The Grammar Of English Grammars - The Grammar of English Grammars Part 268

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 268

possess. ("YOUR _success as an_ INSTRUCTER,") --noun or pron. emphat. repeated ("_Cisterns, broken_ CISTERNS," &c.,) --appar., of a noun to a sentence --of words differing in numb. ("_Go_ YE _every_ MAN,") --of proper nouns with appellatives ("_The river_ THAMES,") --act. verb followed by two words in --whether requires any other agreem. than that of cases --words in, punct. of --of a common with a prop. name, use of capital lett.

_Archaism_, what

_Aristotle_, division of the Greek letters --what neoterics wiser than; how considers the compounding or non-compounding of terms

_Arithmetical_ numbers, relation of the terms in

ARRANGEMENT of words, term defined --_Arrang_. of words, of what importance in synt.; whether it affects the method of parsing words

ARTICLES, Etymol. of --_Article_, defined --_Article_, common noun without; Eng. nouns without, taken indefinitely partitive --words of mere _being_, used without --_Articles_, how often inserted --needless, to be omitted --Classes of, named and defined --Modificat. (_an_ short, to _a_, the only,) --_Articles_, the frequent use of; freq. misapplication of --to be distinguished from adjectives, and from each other --appar. used for adverbs --_Article_, Eng., its demonstrative character --do., compared with the Gr. def. art.; no rule for _agreement of_, appropriate in Eng.

--use of, before names of rivers --_Articles_, Synt. of --to what RELATE --_Article_, with _the poss. and its governing noun_, only _one_, used --one noun admits of one, only; before an adj., relates to a noun understood --why not repeated, as in Fr., before every noun of a series; why the omission of, cannot constitute a proper ellips.

--position of, with respect to its noun; ditto, with respect to an adj.

and noun --relative position of, and adj., not a matter of indifference --excluded by certain pronom. adjectives; what ones precede it; its position in respect to an adj. of quality, limited by _too, so, as_, or _how_ --position of, when an adj. is preceded by another adv. than _too, so, as_, or _how_ --do., when an adj. follows its noun --whether the insertion or the omission of, can greatly affect the import of a sentence --_Article_, repetition of, with nouns connected --do. with adjectives connected, and, oppos.

--added to each of two or more nouns sing., or a plural put ("THE _nominative and_ THE _objective_ CASE," or "THE _nominative and objective_ CASES,") --use of, in special correspondence of phrases --do., in correspondence peculiar --do., in a series of terms --erroneous use of, before the _species_, for THE; do., when the _species_ is said to be of the _genus_ ("A JAY _is a sort of_ A BIRD,") --not used before names of the virtues, vices, &c., before limited terms, and before nouns of definite signif.

--do. before titles or names mentioned merely as such --do. before a part. not taken as a noun --insertion or omission of, with respect to a comparison or an alternation made with two nouns --required in the construc. which converts a part. into a verbal noun --_Articles_, what the false synt. of, includes --Ellips. of _article_, shown --_Articles_, derivation of --frequently omitted by the poets See also _Definite Article_, and _An, A_

_Articulate_ or _elementary sound_, nature of

_Articulation_, as defined by COMST.; do. by BOLLES --_Articulation_, how differs from pronunciation --the principles of, what they constitute --a good one, what, in the view of COMST.; do., in what consists, according to SHERID.; do. importance of; do., how delivers words

_As_, as subject or object of a verb, _its_ CLASS --with a clause or sentence as anteced., do. _As_, as _relative_, WEBST. absurd explanation of; CHAND. do.; BULL. denial --to what construc. limited --peculiarities with respect to position --declined --derivation of, from Teuton., DR. JOH.

--_As follow, as follows_, &c., construction of; MURR., himself perplexed by TOOKE and CAMPB., delivers dubious instructions concerning --Opinion of NIX. and CROMB. concerning. _As_, as a conjunc., uniting words in appos.

--between adj. or part. and its noun ("_Actions_ AS _such_") --with ellips. of latter term of comparison ("_For such_ AS HE") --_As_ and _than_, character and import of --words connected by, generally put in the same case --_As --as; as --so; so_ (preceded by a negative,) --_as; so --as_ (with an infin. following;) correspondents

_Asking_ and _exclaiming_, simple and appropriate _names_ for _the marks of_, desirable

_Aspirates_, see _Semivowels_

_Asterisk_, use of. _Asterism_, do.

_Ate_, particular words ending in, peculiarities of

_Auxiliary_, defined --_Auxiliary_, form of a verb, when preferable to the simp.

--verbs, are mostly defective --do., are needful in the conjug. of English verbs --do., inflection of, shown --_Auxiliaries_ used as expletives --_Auxiliary_, poet. placed after verb

_Averse, aversion_, whether to be construed with _from_ or _to_

_Avoiding_, verbs of, with part. in stead of infin.

_Awkwardness, literary_, Crit. N. censuring

_Ay, I_, assentive adv.

--_Ay_, sometimes improp. written for _ah_


B, its name and plur. number --its sound --in what situations silent

_Bacchy_, described

BE, how varied --CONJUGATED, affirmat.

--Use of the form _be_ for the pres. indic.

--_Be_, ellips. of the infin. often needlessly supposed by ALLEN _et al._ --whether it should be inserted after the verb _make_ --_Is_, contracted, giving its nom. the same form as that of the poss.

case ("_A_ WIT'S _a feather_," &c., POPE)

_Become_, &c., whether they demand the auxiliary _am_ or _have_

_Besides_, prep., in what cases proper to be used after _else_ or _other_, in lieu of _than_

_Between_, cannot refer to more than two things --_Between_ or _betwixt_, how differs in use from _among_ or _amongst_ --_Between, betwixt_, derivation of, from Sax.

_Bible, the Holy_, application of the name --what is shown by Italics in the text of --quotations in, how indicated --abrupt transitions in --its general accuracy of lang.

--in the lang. of, _ye_ and _you_, in what constructions not found

_Bid_, as commanding, or as promising, its construction with the infin.

_Blair, Dr._, unjustly censures Addison's frequent use of _that_, as a relative

_Blank verse_, as distinguished from rhyme

_Blunders_, as readily copied, as originated, by makers of school-books --_literary_, Crit. N. concerning

_Bombast_, as opposed to purity, PREC. against _Books_, mentioned by name, rule for capitals

_Both_, as conjunc., corresponding to _and_ --as adj.

--derivation of, acc. to DR. MURR.

_Brace_, its purpose

_Breve_, or _stenotone_, for what used

_Brevity_ of expression, sought in the ordinary business of life

_Brokenness_, or _hitching_, as a fault of style, PREC. censuring

_But, save, as well as_, construc. of two nouns connected by --_But_, how has acquired the signif. of _only_ --in ambiguous construc. ("_There cannot be_ BUT _one_," &c., KAMES) --as used for _that_, contrary to its import --derivation of, from Sax.

--_But_ and _save_, whether they ever govern the obj. case as prepositions --_Cannot but_, construc. and signif. of --_Not but_, to what equivalent, and the class of _but_


C, name and plur. numb. of --sounds of --where silent --with cedilla placed under (c) --written for a number --_Ch_, sounds of --_Arch_, sound of, before a vowel, and before a conson.

--_Ck_, final, for double _c_

_Cadence_, explained --faulty, precept against, by RIPP.

--MURR. direction concerning

_Cadmus_, carried the Phoenician alphabet into Greece