerical distribution, as distinguished from proper.

_Comparative degree_, defined.

--_Compar. degree_, why BROWN presents a new definit. of, in place of his former one, --true nature of --whether always required in a comparison of two objects --with what construc. proper in exclusive comparisons, canon of BROWN --_Comparatives_, certain, not construed with the conjunc. _than_ --double, how to be considered and treated --_Comparative_ terminations, to what adjectives not to be applied --_Compar. degree_ in Gr. and in Lat., construc. of --poet. connected to the positive

_Comparison_, defined --_Comparison, degrees of_, named and defined --what adjectives admit not of --CHURCH. on the different, (and BROWN on CHURCH.) --character of BROWN'S definitions of; do. of those of MURR. _et al._, exhibited --MURR. definitions of, criticised --relative nature of --_Comparison_, regular --to what adjectives applicable --when preferable to the comparison by adverbs --_Comparison_, HARR. on the degrees of; the positive a _degree_ --(in oppos. to HARR. _et al._) --_Comparison of equality_, what; sometimes involves solec., ("_Nothing_ SO _uncertain_ AS,") --_Comparison of equality and of ineq._, canon on --_Comparison_, adaptation of the terms of, to the deg. to be expressed --belongs chiefly to comm. adjectives --_Comparis._, irregular --_Comparis._, whether to be mentioned in parsing adverbs --inclusive, and exclusive --_Comparisons, extra_, their impropriety --Crit. N. on, See also _Comparative Degree_, and _Superlative Degree_.

_Comparison_ or _contrast_ of things, the resemblance or opposition how rendered more striking

_Complex prepositions_, how may be formed

_Composite orders_ of verse, what uniformity of construc. they require --_Composite verse_ --description of; why requires rhythm --kinds of, unlimited; which preferable --liable to doubtful scansion

_Composition_, the frequent practice of, necessary, in order to acquire a good style, _Composition_ of language, two kinds of

_Compound_ or _progressive form_ of verb, how made --exemplified in the verb READ, conjugated, what verbs do not admit of; what it implies --verbs of, having a pass. signif.

_Compound word_, defined, _Compounds_, permanent, consolidated; temporary, formed by hyphen --_Comp. words_, not to be needlessly broken --two or more, not to be split --when to be written with hyphen; when without it --_Compounding of words_, unsettled usage respecting; manner of, in Lat. and Gr.; arbitrary practice of, in Eng., its effect --does not necessarily preclude their separate use --propriety of, sometimes difficult to decide --_Compounds_, orthog. of --_Compounding_ the words of a reg. phrase, its impropriety --_Compound adjectives_, see _Adjectives, Compound_.

_Concord_, (see _Agreement_.) --_Concords_ and _governments_, examples of false ones from the grammarians --in Lat., diversely enumerated by the Lat. grammarians

_Concrete _terms for abstract qualities, poet. use of

_Confusion_ of senses, in use of pron., to be avoided

_Conjugation_ of a verb, defined --what some teachers choose to understand by --Conjugating a verb, four ways of, named --_Conjugation_ of an Eng. verb, what the simplest form of --_Conjug._ of verbs, shown in five Examples --(See also _Compound_ or _Progressive_, &c.) --_Conjugat._ negative, how made, interrogative, do.

--interrog. and negative, do.

CONJUNCTIONS, Etymol. of --_Conjunction_, defined --_Conjunctions_, how differ from other connectives --nature and office of; R. F. MOTT quot.

--nature of the connexions made by --how many in common use --how parsed --as "connecting the same moods, &c.," strictures on the doctrine of MURR. _et al._, concerning --_Conjunctions_, classes of, named and defined --(See _Copulative Conjunction, Disjunc. Conj._, and _Corresp.

Conjunc.) --Conjunctions_, List of --appar. used as adverbs --peculiar phrases having the force of --importance of, as copulative or as disjunctive, to be carefully observed --_Conjunctions_, Synt. of --do., in what consists, (MURR. _et al._ teaching erron.) --what connect --declinable words connected by, why in the same case --power and position of those that connect sentences or clauses --absurd and contradictory notions concerning the office of, by LENN., BULL., _et al._ --two or three coming together, how parsed --_Conjunction_, followed by a phrase, and not a whole member --connecting two terms to one --do. two terms the same in kind or quality --_Conjunctions_, to be used with due regard to import and idiom --punct. of --ellips. of, shown --derivation of --are mostly of Anglo-Sax. origin --H. TOOKE'S derivations of, given --poet. usage of _or --or_, and _nor --nor_