The Glorious Summoner - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

At Xia Ping'an's home, Xia Lin looked at the arrow of the prefect's yamen that Xia Ping was playing with in fear. He didn't even have the thought of eating, worrying about whether something happened to Xia Ping'an and causing some trouble.

Xia Lin has never encountered such a thing. Although she had heard of the arrow of the prefect's yamen, it was the first time she had seen it so close.

Xia Ping'an played with the arrow orders of the prefect's yamen with sterling silver in his hands, and he felt a little dazed.

What he did today is just to show his face in front of the big guys in the city. It's basically a performance. The purpose is to let the big guys remember himself. When he performs something later, it will be easier to stand out.

In the eyes of people who don't know, Xia Ping An's good fortune today. In fact, Xia Ping'an has understood a truth in his life. More than 99% of life's good fortune is the result of long-term planning and careful preparation. A fool would believe in such a thing as a pie falling from the sky.

And only those who are prepared can seize the opportunity given by fate.

It's just that Xia Ping'an didn't expect that soon after he returned home, the order of the prefect's yamen had already passed to his home.

The arrow order of the prefect Yamen of Sun Xiaocheng is a very formal official order, representing the will of the government. It will only be issued when major events are encountered. Receiving an arrow order from the prefect's office means that as ordinary people, we must obey The prefectural government arranged that during the war, whether the government wanted to expropriate your property or let you serve in the battlefield to jump into the fire pit, you had to go. If you dare not follow it, you will be punished.

This is the first time for generations of Xia Pingan's family to receive such a formal government order.

If Gao Cangyuan just wants to promote himself, find a good job in the prefect's office or in the city, he will never issue an arrow order, this is not necessary at all, it is too trivial, and Gao Cangyuan is enough.

The prefect's yamen issued an arrow order, which means that this is a very formal official action and order, and there is no trivial matter behind the arrow order.

Xia Ping An, who was playing with the arrow of the prefect's Yamen, was also thinking about it, and doing analysis a little bit like a whistle...

What he showed in front of Gao Cangyuan today was loyalty and zeal instead of ability, so Gao Cangyuan felt that what he could participate in should not have much to do with his current ability and background, at least not to let him participate in the death squad. , What he fancy is his own loyalty.

Behind this prefect's arrow order may be some kind of reward or opportunity. It should be a good thing, and today's arrow order will never be issued against oneself alone. If the benefit is only for oneself, Gao Cangyuan will give a lot of attention. It's enough to convey, there is no need to work so hard to attract people's attention. Gao Cangyuan has been an official for many years, and he will not make decisions as rashly as a stunned young man.

Now that the situation in Rixiao City is so tense, the arrow issued by the prefectural government must be related to the situation in Rixiao City, and this good thing is that I can have the opportunity to participate...

With this arrow, he did not report to the big camp and the prefectural government in the city, but to the Mage Tower. This was a bit strange. The Mage Tower was the site of the Summoner.

Xia Ping An thought about the rumors about training summoners I had heard in the school before, and suddenly my heart moved, could it be...

Xia Ping An's heart beats suddenly, a small heart beating violently, the more you scrutinize, the more you think it makes sense.

Before he knew it, Xia Ping'an had already guessed what was behind the arrow just by rubbing the arrow on his hand.

"Brother, show me, show me..." Xia Ning saw that the arrow in Xia Ping'an's hand gleamed silver and was very delicate. The feather color on the arrow ring was vivid, and the top of the arrow ring also had "Sun Xiao" With the words "Fu Ling", Xia Ning was curious and couldn't help thinking, reaching out to Xia Ping An to grab it.

Xia Ping'an smiled, and handed the Yamen Arrow Order to Xia Ning.

"It's so beautiful, is this silver..." Xia Ning said, couldn't help but look over and over, holding it on his mouth and blowing to listen to the sound.

"Hurry up and give it back to your brother, this arrow order must not be lost, I have to pay it back..."

"Mom, it's just an arrow order from the prefect's yamen. It's okay to play with Ningning..." Xia Ping'an smiled.

"You said so lightly, where is the Yamen's arrow order considered a trivial matter?" Xia Ping'an's mother said, but her hand was not slow, she still snatched the Yamen's arrow order from Xia Ning's hand and gave it back. Xia Pingan, telling Xia Pingan not to lose it, it is not a small crime to lose the Yamen Arrow Order.

After receiving the arrow order, Xia Ping'an temporarily resisted the idea of going out and making a vote. At this time, you can't lose too much.

Xia Ping'an stayed at home to regenerate for a day. At 7 o'clock the next night, he took the arrow orders of the prefect's office and came to the mage tower in the center of the city in vigor.

Just as Xia Ping'an guessed, yesterday's Yamen arrow order was not only issued to himself. He crossed the bridge to the gate of the mage tower, took out the prefect's Yamen arrow order to show his identity, and someone took it directly. Xia Ping'an entered the mage tower.

At night, the mage tower is brightly lit, and the guard is extremely tight. It is no more relaxed than the city wall. Moreover, the personnel stationed in the tower are all the guards of Yun Zhongyue. Those guards don't seem to be messy. , The breath is restrained, and there are almost no weak ones.

There should be two people who can eat with the summoner.

Enter the gate tower of the castle, pass through a small road in the middle of the arrow tower behind the gate tower, and arrive at a martial arts field in the outer fort of the mage tower. The martial arts field is surrounded by some workshops and warehouses in the castle.

Passing through the martial arts field and the second gatehouse in the castle, Xia Pingan was taken to a brightly lit and solemn hall.

In that hall, more than a hundred people have gathered. Most of these people, like Xia Ping'an, are dressed in military uniforms and are soldiers in the city.

The uncle of the guard who brought Xia Ping'an into the castle asked Xia Ping'an to wait in the hall, and then left.

"Xia Pingan..." A voice suddenly rang. When Xia Pingan turned around, he saw a young man about the same age as him, standing not far away, looking at Xia Pingan with a stunned expression, as if he did not expect Xia Pingan. Ping An will also appear here.

"Zhao Qingshan..." The memory in his mind emerged, Xia Ping'an smiled, and said hello to that person.

Zhao Qingshan is one of the best students in Xia Pingan's graduation school. The two are classmates and have known each other a long time ago.

Zhao Qingshan used to show off in the school. Even after joining the army together, he performed well. He has achieved the position of squad leader in just one year, and his military rank is already three ranks higher than Xia Ping'an.

Xia Ping'an, on the other hand, had a mediocre performance in the academy, and he was still only one of the passers-by in the army. Xia Ping's enlisted in the army for a year, and his rank was still an ordinary corporal. Zhao Qingshan was already an extraordinary rank, and Zhao Qingshan would be a real second lieutenant officer. Up.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Qingshan with slender eyes and a little thin mouth came over and looked at Xia Ping'an from head to toe with a critical gaze. He frowned and asked in a low voice. You are the leader of the young generation in the city. Have you gone the wrong way? This is not a place where you can come!"

"I don't know. Yesterday I received a Yamen arrow order at home and asked to come to the Mage Tower to report today. The guard at the door brought me here..." Xia Ping'an said innocently.

"You can also receive the Yamen Arrow Order, it's impossible, do you know what you are doing here..." Zhao Qingshan opened his mouth and looked incredible.

"I also find it strange, I am not familiar with this mage tower, or you can help me ask if this yamen arrow order is sent wrong, if it is wrong, then I will leave. I don't know how to come here. What are you doing..." Xia Ping'an still smiled harmlessly, the expression on his face was just an emojiignorant!

Zhao Qingshan's face changed slightly, and then he took out a tone of instructing his subordinates, "When you are here, stay here obediently, don't run around, this is the mage tower, the place of old Yun, the place in the city, come here. None of the people are simple, almost everyone has a higher rank than you..."

Nima! Mr. Yun, speak like you and Yun Zhongyue know each other!

Xia Pingan did not speak, and let Zhao Qingshan chatter in front of him to show his superiority.

"Qingshan, is this your friend?" Another tall young man in a dark red military uniform walked over. Look at the epaulettes on this young man's body, carrying a shiny bronze star. The young man who walked over is already a second lieutenant. First class officer.

"Senior, this is my classmate..." Zhao Qingshan turned around and said, with a flattering smile on his face.

"I have seen Senior Feilong!" Xia Ping'an also greeted the young man who came by.

The person who walked over was named Wang Feilong, who was also one of the graduates of Xia Pingan and his school, only two levels higher than Xia Pingan and the others, and he was also an elite of the school.

"You are also from the fourth school, know me?" The young man who came by was a little surprised.

"Well, two terms lower than the senior, the last time the senior Feilong competed in the school to win the championship, I applauded below!"

"Xia Pingan has never been in the top 100 in the school ranking before, and he has not performed at all in the military. He is empty on his shoulders in the army for a year. He is still a corporal. I don't know why I will be here today!" Zhao Qingshan laughed beside him. Then came a sentence.

The young man who came over smiled, glanced at Xia Ping'an, didn't ask much, and patted Xia Ping'an on the shoulder, "This is a rare opportunity today. Come on, I'll call me chief in the army in the future!"

"Yes, sir!" Xia Ping'an remained silent.

Wang Feilong didn't pay much attention to Xia Pingan. After reading the book, UU said to Zhao Qingshan, "There are a few acquaintances over there, I will take you to meet..."

Zhao Qingshan glanced at Xia Ping'an, curled the corner of his mouth, showing a proud smile, and then followed Wang Feilong.

Xia Ping'an also smiled, and found an inconspicuous corner to stay, looking at the young talents in Rixiao City in the hall...

In addition to Zhao Qingshan and Wang Feilong, Xia Pingan also saw many faces he could call his name, but those faces did not recognize him.

In the main hall, most of the people in the Sunshine City Defense Regiment were outstanding performers. There are also those who have made meritorious service in the defense battles these days. The most ranks are Shi Long, Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant, and some are dressed. The exquisite officials from the rich family in the city seem to have some origins.

The young people in the hall range from fifteen to twenty years old, and almost none are over twenty-five years old.

Xia Ping'an guessed in his heart, perhaps this is related to the age he has heard about the best age to become a summoner from fifteen to twenty years old. It seems that people younger or older than this age want to become a summoner more difficult.

There are only a few ordinary sergeants like Xia Pingan, and the number is very small. The other sergeants are at least sergeants, and Xia Pingan is almost the one with the lowest rank among all people, and no one pays attention to it. It seems to be in this place. Some dazzling, like an ugly duckling.

Everyone in the hall was a little excited. Xia Ping'an listened quietly for a while, and sure enough, among the children of the Xia family in the hall, the words he heard most were "summoner", "jiezhu", "selection", and "opportunity." "...

The guess in Xia Ping'an's heart was confirmed.

Coming here today, it really has something to do with the selection of the summoner...