The Glorious Summoner - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

From morning to afternoon, there was no news from the pursuit team entering the black pine forest. Bored, Xia Pingan waited quietly and closed his eyes in the helicopter.

waited until the evening when the intercom in the helicopter rang again.

"Falcon 3, Falcon 4, we have team members injured, we need to immediately transport the wounded, chase the prey, please answer if you receive it, please answer if you receive it!"

"Falcon 3 received..."

"Falcon 4 received..."

"We fired a red smoke bomb at the anchor point..."


In the blink of an eye, two helicopters soared into the air and flew towards the black pine forest. As soon as the helicopter climbed over a ridge, they already saw a red smoke rising on the ground in the distance.

The two helicopters quickly rushed towards the place where the red smoke rose.

Only a few minutes later, the helicopter came to the place where the red smoke was rising, blowing the red smoke from the smoking canister on the ground.

On a piece of grass in the black pine forest, there were four chasing team members lying on the ground. Some of the team members had their intestines flowing out, and some of the team members had blood and blood on their necks and thighs. They seemed to have experienced a fierce battle with the devil rat.

There are a few other players who have wounds on their bodies, but they can still move.

The bald-headed man and the short-haired beauty were not there, but near the edge of the pine forest, Xia Ping'an saw the corpse of a demon rat that had been charred and cut into several sections.

Everyone quickly carried the injured team members to a Falcon helicopter. The seven team members who had no injuries boarded the helicopter where Xia Ping was located. The two helicopters vacated at the same time, and the helicopter carrying the wounded headed towards Xianghe City. He flew to the direction of the district, and the helicopter Xia Pingan was riding in chased into the valley in the distance.

Xia Pingan closed his eyes again, and only a few seconds later, a "picture" appeared in Xia Pingan's consciousness again.

A magic rat ran fast in the woods, and two drones were chasing in the sky.

A blade missile launched by the drone was blocked by a dense tree trunk. After cutting off a few trees and large branches, it deviated from the direction and slammed heavily behind the Demon Mouse.

There was also a drone shooting in the sky with a machine gun, hitting the dirt on the forest floor and the wood chips on the tree trunks everywhere. The demon rat that was pursued was scarred, but it still had terrible quick freezing and mobility. , And also know how to use big trees and the environment to avoid pursuit.

More importantly, the wound on the demon mouse's body is still recovering automatically while it is running.

Xia Ping An even saw the bleeding wound on the demon mouse quickly stop the bleeding, the wound closed, and several bullets shot into the demon mouse were squeezed out of the demon mouse and fell to the ground.

Behind the demon mouse, two or three hundred meters away, the bald man named Lao Tu was chasing at a speed of 100 meters in the forest with a big knife. The speed of the bald man was so fast that he was not like it. Human beings, there was a big fallen tree on the road ahead. The bald man jumped up more than two meters and turned directly over the trunk.

On the side of the bald man, there is the beauty with short hair. The speed of the beauty with short hair is not slower than that of the bald man, and is more agile. When encountering obstacles in the bushes, the woman is like a gymnastics athlete on a balance beam. Between tumbling and twisting, it flashed easily.

To be honest, Xia Pingan has never seen a woman who can run so fast, and she is still in the forest. Those female athletes who have won Olympic hurdle gold medals are much inferior to short-haired beauties.

The bald man and the woman are like two pliers, covering the magic mouse from the left and right. The magic mouse seems to have nowhere to go.

But at this moment, on the hillside in front of the forest, a dark cave appeared. The magic rat didn't even think about it, so he got into the cave.

The drone whizzed across the sky, and lost the opportunity to continue shooting...

When the bald man and the short-haired beauty came afterwards, there was no trace of the magic rat in the cave. There were many fork holes in the cave. The two of them chased the entrance of the cave and went in for a while, and found that there were too many fork roads in the cave. Can't help but stop suddenly.

"Thirty kilometers away at three o'clock, passing through the valley in front of me..." Xia Pingan said directly to the helicopter pilot, giving directions to the helicopter pilot.

A few minutes later, the helicopter hovered on the ground near the cave. Xia Pingan and other members of the pursuit team got off the helicopter and came to the cave entrance.

As soon as the bald man saw Xia Pingan, he strode over with a solemn expression, "There are too many forks in the cave. Can you sense which road the magic rat escaped from? That magic rat is the mother? Yes, it is not an ordinary magic rat, it has a very strong recovery ability, it may evolve, and it cannot be allowed to escape from the cave!"

The surroundings became quiet, everyone was watching Xia Ping An.

Xia Ping'an originally wanted to say no, but looking at the faces around him, and thinking about the few injured players who were taken away by the helicopter, he finally nodded and decided to take a risk. A magic rat just slipped into the cave. I just need to enter the cave and follow behind to lock its tracks!"

The bald man swept the faces of the team members and gave the order simply, "Xue Cheng, give Xia Pingan your tactical helmet, tactical body armor and weapons, and teach him how to use it, Zhao Yang and Lin Feng. People prepare to climb tools and ropes, and enter the cave with the two of us. The two of us are mainly responsible for protecting Xia Ping An. The others are stationed at the entrance of the cave and arranged remote sensing mines, so that the magic rat cannot escape from the entrance of the cave again!"


Everyone didn't talk nonsense, and immediately got busy. The pursuer named Xue Cheng took off his tactical helmet and tactical body armor directly, put it on for Xia Ping An, and at the same time taught Xia Ping an how to use it.

The tactical helmet is equipped with night vision, communication and body detection functions. It is very convenient to use. It will be safe when you say summer.

As for weapons, the chasers used assault rifles. All high schools in Yan Nation have weapon use courses. Every high school student in Yan Nation will master the basic skills of using rifles, pistols and assault rifles. Xia Ping'an will also do the same. use.

Only two minutes later, Xia Pingan, wearing a helmet, a tactical vest, and an assault rifle, walked into the cave with a few people.

After the five people walked into Shandong, the team members who stayed outside the cave immediately set up remote sensing mines outside the cave.

Less than 50 meters into the cave, the cave was dark, only a faint light came from the entrance of the cave. Xia Ping'an could only use the night vision device on the tactical helmet to see the environment in the cave.

The entire cave is in a faint green light.

Xia Ping'an walked in the second-to-last position of the team and received the best protection.

At the forefront of the team, there is a bald man with a big knife. A beautiful woman with short hair walks in second place. In front of Xia Ping An is the special fighter named Zhao Yang, and behind Xia Ping An is the special fighter named Lin Feng.

Xia Pingan discovered that the bald man and the short-haired beauty in this dark cave can see the environment in the cave without night vision equipment.

"Front, on the left, the second cave..." Xia Ping'an focused on the situation in the cave and said, not long after the magic rat entered the cave, Xia Ping'an's "remote vision" ability has been staring at the magic rat. Remember the road, you can always follow and chase.

"Ahead, turn left..."

"There is a hole in it..."

"There is a gap in the rock wall on the left, you can climb in through the gap..."

"This five-meter-high rock needs ropes to climb down..."

Xia Pingan showed the way all the way in the cave. The road in the cave started well, but when it reached the back, it got deeper and deeper, and the road became more and more difficult to walk. Water and a stream slowly appeared in the cave. Everyone was wading. The water in the stream continued to move forward, and Xia Pingan's clothes were all soaked in a short while.

But fortunately, the demon mouse is huge, it can get into the place, Xia Ping'an and the others can also get into it.

More than forty minutes later, Xia Ping'an suddenly stopped and closed his eyes.

The whole team stopped.

Xia Pingan pointed to a half-person-high pitch-black hole more than 20 meters in front, nodded heavily, and then pointed at three o'clock on the right-hand side of the inside of the hole.

Everyone understands that the magic mouse is in the front hole, and it hides at three o'clock on the right side of the hole.

The bald man made a few gestures to the two special forces who were protecting Xia Ping'an and the short-haired beauty. Lin Feng immediately took Xia Ping'an back, let Xia Ping'an hide behind a big rock and turned around, while Zhao Yang did. I took two flash bombs from my body and walked to the front hole, and raised three fingers...

Two flash bombs were thrown into the right side of the cave at the same time, UU reading www. Everyone outside the cave turned around at the same time.

"Boom..." There was a muffled noise from the cave, and the blazing white light made the whole cave white at this moment.

At the moment when the white light disappeared, the bald man lowered his body and rushed into the cave with a roll, and the short-haired beauty rushed in the second.

Then in the cave, there was an instant roar of a big knife piercing the air and the roar of a bald man, "Bastard, go to death..."

Then came the gunfire, and a group of scarlet fire lights lit up in the cave, illuminating the cave like a cave dwelling on fire.

Then the harsh screams of the magic rat echoed in the cave...

Two minutes later, all the movement in the cave ceased. The bald man with a few blood tanks on his left shoulder came out of the cave casually carrying a broadsword, and the short-haired beauty also walked out of the cave.

"There are still some bats and cave creatures in the caves along the way. Zhao Yang and Lin Feng are guarding here. Don't let other animals enter the caves inside. I will notify everyone to come here for epidemic prevention and purification as soon as possible. "

"Yes!" The two team members immediately stood at the entrance of the cave, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

The bald man looked at Xia Ping'an again, walked over, patted Xia Ping'an on the shoulder, and grinned, revealing a mouth full of steel teeth that made people feel palpable.

Looking at the shiny steel teeth of that mouth, the bald man's smile suddenly resembled a hungry ghost, and it can definitely scare the children into crying, Boy, today's performance is good, a bit courageous, I guess the director will not let people like you I slipped away, it's hard to find with clairvoyance, so I'll mix with me in the future, I'm always covering you..."